October is not terrible, if you have cookies
Chilly autumn weather can be very useful to a unhurried tea. Wrap in a warm blanket, brew sweet tea and freshly baked cookies grab a bowl. And the more sweet pastries, the better.
We are in the Website have collected for you the most delicious recipes for cookies, which are indispensable in the fight against autumnal melancholy.
Cottage cheese cookies h3>
300 g cottage cheese (5-9% fat) 300 g flour 300 g margarine sugar sprinkled on How to prepare:
From softened but not melted margarine, flour and knead the curd homogeneous dough and place for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Roll out to a thickness of about 4 mm and cut circles. Each circle on one side dipped in sugar and sugar folded in half inside. Again, dip one side of the circle into sugar and then folded in half. We get the fourth round in shape. One side of the back cover with sugar and place on a baking tray sugar side up. Bake at 180 ° C until golden brown.
Strasbourg Vanilla biscuits with blueberry jam h3>
300 g flour 100 g sugar 1 package vanilla sugar 225 g softened butter 1 Egg 1 egg yolk 1/2 ch. l. salt jam for filling How to prepare:
Oil room temperature thoroughly with sugar. Add the egg and egg yolk, again carefully bring to a uniform consistency. Pour the sifted flour with the salt. Knead a soft and slightly sticky dough. From pastry bag or press dough cookie otsadit any shape and bake for 7 minutes at 190 ° C. Cool on a wire rack. Then, select the appropriate one another pastry, brush with a small amount of jelly and glue together in pairs. Decorate the top of the middle of a single drop of jam parties. Leave the cookies in a couple of hours to jam a bit dried up, and self-thickens.
Cookies can be left alone, without connecting filling, it is very tender and tasty.
If you are going to stick together, when depositing cookies is desirable to try to make them as similar to quickly and easily collect them in pairs.
Jem can take any or replace the condensed milk, white or dark chocolate ganache, peanut butter, and so on. D.
Cookies "Breton» h3>
2 tbsp. flour 220 g softened butter 1 tbsp. sugar yolks at room temperature 5 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons. l. milk to cover How to prepare:
Frays butter with sugar until white. Gradually add 5 egg yolks and continue beating. Then sift the flour and knead slightly lipkovatoe, but the dough is rolled out. Roll out the dough between two layers of edible film in a layer 5 mm thick. We put on a flat surface and remove for 20 minutes in the freezer
Then we pull out, cut out cookies of any shape and put on a baking sheet with baking paper or silicone mat.
The yolk with 2 tablespoons of milk stir thoroughly until complete homogeneity is not beating. Brush evenly and completely cover the surface of the cut out cookies with the mixture. After that, we put a toothpick or sculpted molds any patterns. Bake 10 minutes at 170 ° C until light browning the surface and out of the corner. On the surface there is a nice pattern. Let cool on a wire rack.
Macaroon GOST h3>
250 g of crude almond 480 g sugar 210 grams of protein (about 7 proteins) 65 g flour 1/2 ch. l. baking powder How to prepare:
Almond grind in a blender along with the skin or take a ready-made almond flour (also from raw almonds). Mix nuts, sugar and 1 cup of this mixture was set aside. To add the rest of the whites and mix well with a spoon. Nothing beating!
Heat the mixture to 45 ° C on the thermometer or until slightly warmer than body temperature, condition, if no thermometer. Sugar should be dissolved. Remove from heat the mixture to cool. To mix the sifted flour with baking powder, and at the end of a glass of deferred mixture of almonds and sugar.
From a pastry bag with a round wide nozzle (or cornet with the cut-off area, or carefully spoon) is deposited disks about 5 cm in diameter. Bake on parchment, oiled and floured, the non-stick silicone mat or sheet. Bake until light golden brown at 170 ° C.
Cookies "Three chocolate» h3>
160 g flour 1/4 ch. l. salt 1, 5 hours. l. baking powder 1/4 Art. Cocoa 100 g butter 1, 5, Art. sugar 3 eggs 1 h. liter. vanilla extract 350 g dark (70% cocoa) chocolate 150 g chocolate drops How to prepare:
Flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa mix. Beat the softened butter with the sugar, then the eggs one at a time to enter and add the vanilla extract. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Enter into the oil mixture melted chocolate, then dry ingredients. Thoroughly knead. At the end pour chocolate drops, or small pieces of chocolate. Standard ice cream spoon to spread the balls of dough on a baking sheet with parchment or a silicone mat. Balls of this format baked 10 minutes at 170 ° C. Cool on a wire rack.
After 10 minutes of cooking, a slightly protracted crust cakes like raw inside - if a little pressure, they look like tenderly mousse ... as it should be. After 10 minutes they grabbed and zastynut. The output is slightly lipkovataya texture.
