We observe the fast, but we can not do without cookies, here comes to the rescue your favorite recipe.

Depending on Easter, Lent falls on different dates each year. In 2024, it has already begun on March 18 and will last until May 5. During these seven weeks, Christians around the world are eating a diet that excludes all animal products. This is meat, cheese, eggs, and even milk. It’s hard to survive two months without a little joy. In this article we will tell you how to prepare Lenten cookies - a proven recipe!

Not only does it consist entirely of permitted products, but it also has a little secret. It is he who provides the liver with such sweetness and attractive color. Gallet, light and airy, cookies also turn out to be very budget-friendly.

There are hundreds of recipes for lean cookies, all can not be counted. As a rule, it is prepared on water with the addition of sugar and vegetable oil. However, we propose to move away from the standard and mix fruit-dough. Orange or tangerine juice is best suited. However, this does not mean that strawberry or apple is worse – try a few variations. With lemonade and lemon peel is even better!

These proportions will be enough for tea in the family circle, about 5 people. Despite the fact that the cookie is absolutely not fatty, it is quite hearty. It is suitable for people who adhere to a non-strict diet.

Ingredients for lean cookies
  • 450g wheat flour
  • 120 ml of vegetable oil (preferably sunflower refined)
  • 120 ml of orange juice
  • 100g sugar sand
  • pinch
  • sugar

  1. Mix the juice with sugar sand and a pinch of salt until they are completely dissolved.
  2. In a bowl of flour pour vegetable oil and orange juice. Carefully knead a dense dough, it should not stick to the hands. If necessary, add a little more oil.
  3. Mix the dough for 10 minutes and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. This time is needed to stabilize the texture.

Take out the dough and roll it into the reservoir, before sprinkling the surface with flour. The thickness of the formation should be less than 5 millimeters, but not up to a centimeter. Cut the cookies in slices or use them cookie-form. Pour a tablet treat with sugar and cinnamon, then send to the oven for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees to a pleasant golden hue.

Ready cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, so even tastier. You can both sprinkle the product with cinnamon and knead it directly into the dough. Such cookies fit well in cheesecakeBecause it crumbles perfectly. And it is also perfect for a gift to close people, just find the right box.

For those who do not observe Lent.Possible option cookies with butter or sour cream. Then it will be even more sandy consistency. The recipe can also be varied with additives such as vanillin and seeds. By the way, it is not necessary to make cookies sweet. If you need diet tilets for breakfast or for a snack, just reduce the amount of sugar to a minimum - one teaspoon.

Lent biscuitsMade with your own hands, does not go in comparison with the store. Especially when it was just taken out of the oven. If you mix the dough on orange juice, you will not only get citrus notes, but also achieve a beautiful color. Save our recipe for your future culinary experiments!


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