20 cards, which offer the world in a new way
Geography - the science is very interesting, especially if it says here are the facts that we are not in school are not exactly talking. And for good reason. And Website Now prove it.
No major mineral deposits, no climatic features. Only the most interesting information that we do not find in our school atlases.
Map blondinov
Map seksualnosti
Map enjoyed by the Japanese in 1853 godu
Map religions mira
Map of cities with more than 100,000 zhiteley
World Map '43 BC. Its author - Roman geographer Pomponius Mela, a man who is considered the father of geografii
Map of population density in different parts of mira
It would have looked strange if their size is determined by the density of their naseleniya
So the world saw the Ottoman Empire in 1803 godu
Map popular types sporta
Map the most popular web saytov
Abraham Ortelius Map of the World (1564), founder of the first modern atlas in his vide
The change of seasons on planete
Map schastya
Map sizes grudi
Global density naseleniya
Map emotsionalnosti
The map shows where you had been, if the ground was drilled from the city naskvoz
Map of vegetation mire
But if you want to escape from all this, then here's the furthest from any land surface tochka
See also: 40 cards that will help you better understand this world
20 maps of the world, which is not taught in school
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/20-kart-mira-po-kotorym-ne-uchat-v-shkole-688605/
No major mineral deposits, no climatic features. Only the most interesting information that we do not find in our school atlases.
Map blondinov

Map seksualnosti

Map enjoyed by the Japanese in 1853 godu

Map religions mira

Map of cities with more than 100,000 zhiteley

World Map '43 BC. Its author - Roman geographer Pomponius Mela, a man who is considered the father of geografii

Map of population density in different parts of mira

It would have looked strange if their size is determined by the density of their naseleniya

So the world saw the Ottoman Empire in 1803 godu

Map popular types sporta

Map the most popular web saytov

Abraham Ortelius Map of the World (1564), founder of the first modern atlas in his vide

The change of seasons on planete

Map schastya

Map sizes grudi

Global density naseleniya

Map emotsionalnosti

The map shows where you had been, if the ground was drilled from the city naskvoz

Map of vegetation mire

But if you want to escape from all this, then here's the furthest from any land surface tochka

See also: 40 cards that will help you better understand this world
20 maps of the world, which is not taught in school
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/20-kart-mira-po-kotorym-ne-uchat-v-shkole-688605/