Credit specialist
Credit Specialist, issuing consumer loans in the appliance store, The Village anonymously told about the tricks that make people take out a loan under 75% per annum. About who can be kreditchikom
I have long imagined himself a bank employee: important in cravat and petticoats. I thought it was prestigious. I assumed that I would be in a sense to help people. People want to buy an expensive phone or television, will come to me, and I will give him money for his dream. But it turned out that everything is not quite true.
Credit Officer - the lowest level in the bank. But like many other major corporations, banks kept on such workers. That loan officers, in general, the whole pot and feed. The Bank aims to extract the maximum profit by any means. These methods are quite devastating for individuals and quite traumatic for the psyche of people in the organization.
On the position of loan officer taking almost all, you have to pass just one interview. After the interview, you are sent on a five-day training course. From ten in the morning until six in the evening for a week you learn technical things: how to work with the computer program, what documents to ask the customer, and so on. The story about the more interesting pieces - about technologies such sales. How to sell the idea of a man that he really need a loan.
Go to this mostly young guys who had just graduated from high school or more students. For them it is an opportunity to reach the top, and they behave appropriately - arrogantly and unscrupulously, as required by the system from them.
How to sell the idea of a loan
But the real learning begins, of course, in the process. We work at retail outlets of our partners, such as the stores "Eldorado", "Euroset", "M-Video", "White Wind", fur shops, car showrooms and so on. I - an employee of the appliance store, I had to approach customers in the room and asked: "Would you like to buy on credit?" I have to identify the needs of the client literally persuade him to buy something on credit. When he came just to ask the price, I can say to him: "What do you inquire the price? Take today on credit, pay the first time only a month later, but right now come away from the TV home ».
At one point run by representatives of several banks, there are those who ponaglee, they can literally steal your customer. You have processed the buyer, he is ready to take shape, and here comes your competitor and says, "And we have lower interest rates, let's go to us." There were cases when representatives of banks in the eyes of the buyers were fighting among themselves. Most fight, by the way, girls.
About the Country Percentage
Every loan that you made out - it's your salary. My salary of 17 thousand rubles from each loan me goes percent. Depending on what I put client interest rate, and what kind of additional services I offered him insurance, transfer to the pension fund, and so on.
I naively thought that people just come up to you and ask for credit. You score its application to the computer and the bank on his standard conditions gives credit. If a client wants to, he can ask for extra services. But it is not so.
I can offer a person a loan at 20% per annum, 40%, 50% and below 75%. I have no criteria for who to offer a high percentage of whom are low. Just depends on who and what I will be able to breed. In all other terms of the loans equal.
And here comes into the store man, still only looks around and loan officer had it sees and evaluates the 20, 30 or 70%.
The names of all of our loan products too interesting. For example, the "1% per month", this loan a person pays 24% per year. Rules of mathematics does not give it - I thought.
Loan called "2% per month," a person pays 40% per annum.
But customers rarely do something to find. They kreditchik says: "The cost of a loan of 1% per month", they leave happy. Regularly paid and do not notice how much extra money to pay the bank.
About lohah
If a person is in bad condition, badly dressed, not sechёt any technology, any credits, you ask stupid questions - it is possible to put a little more interest. This is a typical sucker. If a person is looking for something cheaper, it is easier to convince to buy something expensive, but a loan, playing on the vanity: "You will pay for 2000 rubles per month, but you will have a very big plasma!" Here and sellers are connected, you are working in tandem - he praises the goods you heap praise on the loan.
Those who self-confident, he knows what he wants, says confidently: "I am this and that" - with these we must be careful.
Lokhov absolute majority of a hundred people whom you issued one or two to carefully read the loan agreement.
I've recently been working, and I had only one unpleasant experience with clients - a husband and wife. We discussed with them all, all signed, they were already at the cashier to pick up the goods, but the wife decided for some reason to multiply the amount of their monthly payment for 24 months (they took out a loan for two years). She counted and how will start yelling at the whole store! (Overpayment they did was quite serious.) Cashiers hid himself store manager came to understand what was the matter. I sat all the sweaty, red: it was one of my first clients, and how to calm the woman, I do not know.
Male finger in the palm tinkering and only muttered to his wife: "Come on, not so much, what's the difference, what overpaid, but went to the goods!" But I have got adequate colleagues from competitor banks. They began to talk to her, "Do not worry, if you pay your loan earlier, the overpayment will be smaller. Go to the bank, they will all count ". Steel, in general, to hang noodles on the ears. And it worked. I then tracked - they consistently paid.
