15 signs that you are with your man
How should the right man to behave in a relationship?
When it comes to dating and relationships, I often ask myself how some people behave with others. I ask myself, why do not they leave, if they believe they are not getting what they deserve and I hope that they really appreciate their partners, if they get what they deserve.
I think that most of the problem lies in the fact that many people even have no idea what it means or how healthy relationships themselves must lead the "right man" ("right woman") in relation to his partner.
To clarify the situation, I made the list, which consists of 15 items that should behave like the right man in the relationship.
1. The right man will never let you forget how much he loves you
I can not even tell you how many conversations I had with people who believe that their relationship is no attachment. The men in the lives of these women never made them feel loved, desired and invaluable. This is the most important part of the puzzle - the right man will always remind you how much you meant to him.
If someone really loves you, you will know this and feel. If not, then every time you're wondering: "Loves - does not love."
2. The right man will always support you
Regardless of whether you want to return to teaching after 20 years to finish a magistracy, to start singing professionally or just stay home and deal with the family, the right man will always support you and your life's aspirations. He never would discourage you or make you feel like you can not cope with the fact that charted. He will be there for you, with you to overcome every step of the way, enjoy your achievements and console during failures.
3. The right man will always inspire you
To inspire someone to want to make an effort and to how you live your life and how you positively affect the lives of others. The energy and ambition of the man and the impact on you, as he relentlessly follow their passions.
4. The right man will make every effort to gain your trust
The right man wants you to feel comfortable and confident in your relationship. Trusting someone - this is the basis of the relationship, and this man will understand it. Without trust there is no love, no respect. He realizes that the trust must not only win, but also to maintain.
5. The right man will always remind you that you are beautiful
He understands what makes you feel beautiful, is not only to tell you about it. That it would mean that he really makes you feel beautiful. This is reflected in the way he looks at you, touching you as you care about. He will notice changes in your appearance, for which you have put so much effort and remind of how attractive you are, even when you do not change.
The right man is aware that it does not matter whether you are in sports pants on the couch or in the evening dress at the concert, when you love someone for who he or she really is, everything that is connected with them becomes beautiful.
6. The right man will make you feel safe
I have always maintained that the best compliment that a woman can say to the man, it is to admit that with him she feels safe. No matter how attractive she was and how fun it is you believe, or how much money you have, if the woman can not sleep at night next to you, nothing else matters.
7. Right man doing little things
You mentioned the art exhibition, which will take place in your city, and he decided to drive you to visit it? No matter how small things can seem certain things, the right man will understand that these are small things and everything is.
8. The right man never goes too far
It is clear that the relationship will be disagreements, and sometimes quarrel, but there's no reason to hurt each other, and even more insulting. The right man will stay calm and focus on the problem.
9. The right man continues to evolve
Whether you're learning something completely new, the development of new skills, reading a new book or documentary film, the right man who is proud to be constantly evolving, always be able to intelligently and keep you in good shape. It will do all this for yourself, but it will reflect positively on your relationship.
10. The right man understands that actions speak louder than words
When in your life will be your man, you realize that the people who throw words to the wind, do not constrain their promises - do not deserve your respect. People who keep promises - deserve respect, and this man is one of them.
11. The right man will be opened for you
For someone to express their emotions, to recognize fears and talk about the most intimate desires can be tough, but if you close the right person, then open the door a lot easier. The right man will not hide from you something or to keep their feelings, knowing that it will cause frustration and tension. But, nevertheless, each must be something personal.
12. The right man will always be honest with you
Integrity is the foundation of happy, healthy relationship. And the right man knows it.
13. The right man will make sure that you do not want to lie to
Comfort in a relationship begins with the ability to be open and honest with your partner - and this ability in turn begins with an understanding that you are never convicted. The right man will help you to open up and share their feelings with him. In these respects there is no fear that he will charge you in the pen or will go and that further, if you something to tell him.
This means that next to it you will be the most authentic version of yourself.
14. The right man will never show you cruelty
Perhaps most important of all items. Whether it's mentally, emotionally or physically, the right man never even think to hurt you. If, however, something happens to you, please have the strength and self-respect talk about it with someone else, or withdraw immediately from such a man. A good man will never allow himself to cruelty to others.
15. The right man will always be with you
When a man dedicates his time and love someone, there are no excuses any circumstances. There are both good times and not so. There will be problems and unexpected situations. But this man will always be there and will be your mainstay.
* Of course, it was necessary to make some kind of footnote. This does not mean that you can neglect your partner lie or fool him. This does not mean that you can betray his trust and expect that it will stay there. It's about what you all went through together, and save the integrity even in difficult times.
Any man can be next to you in the sun. But the real test of loyalty in your life will be the days of the storm.
Remember that if the person with whom you are together, trying to be better for you, please let him know how much you appreciate. No matter how good someone is not feeling more empty than when you give your heart to the person who takes it for granted.

