How to communicate men and women?

The average volume of communication for women in more than one and a half times the volume of communication of men.
The need for communication for many women is so great that if during the working day a woman can not "talk", it negatively affects their mood, productivity and quality of labor.
The different needs of men and women in dialogue is a source of many conflicts in the family.
In most cases, the husband during the working day fully satisfies your need for communication.
But his wife is not always a need for it is much more. Therefore, she hopes to make up for lack of communication at home.
But it was not there. My husband is silent on the question - burknet something in return. Tell him - do not listen, and then goes to the TV.
His wife, of course - in insult: "You are with me and do not want to talk, and attention to me you do not pay," etc. etc.
And it is simply ignorance of the psychology of each other. Hence, husbands and wives wish: to go to meet each other on the question of "normal" communication.
For women, the process of communication is important for men - the result.
Men communicate better when they know the purpose of the conversation. Home "Let's Talk" conversation for friends, but not to talk to the man.
To speak with a man does not need hints and chat about what you want.
Where a man prefers to make and buy, a woman tends to fascinate and to win over the interlocutor.
Men are more like to talk about their successes, and women - about their failures.
Men prefer to meditate silently expresses only the final result.
The woman thinks out loud what is perceived as the man talk.
A woman less than a man, interrupting the interlocutor, it is better to see the interlocutor and understand his feelings.
After smashing the woman back then by the time the conversation, which was then discussed.
A man interrupting a woman in 2 times more often than the one it.
Woman listening carefully for much longer than a man.
A man in a woman listening attentively average only 10-15 seconds and then inclined to answer, without specifying information.
When talking more women than men are smiling and looking into his eyes. Men talking, often look to the side.
Stutter women are very, very rare.
From the comparison of the results obtained in the evaluation of the expression of male and female individuals, it follows that most of the facial expressions of emotions (fear, disgust, joy, anger, surprise) more accurately detected in women.
For example, surprise - 96%, fear - 85% of women. Only the mountain is better recognized in the faces of men (58% versus 50% for women).
A woman can always fool a man. But only a few men manage to deceive the woman. Those who arrogantly thinks otherwise can not delude ourselves: the fact that she is not caught in a lie, it does not follow that it was possible to carry out: she just does not want to corner the man for fear of breaking it.
The reason for the high sensitivity to the woman hides subtext - in innate ability to detect and decipher the (so-called) non-verbal cues: posture, gestures, body movements, committed at the time of the speech. They are made subconsciously and give the state of the speaker.
Due to the above, women in the negotiations more successful than men.
It is customary to say compliments to women, because they are in dire need of it ("Women love the ears"). But men react to the compliments addressed to them no less favorably than women, only symptoms they mean. Not spoiled by complimenting people (men and women) graciously accept and flattery, although women are generally more picky about the quality of a compliment.
Connoisseurs of women argue that such trite assertion men in a dispute with a woman, as a "you - my most precious treasure", is the most compelling argument, soothing woman.
Men's brief speech more than women because the man is more categorical in his judgments. In the women's speech a lot of uncertainty, it both invisibly present and "yes" or "no" and "maybe." And it takes more time for the presentation.
The uncertainty created by the conditional mood, which she uses 2 times more than a man. At 5 times greater its restrictive expressions (such as "if necessary»).
Women are 3 times more likely to ask questions and say, "is not it?" "Yes?" "No?" "Really?". And apologize much more often than men.
Women attach great importance to the tone of conversation, responding to painful tightening tone. Men categorical tone, if appropriate, accept, as a rule, without any negative emotions.