We have, for example, puts a man in the contract list of monthly payments, which shows how much it will pay in the end. Rests on the monthly payment, which is usually quite small, even if the loan is very expensive. To say "every month you will pay 2000 rubles" is always better than "the whole phone will cost you 25 thousand rubles».
Naturally, if a person buys a very expensive TV, no one will put his 75%: get a decent amount, one feels wrong.
Some kreditchiki first calculate the amount of the payment to the client for one rate and then insolently already put out a loan at a higher interest rate in the hope that people will not get a grasp of the contract - often a frank deception rolls.
More we earn on insurance. They can be of three types: life insurance (if you die or become disabled, loans for you to pay the bank), insurance against loss of work (you do not pay on the loan, if you lose your job) and insurance products (will not be paid if the product stops working ). All of these insurance policies are very tricky conditions, such as insurance against loss of job is effective only when you cut or the company declared itself bankrupt. What product are you not hurt yourself, you have more to prove and so on.
All types of insurance, of course, voluntary, but we are not asking them to include in the contract. And if the client wonders why we have issued him insurance, we say that the bank has approved a loan with included insurance and if he wants to give, it will be necessary to send a request to the bank again and credit to him can not agree. This, of course, a lie. But any modern insurance increases my bonus twice, so you have to lie.
On mutual responsibility
From the indicators that you vydaёsh per month, it depends not only on your salary. Point of Sale this month should make a conditional 3 million rubles. If we do not earn much, we are not subject to additional bonuses, and our boss did not receive a prize.
Of course, we realize that we do not a good thing. Between themselves, constantly joking that all the loan officers go to hell (although there we all devils will issue loans). Yes, we breed of people. But we assure ourselves that the people are to blame for their stupidity.
And yet what we should do. We put the challenges that we have to deal with, no matter how. If you have to cheat - cheat. Why do we submit to these demands? It is our job, one we do not have.
And the people we employ different. There is, for example, a Muslim girl from a very believing family. She says she is in life and at work - these are two different people. I do not know what it is in life, but among loan officers it we have the bitchy.
About conscience
I've heard stories that people fall into the debt pit, and even commit suicide, but my clients did not. At least none of the customers are not suddenly disappeared. I know this because if they do not pay on the loan, I have to call them and find out what's wrong.
I understand that when something can happen, a little afraid of talking about hell. I go to a Protestant church and my pastor always says to me that it is time to change jobs.
Conscience stopped me once. I have written out a loan with the highest percentage of the two insurances, the customer did not notice anything and everything was agreed. But at the last moment, I stopped and began again to hammer all - Hide advanced services, and the client said, "Oh, you bank unexpectedly offered the best conditions, you overpay less." The fact that the customer was a pretty girl, and I did not want to ruin her too.
More normal conditions I form for the grumpy customers, I simply am afraid I do not want them to suddenly started yelling at me.
Still remember the case, for which I am ashamed still, even at night I slept badly. The guy came for iPhone 4 for his girlfriend. I issued him a loan at 45% per annum with two insurances, the year he would pay the bank 24 thousand rubles, while the price of the phone - 15 thousand. Customer nevertheless left satisfied, having heard only the amount of the monthly payment of 2, 5 thousand rubles. When he left, I again looked at the contract and saw that all this vparil him in his same birthday.
About clients
Revenues of our customers usually do not exceed 25-30 thousand people with high salary bank does not like, they often are denied a loan why they take the money from the bank to the TV at a salary of 80 thousand rubles?
Once a loan from my colleague took the father of the Church - to the TV. She asks him about wages, he says that he is not her.
- And what do you live?
- With donations.
- And how much per month?
- Well, 60 thousand out.
We lit it very well. By the very high percentage.
By the way, we have to cheat not only customers, but also your bank. For example, sometimes we deliberately overstate the level of the salary of a man who asks a loan to the bank exactly approved it.
Although if my client suddenly stop paying on the loan, it will also affect my salary. If the percentage of non-payers is high enough, then I just kicked out from work.
We have instructions to whom the loan given is not necessary, it is called a "low status" - people are able to alcohol or drugs, or if a person came with someone who is above him and says, "write here it is, and here it is" . Then we put a tick in a certain program, that person automatically comes to failure, and it will never in our bank credit will not be able to take.
But we can deceive themselves, we do not ask for any supporting documents, only a passport. Therefore, if a man says he earns 50 thousand rubles, we can only believe.
Fraudsters we pass under the code name "deer." I heard that kreditchiki themselves involved in fraudulent schemes make loans on forged passports. But he never such was not engaged. But I heard about a man who has earned 700 thousand by selling personal information of its customers: address, phone number, when and how many took the credit.
Despite the fact that we vparivayut loans left and right under the most exorbitant interest rates, the percentage of default is very small, people mostly disciplined. Pay correctly.