Danish butter cookies h3>
230 g flour 190 g softened butter 2 bags of vanilla sugar 80 g of powdered sugar 1 protein 1/2 ch. l. salt How to prepare:
Softened butter, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar Beat until smooth cream lush state. Add white and beat again. Pour the sifted flour and salt and knead a soft dough. From pastry bag or press to squeeze out cookie dough and bake at 180 ° C for 10-12 minutes. Once flushed out of the corner, remove from oven and pass on to the bars.
While the cookies are warm, brush them with milk and sprinkle fine sugar or wait for cooling and pripylit powdered sugar.
Cookies "hamentashen» h3>
380 g flour 230 g of very cold butter 2 eggs 2 tbsp. l. yogurt 100 g sugar 1 tbsp. l. orange / lemon peel 1 tbsp. l. baking powder 1/2 ch. l. salt 2 egg yolks + 2 tbsp. l. Milk and cookies for lubrication
1 tbsp. Poppy 1/2 Art. Milk 1/2 Art. Honey 1/4 Art. raisins 1 tbsp. l. orange / lemon juice 1 tbsp. l. peel 1/2 ch. l. cinnamon 1/2 Art. chopped nuts How to prepare:
Sift flour with baking powder and mix with salt, sugar and zest. Cold butter cut into cubes, add to the dry ingredients and chop until fine crumbs. Mix the eggs with the yogurt until smooth, pour the flour to the butter and quickly knead the dough. Gather dough into a ball, put on the table and a little to flatten into a pancake. Fold it in half again to flatten slightly. Thus the dough folded 6 times. This will make the dough easy layering, and it will be even sweeter when baking. Remove foil in refrigerator at least 1 hour.
Mak pour boiling water and leave for 1 hour also. Then wring out the poppy and twice through a meat grinder. Add to the poppy milk, honey and raisins and cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until evaporation of excess fluid and producing a sticky mass. Remove from heat, add the zest, juice and cinnamon. Mix and cool.
Ready to roll out the dough on a well floured surface pripylyaya also from above. Cut circles of 6 cm. In the center of the circles to put on 1/2 hr. Liter. stuffing and glue in three places tight, leaving a hole in the center and form a triangle. Lubricate with a mixture of yolk and milk. Bake at 180 ° C until light browning without drying. Approximately 15 minutes. Cookie cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
via 500px.com/photo/6436821/breakfast-by-evgeny-kuklev
We are in the Website have collected for you the most delicious recipes for cookies, which are indispensable in the fight against autumnal melancholy.
Cottage cheese cookies h3>
300 g cottage cheese (5-9% fat) 300 g flour 300 g margarine sugar sprinkled on How to prepare: From softened but not melted margarine, flour and knead the curd homogeneous dough and place for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Roll out to a thickness of about 4 mm and cut circles. Each circle on one side dipped in sugar and sugar folded in half inside. Again, dip one side of the circle into sugar and then folded in half. We get the fourth round in shape. One side of the back cover with sugar and place on a baking tray sugar side up. Bake at 180 ° C until golden brown.
Strasbourg Vanilla biscuits with blueberry jam h3>
300 g flour 100 g sugar 1 package vanilla sugar 225 g softened butter 1 Egg 1 egg yolk 1/2 ch. l. salt jam for filling How to prepare: Oil room temperature thoroughly with sugar. Add the egg and egg yolk, again carefully bring to a uniform consistency. Pour the sifted flour with the salt. Knead a soft and slightly sticky dough. From pastry bag or press dough cookie otsadit any shape and bake for 7 minutes at 190 ° C. Cool on a wire rack. Then, select the appropriate one another pastry, brush with a small amount of jelly and glue together in pairs. Decorate the top of the middle of a single drop of jam parties. Leave the cookies in a couple of hours to jam a bit dried up, and self-thickens.
Cookies can be left alone, without connecting filling, it is very tender and tasty.
If you are going to stick together, when depositing cookies is desirable to try to make them as similar to quickly and easily collect them in pairs.
Jem can take any or replace the condensed milk, white or dark chocolate ganache, peanut butter, and so on. D.
Cookies "Breton» h3>
2 tbsp. flour 220 g softened butter 1 tbsp. sugar yolks at room temperature 5 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons. l. milk to cover How to prepare: Frays butter with sugar until white. Gradually add 5 egg yolks and continue beating. Then sift the flour and knead slightly lipkovatoe, but the dough is rolled out. Roll out the dough between two layers of edible film in a layer 5 mm thick. We put on a flat surface and remove for 20 minutes in the freezer
Then we pull out, cut out cookies of any shape and put on a baking sheet with baking paper or silicone mat.