RULES with men:
1. When talking with a man, try first to tell about the most important and only then talk about the details, which can attract his attention. Women usually like to start with the small details of the story, slowly pumping power, and only "under the veil of" utter shock cue for that tell the whole story. Often, by this time a man has lost interest in the conversation, she stops to listen.
A typical example: a woman waits impatiently for her husband to tell him how she was able to fix the plumbing itself. It starts with the words: "I brought the towels to the bathroom and suddenly noticed that the water in the toilet is leaking. I tugged on the handle, as you told me, but it did not help. " The husband at this point has or gets up to call a plumber, or climb into a box with locksmith tools. The wife shouts after him: "I do not have time you finish saying, I repaired myself!»
2. Try to understand and accept the fact that men are much more likely than women tend to stop talking. Perhaps your friend, loudly interrupting you in the middle of a sentence, does not want to offend you. Therefore, instead of silently swallow an insult, try to neutralize the time of comments like & quot; ... I said that ... & quot; or "I'm sorry, but I'm not finished." Men in such cases usually insist on their just such phrases, but women rarely dare to like, and usually silently offended.
In addition, a woman's voice usually sounds quieter than men, and therefore they have to strain your voice to be heard. Still to prove his innocence quietly (but hard!), And you will gain a greater respect for the partner.
3. Do not say, "I feel," say "I think" - this will give your words more weight and help avoid accusations of irrationality. The statement "I think you're too short-tempered" sounds like a cold-blooded surveillance, and the words "I feel that you are not sufficiently restrained" will be perceived as plaintive whining.
4. Accept the fact that men use more nouns and verbs, and women - adjectives and adverbs.
If a man says that it is "cute", consider it the highest compliment and do not try to pull him out of superlatives.
Of course, the linguistic differences between men and women may be equally infuriate both men and women, but if you learn how to decipher the language of men and women and to understand what really lies behind this or that statement, it will significantly contribute to mutual understanding.
A typical story: his wife spent a lot of time and this, to cook for dinner my husband something tasty. While he was eating with relish cooked dish, she waited admiring compliments.
Already feeding dessert, unable to stand, said:
- Well, how?
- Bad, - said the husband.
- It is true that good? What you most like?
- I told you that all enjoyed. His wife wanted to cry: What insensitivity! What ingratitude! He pulled out a good word.
And it all is that men are very stingy on the words, and few people are generous with compliments.
5. Do not talk loudly and finishes the sentence, lowering, not raising his voice, especially when it comes to some important and exciting your subject. Whatever you worried at this point, try not to forget that the increase in votes by the end of offers almost turns it into a question, and lowering the tone gives your confidence and credibility.
The constant question mark can impress questioning.
6. Never advance or defensive. Avoid even a formal apology for what has not to do with you, for which you do not answer. Comments such as "I'm sorry that you did not give back a raise," automatically makes him a victim, and you therefore criminal. The words "It's just a shame for them that they did not give you a boost, but I'm sure that the next time you are bound to get it '- do you have allies, show that you can take the place of the accuser, and not just sympathize.
7. Agree with the need to disagree. Many women regard a difference of opinion as a rift.
Men tend to be impressed by the ability to compete, to show his innocence, bring convincing arguments; Women are traditionally assigned to the peacekeeping role. The next time you and your partner do not go in opinions, use this distinction in order to learn more about each other. Perhaps both of you can find out a lot of interesting things, and eventually you will be able to benefit from it a lot of useful information.
8. Men hate to debate with women late at night. The fact that 1) the emotional issues of a man feels his vulnerable position, and try to strike up a conversation, when he is tired, is perceived as unfair play; 2) men are afraid that the debate drags on and it hurt him to speak.

Rules dealing with women:
1. For women, it is very important to talk to. So try to listen to the interlocutor, if possible without interruption.
2. Try to understand it, given that women often did not begin with the main, it may be between the lines or at the end of her speech.
3. Try to avoid any manifestation of disrespect to the woman. Women are sensitive to such "trifles" as the fact that it does not say hello, have not offered to sit down.
4. Roughness in the presence of women does not even reference to it (eg, profanity, mat) traumatize her.
5. The same applies disrespectful review about women in general, or a hint of disdainful attitude towards them.
6. It is undesirable to admire a particular woman in the presence of another (or others).