Source: www.the-village.ru
I have long imagined himself a bank employee: important in cravat and petticoats. I thought it was prestigious. I assumed that I would be in a sense to help people. People want to buy an expensive phone or television, will come to me, and I will give him money for his dream. But it turned out that everything is not quite true.
Credit Officer - the lowest level in the bank. But like many other major corporations, banks kept on such workers. That loan officers, in general, the whole pot and feed. The Bank aims to extract the maximum profit by any means. These methods are quite devastating for individuals and quite traumatic for the psyche of people in the organization.

On the position of loan officer taking almost all, you have to pass just one interview. After the interview, you are sent on a five-day training course. From ten in the morning until six in the evening for a week you learn technical things: how to work with the computer program, what documents to ask the customer, and so on. The story about the more interesting pieces - about technologies such sales. How to sell the idea of a man that he really need a loan.
Go to this mostly young guys who had just graduated from high school or more students. For them it is an opportunity to reach the top, and they behave appropriately - arrogantly and unscrupulously, as required by the system from them.
How to sell the idea of a loan
But the real learning begins, of course, in the process. We work at retail outlets of our partners, such as the stores "Eldorado", "Euroset", "M-Video", "White Wind", fur shops, car showrooms and so on. I - an employee of the appliance store, I had to approach customers in the room and asked: "Would you like to buy on credit?" I have to identify the needs of the client literally persuade him to buy something on credit. When he came just to ask the price, I can say to him: "What do you inquire the price? Take today on credit, pay the first time only a month later, but right now come away from the TV home ».
At one point run by representatives of several banks, there are those who ponaglee, they can literally steal your customer. You have processed the buyer, he is ready to take shape, and here comes your competitor and says, "And we have lower interest rates, let's go to us." There were cases when representatives of banks in the eyes of the buyers were fighting among themselves. Most fight, by the way, girls.
About the Country Percentage
Every loan that you made out - it's your salary. My salary of 17 thousand rubles from each loan me goes percent. Depending on what I put client interest rate, and what kind of additional services I offered him insurance, transfer to the pension fund, and so on.
I naively thought that people just come up to you and ask for credit. You score its application to the computer and the bank on his standard conditions gives credit. If a client wants to, he can ask for extra services. But it is not so.
I can offer a person a loan at 20% per annum, 40%, 50% and below 75%. I have no criteria for who to offer a high percentage of whom are low. Just depends on who and what I will be able to breed. In all other terms of the loans equal.
And here comes into the store man, still only looks around and loan officer had it sees and evaluates the 20, 30 or 70%.
The names of all of our loan products too interesting. For example, the "1% per month", this loan a person pays 24% per year. Rules of mathematics does not give it - I thought.
Loan called "2% per month," a person pays 40% per annum.
But customers rarely do something to find. They kreditchik says: "The cost of a loan of 1% per month", they leave happy. Regularly paid and do not notice how much extra money to pay the bank.
About lohah
If a person is in bad condition, badly dressed, not sechёt any technology, any credits, you ask stupid questions - it is possible to put a little more interest. This is a typical sucker. If a person is looking for something cheaper, it is easier to convince to buy something expensive, but a loan, playing on the vanity: "You will pay for 2000 rubles per month, but you will have a very big plasma!" Here and sellers are connected, you are working in tandem - he praises the goods you heap praise on the loan.
Those who self-confident, he knows what he wants, says confidently: "I am this and that" - with these we must be careful.
Lokhov absolute majority of a hundred people whom you issued one or two to carefully read the loan agreement.
I've recently been working, and I had only one unpleasant experience with clients - a husband and wife. We discussed with them all, all signed, they were already at the cashier to pick up the goods, but the wife decided for some reason to multiply the amount of their monthly payment for 24 months (they took out a loan for two years). She counted and how will start yelling at the whole store! (Overpayment they did was quite serious.) Cashiers hid himself store manager came to understand what was the matter. I sat all the sweaty, red: it was one of my first clients, and how to calm the woman, I do not know.
Male finger in the palm tinkering and only muttered to his wife: "Come on, not so much, what's the difference, what overpaid, but went to the goods!" But I have got adequate colleagues from competitor banks. They began to talk to her, "Do not worry, if you pay your loan earlier, the overpayment will be smaller. Go to the bank, they will all count ". Steel, in general, to hang noodles on the ears. And it worked. I then tracked - they consistently paid.
We have, for example, puts a man in the contract list of monthly payments, which shows how much it will pay in the end. Rests on the monthly payment, which is usually quite small, even if the loan is very expensive. To say "every month you will pay 2000 rubles" is always better than "the whole phone will cost you 25 thousand rubles».
