Debt-free living — 3 principles
Some think that debt and credit are fine. An integral part of modern life. “Loans need to take them,” he says.
And because I live deep in debt. Life.
Credit inherited
Think about it...
If you had everything in order with money — would you take a loan?
And by the way... the loans transferred by inheritance. According to the Civil code of the Russian Federation, in case of death of the borrower his heirs must pay off the loan.
How do You like the idea of leaving a legacy to his children... a loan that they will bear the cross? Like? What would you have said child?
Credit thinking
To permanent loans and debt quotes “credit mindset”.
Credit mindset is the inability to admit that you have something there. What you can't afford what you want. You don't have enough money. What you have something will not.
This behavior is weak. Can't get the money — and given into slavery.
Addicts behave the same. Can't abandon the temporary high. Although I understand that coffins themselves.
When you take out a loan, you behave like a drug addict. You are able to give up momentary pleasure, and given credit slavery. How long will you rejoice in the new purchase? Day? A week? Then the buzz will pass, and the loan will be.
Other people's debts
Even if You do not open the loans, because the credit of thinking can plunge into someone else's debts.
Principle 1:
Positive cash flow
Cash flow is the difference between your income and expenses.
Many people with high income spend enormous amounts more than they earn. And even with large incomes do not feel secured.
Cash flow need to maintain a positive. That is to live within your means, spend less than you earn. Ideally, for current expenses should take no more than 50% of your income.
Principle 2:
Deferred compensation
To maintain a positive cash flow is possible only if you follow the principle of “Deferred compensation”.
Deferred compensation is the ability to work today to get a result sometime in the future.
To live within our means today to have credit problems later. Invest in training today to create new sources of income in the future. Potihonku to develop their business today (even without income) to be secured a year or two.
Most people don't know how to live in the mode of deferred compensation. Spend more than you earn, getting into debts and loans, can not give up the optional expenses.
The deferred compensation is not the same, that economy and stinginess. No need to deny yourself all.
You just live according to our means. Happy to buy what you have enough income. Gradually, you build up income, and your “affordable” is becoming more and more.
Principle 3:
Cash energy
Energy is the resources, ability, attention, strength, skills of the person. We use the word in the everyday sense, without any mysticism.
Money is the measure of energy. You have applied your skills and strength, and got paid for it. Traded his energy for money. Money can be exchanged back on the power to the abilities and skills of other people. That is something to buy.
Hence, an unpleasant feeling of weight on the shoulders when you hang on, the loan or debt. And a sense of relief when you get rid of him.
For the same reason debt destroying personal relationships. Do you want someone to pick a fight, take the money, or give a loan.
Do not take loans. Spend the energy that you have. Don't waste the energy of the future, which you have not yet.
The ENERGY of MONEY: whether to give or to take money in debtHow to get a positive response to any request
How to get rid of debts and loans
Now you help the three principles of life without debt:
Author: Dmitry Bogdanov
Source: free-money.realitymatrix.ru/dolgi-i-kredity/
And because I live deep in debt. Life.

Credit inherited
Think about it...
If you had everything in order with money — would you take a loan?
- Would You be humiliated in front of Bank clerks, assuring them that You will be able to pay the debt?
- Would put yourself in a stupid position, sheepishly calling a friend and asking once again to help You out with money?
- Would You imprison yourself credit chains to work, voluntarily giving himself into slavery monthly payments?
And by the way... the loans transferred by inheritance. According to the Civil code of the Russian Federation, in case of death of the borrower his heirs must pay off the loan.
How do You like the idea of leaving a legacy to his children... a loan that they will bear the cross? Like? What would you have said child?
- Certainly not "Thank you, mommy!" or "You're the best in the world, daddy!".
Credit thinking
To permanent loans and debt quotes “credit mindset”.
Credit mindset is the inability to admit that you have something there. What you can't afford what you want. You don't have enough money. What you have something will not.
This behavior is weak. Can't get the money — and given into slavery.
Addicts behave the same. Can't abandon the temporary high. Although I understand that coffins themselves.
When you take out a loan, you behave like a drug addict. You are able to give up momentary pleasure, and given credit slavery. How long will you rejoice in the new purchase? Day? A week? Then the buzz will pass, and the loan will be.
Other people's debts
Even if You do not open the loans, because the credit of thinking can plunge into someone else's debts.
- "I was a guarantor for the loan of a friend, the other surety, is her daughter. The loan was paid 90%. Remained a mere pittance. Suddenly a friend dies. The court awards me to pay the amount again equal to the loan. After 3 years of courts of appeals, the court decided to divide the debt by 2 guarantors, despite the claims of daughters on the transfer to it of the entire amount. Now daughter pays much as you can for me and yourself second."
- You gave other money to the debt, and he vanished. No calls, no return calls, avoids You. No money, no friendship.
- Your relatives always sit You on the neck. Asking for a loan, promise to pay, but in practice “forget” about it. And You could remind them and demand their money shy, awkward somehow – like a family all the same people.
- You took out a loan “for someone”, but designed for myself. Then the relationship fell apart, people somehow out of Your life is gone. And credit is left on You, and pay it to You.

Principle 1:
Positive cash flow
Cash flow is the difference between your income and expenses.
- If you spend less than you earn (that is, something remains) — cash flow positive.
- If you spend more than you earn (ie, take, take in debt) — cash flow negative.
Many people with high income spend enormous amounts more than they earn. And even with large incomes do not feel secured.
Cash flow need to maintain a positive. That is to live within your means, spend less than you earn. Ideally, for current expenses should take no more than 50% of your income.
Principle 2:
Deferred compensation
To maintain a positive cash flow is possible only if you follow the principle of “Deferred compensation”.
Deferred compensation is the ability to work today to get a result sometime in the future.
To live within our means today to have credit problems later. Invest in training today to create new sources of income in the future. Potihonku to develop their business today (even without income) to be secured a year or two.
Most people don't know how to live in the mode of deferred compensation. Spend more than you earn, getting into debts and loans, can not give up the optional expenses.
The deferred compensation is not the same, that economy and stinginess. No need to deny yourself all.
You just live according to our means. Happy to buy what you have enough income. Gradually, you build up income, and your “affordable” is becoming more and more.
Principle 3:
Cash energy
Energy is the resources, ability, attention, strength, skills of the person. We use the word in the everyday sense, without any mysticism.
Money is the measure of energy. You have applied your skills and strength, and got paid for it. Traded his energy for money. Money can be exchanged back on the power to the abilities and skills of other people. That is something to buy.
- When you spend that earned your purchases match your energy level. You spend the cash power which you already have.
- When you take out a loan (i.e. spend what you ain't earned), your purchases do NOT MEET your level of energy. You're spending future energy to spend his future life.
Hence, an unpleasant feeling of weight on the shoulders when you hang on, the loan or debt. And a sense of relief when you get rid of him.
For the same reason debt destroying personal relationships. Do you want someone to pick a fight, take the money, or give a loan.
Do not take loans. Spend the energy that you have. Don't waste the energy of the future, which you have not yet.
The ENERGY of MONEY: whether to give or to take money in debtHow to get a positive response to any request
How to get rid of debts and loans
Now you help the three principles of life without debt:
- A positive cash flow. Spend less than you earn. Maintain a positive cash flow. Plan your expenses to not spend more than 50% of income.
- Deferred remuneration. Invest today to get results tomorrow. Live within your means, and gradually increase the income.
- Cash energy. Do not take loans, do not waste the energy of the future. Waste what is already earned — available energy.
Author: Dmitry Bogdanov
Source: free-money.realitymatrix.ru/dolgi-i-kredity/