Why the right attitude is important in any business

Everyone has situations in life when everything seems to go awry and the ground goes out from under their feet. Problems, pending And bad thoughts are dragging us down, and it's getting harder for us to enjoy the new day. And sometimes there is no desire to wake up in the morning.

If you stay in this state for too long, you can even bring yourself to depression. At such times, we need a hint, a sign from above, a small indication, the help of higher forces to understand where I am, what is happening to me and what is happening to me. farther.

Those who are looking for such a sign or just want to lift the veil of what will happen in the near future, the editorial board "Site" It offers a simple but truthful divination. Each card has its own philosophical and esoteric meaning!

All you have to do is choose one of eight cards. Just look at the picture and make a choice. Trust your intuition! Now look what fate has in store for you for the next 30 days.

Life expectancy
  1. The first card is the lasso "Shoot" (Fool, Fool). This card symbolizes a person who is at the beginning of the spiritual path. This map reflects the choice of direction on which the whole future life will depend. Most often, the card "Jute" indicates the transition to a radically new period in life. This is a turning point, after which nothing will happen as before. You will have to start thinking differently, acting differently, changing most habits and attitudes.

  2. If you chose the High Priestess card, then very soon information will appear in your life, thanks to which you will be able to look at your life with different eyes. This card shows calmness when a person goes into himself. When you want to be in a calm atmosphere, but not to deal with your business, but just to be quiet for a while. Of course, the solution will come by itself, but later.

  3. The world map draws a line over the disharmony in your life. It says that soon you will feel calm and reach a state of peace and happiness. The message of this card is: “I am an independent person, happy and free from everything.” With the World card, a person will feel complete victory even in the most difficult and risky situations. All problems will be solvable, good people will be drawn, and bad people will somehow disappear, health will be restored.

  4. Usually, this card falls to introverts who are not inclined to succumb to the influence of external circumstances, who feel more comfortable in a state of isolation. The Hermit card symbolizes the unity of the earthly and heavenly, the search for a life path and purpose. In many cases, it can hint at the success of such searches, the fact that a person will find a teacher and mentor along the way. Also, the card can be a sign that indicates the need to understand yourself and leave small troubles, worries, empty entertainment in the past. The hermit says, “Take a break, get rid of the burden of past problems and start a new life!”

  5. “Devil” is a symbol of the shadow side of the personality, the personification of vices, addictions, everything dark that is in a person. The message of this card is: “I accept and know the dark sides of my personality.” This card warns you not to indulge your weaknesses and follow their lead. Even carnal strength can be called indulging in one’s weaknesses. A person under the influence of this card will obey someone or depend on someone.

  6. The Lovers card indicates the appearance of a second half in your life. Also, the choice of this card indicates great emotional freedom or neglect of life. The Lovers card is past and future, old and new, whims and duty. There may be an internal conflict between your mind and your heart. It will be difficult to make a choice, but the consequences of later life will depend on this choice. The decision you make may relate to professional activities, travel, education, household chores and ideas.

  7. The map “Moon” suggests that the person who chose it may suffer from self-doubt, complexes or internal problems. The message of the card is: “I study my spiritual world so as not to repeat past mistakes.” Learn to overcome your fears. If a person can get rid of his fears, he can make a significant leap forward.

  8. The Chariot card indicates your desire to learn everything new, to resolve contradictions. Thanks to the layout of this card, a person can make large-scale actions, both in professional activity and on the personal front. Everything you want will come true soon, and the enemies will retreat. There are no obstacles to your success. And even if recently there were difficulties, then with the Chariot card you need to get rid of past problems and take the first step to your success.

The Chinese believe that the place of man in the universe can be determined by the time of his birth. I invite you to find out what fate is destined for you by the progenitor of all Chinese, the Yellow Emperor, who is the symbolic personification of the universe. All we need is the exact time of your birth, and if you forgot, call your mom!

“In every business, attitude is important. And if it's the right one, then nothing will get you out of your way! says my friend, and I totally agree with her. This system helped my friend understand a complex and complicated life situation.

You don't have to be that kind of person. fortune-tellingTake for yourself only the most necessary and positive and boldly go to meet the changes. It's gonna be great!

Which card did you choose? Share with us in the comments and do not forget to tell your friends about this article on social networks.


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