Naturally, if a person buys a very expensive TV, no one will put his 75%: get a decent amount, one feels wrong.
Some kreditchiki first calculate the amount of the payment to the client for one rate and then insolently already put out a loan at a higher interest rate in the hope that people will not get a grasp of the contract - often a frank deception rolls.

More we earn on insurance. They can be of three types: life insurance (if you die or become disabled, loans for you to pay the bank), insurance against loss of work (you do not pay on the loan, if you lose your job) and insurance products (will not be paid if the product stops working ). All of these insurance policies are very tricky conditions, such as insurance against loss of job is effective only when you cut or the company declared itself bankrupt. What product are you not hurt yourself, you have more to prove and so on.
All types of insurance, of course, voluntary, but we are not asking them to include in the contract. And if the client wonders why we have issued him insurance, we say that the bank has approved a loan with included insurance and if he wants to give, it will be necessary to send a request to the bank again and credit to him can not agree. This, of course, a lie. But any modern insurance increases my bonus twice, so you have to lie.
On mutual responsibility
From the indicators that you vydaёsh per month, it depends not only on your salary. Point of Sale this month should make a conditional 3 million rubles. If we do not earn much, we are not subject to additional bonuses, and our boss did not receive a prize.
Of course, we realize that we do not a good thing. Between themselves, constantly joking that all the loan officers go to hell (although there we all devils will issue loans). Yes, we breed of people. But we assure ourselves that the people are to blame for their stupidity.
And yet what we should do. We put the challenges that we have to deal with, no matter how. If you have to cheat - cheat. Why do we submit to these demands? It is our job, one we do not have.
And the people we employ different. There is, for example, a Muslim girl from a very believing family. She says she is in life and at work - these are two different people. I do not know what it is in life, but among loan officers it we have the bitchy.
About conscience
I've heard stories that people fall into the debt pit, and even commit suicide, but my clients did not. At least none of the customers are not suddenly disappeared. I know this because if they do not pay on the loan, I have to call them and find out what's wrong.
I understand that when something can happen, a little afraid of talking about hell. I go to a Protestant church and my pastor always says to me that it is time to change jobs.
Conscience stopped me once. I have written out a loan with the highest percentage of the two insurances, the customer did not notice anything and everything was agreed. But at the last moment, I stopped and began again to hammer all - Hide advanced services, and the client said, "Oh, you bank unexpectedly offered the best conditions, you overpay less." The fact that the customer was a pretty girl, and I did not want to ruin her too.
More normal conditions I form for the grumpy customers, I simply am afraid I do not want them to suddenly started yelling at me.
Still remember the case, for which I am ashamed still, even at night I slept badly. The guy came for iPhone 4 for his girlfriend. I issued him a loan at 45% per annum with two insurances, the year he would pay the bank 24 thousand rubles, while the price of the phone - 15 thousand. Customer nevertheless left satisfied, having heard only the amount of the monthly payment of 2, 5 thousand rubles. When he left, I again looked at the contract and saw that all this vparil him in his same birthday.
About clients
Revenues of our customers usually do not exceed 25-30 thousand people with high salary bank does not like, they often are denied a loan why they take the money from the bank to the TV at a salary of 80 thousand rubles?
Once a loan from my colleague took the father of the Church - to the TV. She asks him about wages, he says that he is not her.
- And what do you live?
- With donations.
- And how much per month?
- Well, 60 thousand out.
We lit it very well. By the very high percentage.
By the way, we have to cheat not only customers, but also your bank. For example, sometimes we deliberately overstate the level of the salary of a man who asks a loan to the bank exactly approved it.
Although if my client suddenly stop paying on the loan, it will also affect my salary. If the percentage of non-payers is high enough, then I just kicked out from work.

We have instructions to whom the loan given is not necessary, it is called a "low status" - people are able to alcohol or drugs, or if a person came with someone who is above him and says, "write here it is, and here it is" . Then we put a tick in a certain program, that person automatically comes to failure, and it will never in our bank credit will not be able to take.
But we can deceive themselves, we do not ask for any supporting documents, only a passport. Therefore, if a man says he earns 50 thousand rubles, we can only believe.
Fraudsters we pass under the code name "deer." I heard that kreditchiki themselves involved in fraudulent schemes make loans on forged passports. But he never such was not engaged. But I heard about a man who has earned 700 thousand by selling personal information of its customers: address, phone number, when and how many took the credit.
Despite the fact that we vparivayut loans left and right under the most exorbitant interest rates, the percentage of default is very small, people mostly disciplined. Pay correctly.
Source: www.the-village.ru