40 cards that will help you better understand the world
Really interesting information about countries that are not told in the classroom geografii.So school lessons we all remember the great map of the world, where countries were painted in different colors, depending on the amount of overlying oil, the density of population and other social-democrats, geo-soil and watered-economy indicators.
These maps of the world is nothing like that. But there is a map with the countries-coffee people, the countries that are on the brink of the water crisis, show where what dominates the social network, and home to the fattest people in the world.
By clicking on the map, you can see it in large size.
The average age of onset of sexual zhizni
Map sizes grudi
Map sizes penisov
Prevalence of McDonald's in mire
The busiest McDonald's in the world is located in Moscow's Pushkin Square. He yavletsya McDonalds's biggest in the world with an area of over 2,500 square meters. The restaurant has 700 seats and a 20-meter rack with 27 funds and has served in its history, 250 million visitors.
Alcohol consumption per capita naseleniya
The most highly paid profession in the public SSHA
The level of consumption kofe
The popularity of alcoholic napitkov
Map level IQ
The number of scientists per 1 million. Chelovek
Map schastya
Service availability Street View from Google
Map popular types sporta
Global density naseleniya
Inside this circle of people living longer than in the rest of the world outside of it.
Map-known brands in the states SSHA
Relative density naseleniya
The world map is divided into seven parts, each of which has 1 billion..
Using the Internet, depending on the time of sutok
The longest sea put
The longest path through the water can make coming out of Pakistan on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Its length will be 187 kilometers 32.
The population density in some gorodah
Population density Avstralii
98% of the Australian population numbering 22, 5 million people living in the area marked with white. And only 2% (500 thousand. People) live in areas marked in yellow.
Map invasion anglichan
Only 22 countries in the world have never been the British invasion.
Mirroring the Northern and Southern hemispheres relative Ekvatora
Map the most popular familiy
Map systems pismennosti
World Map capture sotssetyami
Map impact frequency molniy
Map of vegetation on Zemle
Map of the population's attitude to turistam
Map level ozhireniya
Map kind of movement on dorogah
Map of using the traditional metric system izmereniya
Map of the threat of water krizisa
Time zones in Antarktike
World map in flagah
Maps are based on an open source: everyoneweb.com, targetmap.com, forbes.com, nuclearinfo.net, photius.com
via www.photius.com/rankings/national_iq_scores_country_ranks.html
These maps of the world is nothing like that. But there is a map with the countries-coffee people, the countries that are on the brink of the water crisis, show where what dominates the social network, and home to the fattest people in the world.
By clicking on the map, you can see it in large size.
The average age of onset of sexual zhizni

Map sizes grudi

Map sizes penisov

Prevalence of McDonald's in mire

The busiest McDonald's in the world is located in Moscow's Pushkin Square. He yavletsya McDonalds's biggest in the world with an area of over 2,500 square meters. The restaurant has 700 seats and a 20-meter rack with 27 funds and has served in its history, 250 million visitors.
Alcohol consumption per capita naseleniya

The most highly paid profession in the public SSHA

The level of consumption kofe

The popularity of alcoholic napitkov

Map level IQ

The number of scientists per 1 million. Chelovek

Map schastya

Service availability Street View from Google

Map popular types sporta

Global density naseleniya

Inside this circle of people living longer than in the rest of the world outside of it.
Map-known brands in the states SSHA

Relative density naseleniya

The world map is divided into seven parts, each of which has 1 billion..
Using the Internet, depending on the time of sutok

The longest sea put

The longest path through the water can make coming out of Pakistan on the Kamchatka Peninsula. Its length will be 187 kilometers 32.
The population density in some gorodah

Population density Avstralii

98% of the Australian population numbering 22, 5 million people living in the area marked with white. And only 2% (500 thousand. People) live in areas marked in yellow.
Map invasion anglichan

Only 22 countries in the world have never been the British invasion.
Mirroring the Northern and Southern hemispheres relative Ekvatora

Map the most popular familiy

Map systems pismennosti

World Map capture sotssetyami

Map impact frequency molniy

Map of vegetation on Zemle

Map of the population's attitude to turistam

Map level ozhireniya

Map kind of movement on dorogah

Map of using the traditional metric system izmereniya

Map of the threat of water krizisa

Time zones in Antarktike

World map in flagah

Maps are based on an open source: everyoneweb.com, targetmap.com, forbes.com, nuclearinfo.net, photius.com
via www.photius.com/rankings/national_iq_scores_country_ranks.html