It's time to open your eyes. Part 2/2
( Part 1 )
** C / C ** You thought in this world so simple? In fact, everything is not so easy! ..
1) Religious slavery
(blind faith, adherence to rituals, obedience to the canons, worship of the Almighty)
2) Slavery of illusions and ideas
(enthusiasm for the idea of consciousness, confusion, misinformation and, as a result, the helplessness of consciousness in the independent choice of the purpose and meaning of action)
3) Financial slavery
(predominance of material values, artificial boom, slavery in the thrall of their own desires, as a result - work throughout life for the colored paper, cut into rectangles for convenience)
4) Narcotic slavery
(psychic and physical dependence on chemical distribution which controls the slave owner)
1)) Religious slavery.
Religious slavery - this is the first form of slavery, which was the foundation for the construction of other forms of servitude. Without the establishment of religious slavery other forms of slavery would have been impossible.
Religion makes people helpless, weak and dependent on a God under the pretext that God is in control. Religion takes a person responsible for their own destiny, under the pretext that "All God's will" and "inscrutable ways of the Lord." Religion makes people dependent on the assessment of his sinfulness / kind of sinless God at the end of his life and frees him from the lifetime assessment of his actions by his own conscience.
2)) Slavery of illusions and ideas.
For those violent minds that they can not obey the religious slavery, science, education and the media provide a rich and diverse world of illusions about the world order lies. Slavery of illusions - it is garbage in your mind, designed to captivate him, distract him, confuse him and intimidate him.
The introduction of these illusions in our consciousness is made possible by the formation of his special algorithm thinking, called "Kaleidoscopic cretinism." "Kaleidoscopic cretinism" - a pathological inability of man to penetrate the essence of things and speculative to link together the individual processes and phenomena to form a holistic vision and comprehensive understanding of all phenomena in their dynamics and interactions. This algorithm is formed in our minds of the school education system, giving knowledge haphazard, uncoordinated, chaotic and abstract using the method of submission and oppression, in which the information is reviewed and analyzed, and dutifully outlines literally memorized and global NEVOLNICHESKAYA CIVILIZATION planet Earth is checked for accuracy memorize wording. Formed so that the tradition of "obedience to authority" is applied to the whole way of thinking and way of life, depriving him of the ability of critical thinking and perception of the information, teach him to obey the authoritative specialist until the end of his life, and not to question any of daily invested in his mind the truths.
In addition, the education system specifically uses the device of fatigue fragmented consciousness and abstract information that can not be practically used, or linked into a coherent picture of the world that makes disconnection of consciousness and teaches him to avoid the training and suppresses his interest in cognition.
That is born artificial fears such as terrorism, AIDS, swine flu, and man-made errors, such as the theory of evolution, the technology of building the pyramids, and a balanced diet is meat ...
3)) Financial slavery.
Financial slavery reached its peak of perfection in the stimulation of human labor and forgery of his motivations. Financial slavery does so to a slave himself, without coercion going to cut cane stick.
Actively using media, movies, music videos, commercials, glossy magazines, the world of show-business stars, the financial system promotes infinite wealth.
The financial system deliberately creates a world of absolute comfort, luxury and consumerism, thinking human countless unnecessary things, without which it once great detour, and then convinces him that it is now simply can not exist without them.
The financial system is substantially overstates the value and the value of these things, and begins speculation on our desires: she teases these things demonstrates their luxury, argues that the possession of all of this - it is an indicator of success.
The financial system promotes a competitive approach in the system of values in life, forming an assessment of success in the purely material field and formulating it with the phrase "what you could achieve in this life».
The financial system makes a person feel deeply unhappy without possession of material goods and luxuries, are constantly creating the illusion that they have many.
Financial slavery - a slavery of man to his own desires, artificially invested in low-lying through his mind the needs of his body.
At the same time on the external display is the monetary and financial system. That is all the wealth that it has built a cult, can be changed only on the colored paper or coins, which are printed and minted owners of this system.
Slave owners - this is the home of multi-colored pieces of paper. Billionaires - this is not the slave owners. Billionaires - a monetary system operators controlling slave labor. The slave owners and slaves do not run businesses, they do not make money - they invented them. Only they have the right to publish these papers, and only they know how many of them printed. And anyone who dares to publish papers on their own, the slave-owners will be put to jail and rot there like cattle.
And for that, in defense of their interests is the system guards and executioners - the law, the police and the court of conscience and the law.
