New forecast of numerologist Gritsai about the future of Ukraine
The agenda is fresh Numerological forecast from Vladislav Gritsai. The expert told how the war in Ukraine will develop in the near future and when you can wait for its end. Very interesting predictions also concern the situation in Russia. We explain everything in detail further in the article.
There are rumors that in the ruling elite of the Russian Federation, numerology is treated with great respect. Vladislav Gritsai explains it simply. Various symbols help to strengthen power in Russia. So, for example, a whole temple of the Russian Armed Forces was built there. You knew that, didn't you?
According to Gritsai, mystical symbolism becomes a bridge between the president and the people. And numerology becomes only an auxiliary tool for this. The same applies to shamans, to whom people close to the Russian authorities often turn.
But astrologers, by the way, do not always take a pro-Russian position. Tatiana Kalinina adheres to neutrality and cuts the truth about what awaits Russia next year. Little spoiler: it's very bad. And what exactly will happen, read in the article at the link.
On October 10, 2022, Russia launched a massive rocket attack aimed at destroying critical infrastructure. Numerologist believes that October was chosen by the enemy for a reason.
In terms of cyclicality, the 8th month of the war promised to be a period of severe external destruction. It was necessary in order to sow panic among Ukrainians. But the rear did not fail, since it will not be possible to intimidate the Ukrainian people with missiles.
When Russia began shelling critical infrastructure of Ukraine, it became clear that the Russians no longer hope for their own victory on the battlefield. Their goal is to undermine and destroy the Ukrainian economy in the future. But Vladislav Gritsai does not believe that this is possible.
There is an opinion that the elections to the US Congress will change the course of events of the war. America will begin to help Ukraine less. Numerologist is sure that this will not happen, because otherwise the authorities risk losing their ratings. We must not forget that the opinion of the people is very important in the West.
Rumor has it that on November 22, 2022, something may happen that will change the course of the war in Ukraine. Numerologist asks not to be attached to this date. However, he believes that after the G20 summit, which will be held on November 15-16 in Bali, the situation may actually change.
“Perhaps some kind of negotiation process will begin, which will lead to the freezing of the conflict,” says Vladislav Gritsai. But it is unlikely to have a good effect on the course of the war. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have the opportunity to return the occupied territories and resume the borders of 1991.
There will be serious problems in Russia. Numerologist believes that in December, the first republics will begin to separate from the Russian Federation, if not officially, then at least at the level of decision of the people. This was largely influenced by the announcement of partial mobilization in the country. You can say that the Russian president wrote his own sentence.
There are also disagreements among people close to the Russian president, and there is no need at all. These are obvious things. Vladislav Gritsai is sure that there are also people in the FSB who constantly convey classified information to those who do not need to know it.
If we sum up everything that Vladislai Gritsai predicts, we can conclude that the most difficult thing in the war is over. The collapse of Russia is imminent, and it may begin this year. I wonder if the numerological forecast of the specialist will come true? Write in the comments what you think about this. I'll see you downstairs!

There are rumors that in the ruling elite of the Russian Federation, numerology is treated with great respect. Vladislav Gritsai explains it simply. Various symbols help to strengthen power in Russia. So, for example, a whole temple of the Russian Armed Forces was built there. You knew that, didn't you?
According to Gritsai, mystical symbolism becomes a bridge between the president and the people. And numerology becomes only an auxiliary tool for this. The same applies to shamans, to whom people close to the Russian authorities often turn.

But astrologers, by the way, do not always take a pro-Russian position. Tatiana Kalinina adheres to neutrality and cuts the truth about what awaits Russia next year. Little spoiler: it's very bad. And what exactly will happen, read in the article at the link.
On October 10, 2022, Russia launched a massive rocket attack aimed at destroying critical infrastructure. Numerologist believes that October was chosen by the enemy for a reason.

In terms of cyclicality, the 8th month of the war promised to be a period of severe external destruction. It was necessary in order to sow panic among Ukrainians. But the rear did not fail, since it will not be possible to intimidate the Ukrainian people with missiles.
When Russia began shelling critical infrastructure of Ukraine, it became clear that the Russians no longer hope for their own victory on the battlefield. Their goal is to undermine and destroy the Ukrainian economy in the future. But Vladislav Gritsai does not believe that this is possible.
There is an opinion that the elections to the US Congress will change the course of events of the war. America will begin to help Ukraine less. Numerologist is sure that this will not happen, because otherwise the authorities risk losing their ratings. We must not forget that the opinion of the people is very important in the West.

Rumor has it that on November 22, 2022, something may happen that will change the course of the war in Ukraine. Numerologist asks not to be attached to this date. However, he believes that after the G20 summit, which will be held on November 15-16 in Bali, the situation may actually change.
“Perhaps some kind of negotiation process will begin, which will lead to the freezing of the conflict,” says Vladislav Gritsai. But it is unlikely to have a good effect on the course of the war. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have the opportunity to return the occupied territories and resume the borders of 1991.

There will be serious problems in Russia. Numerologist believes that in December, the first republics will begin to separate from the Russian Federation, if not officially, then at least at the level of decision of the people. This was largely influenced by the announcement of partial mobilization in the country. You can say that the Russian president wrote his own sentence.
There are also disagreements among people close to the Russian president, and there is no need at all. These are obvious things. Vladislav Gritsai is sure that there are also people in the FSB who constantly convey classified information to those who do not need to know it.

If we sum up everything that Vladislai Gritsai predicts, we can conclude that the most difficult thing in the war is over. The collapse of Russia is imminent, and it may begin this year. I wonder if the numerological forecast of the specialist will come true? Write in the comments what you think about this. I'll see you downstairs!
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