The yolk with 2 tablespoons of milk stir thoroughly until complete homogeneity is not beating. Brush evenly and completely cover the surface of the cut out cookies with the mixture. After that, we put a toothpick or sculpted molds any patterns. Bake 10 minutes at 170 ° C until light browning the surface and out of the corner. On the surface there is a nice pattern. Let cool on a wire rack.
Macaroon GOST h3>
Ingredients (about 30 cookies):
250 g of crude almond 480 g sugar 210 grams of protein (about 7 proteins) 65 g flour 1/2 ch. l. baking powder How to prepare: Almond grind in a blender along with the skin or take a ready-made almond flour (also from raw almonds). Mix nuts, sugar and 1 cup of this mixture was set aside. To add the rest of the whites and mix well with a spoon. Nothing beating!
Heat the mixture to 45 ° C on the thermometer or until slightly warmer than body temperature, condition, if no thermometer. Sugar should be dissolved. Remove from heat the mixture to cool. To mix the sifted flour with baking powder, and at the end of a glass of deferred mixture of almonds and sugar.
From a pastry bag with a round wide nozzle (or cornet with the cut-off area, or carefully spoon) is deposited disks about 5 cm in diameter. Bake on parchment, oiled and floured, the non-stick silicone mat or sheet. Bake until light golden brown at 170 ° C.
Cookies "Three chocolate» h3>
160 g flour 1/4 ch. l. salt 1, 5 hours. l. baking powder 1/4 Art. Cocoa 100 g butter 1, 5, Art. sugar 3 eggs 1 h. liter. vanilla extract 350 g dark (70% cocoa) chocolate 150 g chocolate drops How to prepare: Flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa mix. Beat the softened butter with the sugar, then the eggs one at a time to enter and add the vanilla extract. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Enter into the oil mixture melted chocolate, then dry ingredients. Thoroughly knead. At the end pour chocolate drops, or small pieces of chocolate. Standard ice cream spoon to spread the balls of dough on a baking sheet with parchment or a silicone mat. Balls of this format baked 10 minutes at 170 ° C. Cool on a wire rack.
After 10 minutes of cooking, a slightly protracted crust cakes like raw inside - if a little pressure, they look like tenderly mousse ... as it should be. After 10 minutes they grabbed and zastynut. The output is slightly lipkovataya texture.
Danish butter cookies h3>
230 g flour 190 g softened butter 2 bags of vanilla sugar 80 g of powdered sugar 1 protein 1/2 ch. l. salt How to prepare: Softened butter, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar Beat until smooth cream lush state. Add white and beat again. Pour the sifted flour and salt and knead a soft dough. From pastry bag or press to squeeze out cookie dough and bake at 180 ° C for 10-12 minutes. Once flushed out of the corner, remove from oven and pass on to the bars.
While the cookies are warm, brush them with milk and sprinkle fine sugar or wait for cooling and pripylit powdered sugar.
Cookies "hamentashen» h3>
380 g flour 230 g of very cold butter 2 eggs 2 tbsp. l. yogurt 100 g sugar 1 tbsp. l. orange / lemon peel 1 tbsp. l. baking powder 1/2 ch. l. salt 2 egg yolks + 2 tbsp. l. Milk and cookies for lubrication
1 tbsp. Poppy 1/2 Art. Milk 1/2 Art. Honey 1/4 Art. raisins 1 tbsp. l. orange / lemon juice 1 tbsp. l. peel 1/2 ch. l. cinnamon 1/2 Art. chopped nuts How to prepare:
Sift flour with baking powder and mix with salt, sugar and zest. Cold butter cut into cubes, add to the dry ingredients and chop until fine crumbs. Mix the eggs with the yogurt until smooth, pour the flour to the butter and quickly knead the dough. Gather dough into a ball, put on the table and a little to flatten into a pancake. Fold it in half again to flatten slightly. Thus the dough folded 6 times. This will make the dough easy layering, and it will be even sweeter when baking. Remove foil in refrigerator at least 1 hour.
Mak pour boiling water and leave for 1 hour also. Then wring out the poppy and twice through a meat grinder. Add to the poppy milk, honey and raisins and cook over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until evaporation of excess fluid and producing a sticky mass. Remove from heat, add the zest, juice and cinnamon. Mix and cool.
Ready to roll out the dough on a well floured surface pripylyaya also from above. Cut circles of 6 cm. In the center of the circles to put on 1/2 hr. Liter. stuffing and glue in three places tight, leaving a hole in the center and form a triangle. Lubricate with a mixture of yolk and milk. Bake at 180 ° C until light browning without drying. Approximately 15 minutes. Cookie cool slightly and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
via 500px.com/photo/6436821/breakfast-by-evgeny-kuklev