When it comes to dating and relationships, I often ask myself how some people behave with others. I ask myself, why do not they leave, if they believe they are not getting what they deserve and I hope that they really appreciate their partners, if they get what they deserve.
I think that most of the problem lies in the fact that many people even have no idea what it means or how healthy relationships themselves must lead the "right man" ("right woman") in relation to his partner.
To clarify the situation, I made the list, which consists of 15 items that should behave like the right man in the relationship.
1. The right man will never let you forget how much he loves you
I can not even tell you how many conversations I had with people who believe that their relationship is no attachment. The men in the lives of these women never made them feel loved, desired and invaluable. This is the most important part of the puzzle - the right man will always remind you how much you meant to him.
If someone really loves you, you will know this and feel. If not, then every time you're wondering: "Loves - does not love."
2. The right man will always support you
Regardless of whether you want to return to teaching after 20 years to finish a magistracy, to start singing professionally or just stay home and deal with the family, the right man will always support you and your life's aspirations. He never would discourage you or make you feel like you can not cope with the fact that charted. He will be there for you, with you to overcome every step of the way, enjoy your achievements and console during failures.
3. The right man will always inspire you
To inspire someone to want to make an effort and to how you live your life and how you positively affect the lives of others. The energy and ambition of the man and the impact on you, as he relentlessly follow their passions.
4. The right man will make every effort to gain your trust
The right man wants you to feel comfortable and confident in your relationship. Trusting someone - this is the basis of the relationship, and this man will understand it. Without trust there is no love, no respect. He realizes that the trust must not only win, but also to maintain.
5. The right man will always remind you that you are beautiful
He understands what makes you feel beautiful, is not only to tell you about it. That it would mean that he really makes you feel beautiful. This is reflected in the way he looks at you, touching you as you care about. He will notice changes in your appearance, for which you have put so much effort and remind of how attractive you are, even when you do not change.
The right man is aware that it does not matter whether you are in sports pants on the couch or in the evening dress at the concert, when you love someone for who he or she really is, everything that is connected with them becomes beautiful.
6. The right man will make you feel safe
I have always maintained that the best compliment that a woman can say to the man, it is to admit that with him she feels safe. No matter how attractive she was and how fun it is you believe, or how much money you have, if the woman can not sleep at night next to you, nothing else matters.
7. Right man doing little things
You mentioned the art exhibition, which will take place in your city, and he decided to drive you to visit it? No matter how small things can seem certain things, the right man will understand that these are small things and everything is.
8. The right man never goes too far
It is clear that the relationship will be disagreements, and sometimes quarrel, but there's no reason to hurt each other, and even more insulting. The right man will stay calm and focus on the problem.
9. The right man continues to evolve
Whether you're learning something completely new, the development of new skills, reading a new book or documentary film, the right man who is proud to be constantly evolving, always be able to intelligently and keep you in good shape. It will do all this for yourself, but it will reflect positively on your relationship.
10. The right man understands that actions speak louder than words
When in your life will be your man, you realize that the people who throw words to the wind, do not constrain their promises - do not deserve your respect. People who keep promises - deserve respect, and this man is one of them.
11. The right man will be opened for you
For someone to express their emotions, to recognize fears and talk about the most intimate desires can be tough, but if you close the right person, then open the door a lot easier. The right man will not hide from you something or to keep their feelings, knowing that it will cause frustration and tension. But, nevertheless, each must be something personal.
12. The right man will always be honest with you
Integrity is the foundation of happy, healthy relationship. And the right man knows it.
13. The right man will make sure that you do not want to lie to
Comfort in a relationship begins with the ability to be open and honest with your partner - and this ability in turn begins with an understanding that you are never convicted. The right man will help you to open up and share their feelings with him. In these respects there is no fear that he will charge you in the pen or will go and that further, if you something to tell him.
This means that next to it you will be the most authentic version of yourself.
14. The right man will never show you cruelty
Perhaps most important of all items. Whether it's mentally, emotionally or physically, the right man never even think to hurt you. If, however, something happens to you, please have the strength and self-respect talk about it with someone else, or withdraw immediately from such a man. A good man will never allow himself to cruelty to others.
15. The right man will always be with you
When a man dedicates his time and love someone, there are no excuses any circumstances. There are both good times and not so. There will be problems and unexpected situations. But this man will always be there and will be your mainstay.
* Of course, it was necessary to make some kind of footnote. This does not mean that you can neglect your partner lie or fool him. This does not mean that you can betray his trust and expect that it will stay there. It's about what you all went through together, and save the integrity even in difficult times.
Any man can be next to you in the sun. But the real test of loyalty in your life will be the days of the storm.
Remember that if the person with whom you are together, trying to be better for you, please let him know how much you appreciate. No matter how good someone is not feeling more empty than when you give your heart to the person who takes it for granted.