But that's not all! Knowing that the value of these papers is governed by their number, slaveholders skillfully control our zeal, increasing the amount of paperwork and facilitating their earnings, or reducing their number, and forcing us to plow twice, breaking the "economic crisis". They alone decide how much they will be published - so that everyone had enough or long enough to create a deficit. Once they decide to add them into circulation and make our lives easier or bring them out of circulation and cause us to plow even more diligently.
Since manages workload. Inflation and deflation - is not an economic process - a tool for managing the slaves.
Moreover, to ensure that we had not thought of a respite in their slavery, they created a system of "voluntary agreements on lifelong bondage." They announced the Earth, which by definition can not belong to anyone, their property! Today, to the land became the property of someone else, it should be bought for huge money. It is also incredibly expensive properties built on this land. But who was the first buyer of the land? To whom he paid for it and in what currency? Or is he just decided that this earth - his own?
The slave owners voluntarily gave themselves the right to give permission to build a house on the land or not to give. Now even for the right to bury the body in the ground, they take the money from the relatives of the deceased and distribute what piece of the planet they'll take us under the burial of our bodies, and what not. As a result, a large part of mankind has been unable to afford even a small piece of this planet and the roof over your head.
Fabulous cost of these things and not the ability to collect on their purchase a sufficient amount of colored papers, created a new more terrible form of slavery - slavery credit.
The essence of this form of slavery exhaustively disclosed in the article "The Tale of the wise goldsmith" and in the movie "Money - a pyramid of debt," and it is this: 70% of colored pieces of paper ever printed slaveholders were issued by them on credit. Money are not the government and not Treasuries governments and central banks in the image of the US Federal Reserve, which are private corporations that do not obey anyone but their owners. And all the money issued by the state, large transnational banks, the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, corporations, businesses or individuals in the interest-bearing debt. On each piece of paper that you borrowed at 14% for 10 years, 10 years will have to bring 2 more of the same paper. But the trick is to take these two pieces of paper can only be in the same place where they are printed only in the interest-bearing debt. Thus, the number of papers that do exist in circulation is always less than the amount of debt that must be returned for the use of these pieces of paper. And as soon as the slave-owners allowed us to use a new piece of paper, so that we can cover their debts, they thus create even more debt.
Credit slavery based on the fact that humanity simply can not pay all its debts to the slaveholders. As debts are given the same money that are taken and the amount of money in circulation is always less than the amount of our debt on them.
4)) Narcotic slavery.
Narcotic slavery suppresses and controls the mind through physical dependence managed his body. However, not all drugs are equally beneficial and useful for the slaveholders.
Heavy drugs derived from opium, heroin, cocaine, marijuana and hashish are not only to the complete subordination of consciousness through hard physical dependence of the body, but also to its complete degradation that eventually makes the person's useless for slave owners to use its labor productive capacity.
That is why these drugs are prohibited. The reason for the ban is not their humanity to mankind, but only cold calculation and expediency.
Legally used to control and subordination of human drugs disrupt brain cloud the mind, weaken the will and lead to the person's inability to resist the slave system, to see and understand its essence, draw patterns in those issues where consciousness could cover their eyes the mysteries of the universe and understand it .
At the same time a slight narcotic slavery leaves the human brain is quite suitable for use in slave-like functions. Nicotine addict quite successfully can cut timber, shovel the crap and cut appendicitis.
Narcotic slavery introduces an additional dependence on the slave of his master. Now the owner is not only colored paper, which is so eager servant, but the dose, without which it breaks.
For easy narcotic slavery destroys the mind and will of the overwhelming use:
Narcotic supplements
Narcotic nutritional supplements, such as "MSG", "aspartame" indulge in gluttony man and plunge him into the consciousness of dependence on food addiction body and brain. Narcotic supplements allow you to enter in human nutrition such alien, unnatural and harmful to the human digestive system products, such as chips, crackers, sausages, cakes, sweet, carbonated water, etc.
The purpose of introducing these unnatural products in human nutrition is to maximize the alienation of man from the natural power supply system, which depends solely on the generosity of the land and hard work of man. Thus, most slave owners tend to put a man at the mercy of the food industry, today merged into one with the chemical industry.
In addition, food addiction allows you to enter into the daily human diet and securely attach it a huge list of products which contain nitrites and nitrates, is caused by mutations on the cellular level and cancer that at the time the need is for the slaveholders tool depopulation of man as a biological species.
Management by fear is through the body and the pain that they feel.
Education and media:
Management by "Vedomosti" through the illusions and delusions where consciousness resides.
Financial system:
Management of financial dependence is carried through the body and desire that overwhelmed him.
Management of drug addiction through the body and its physiological characteristics.
Direct demonstrative and management of violence through the allocation of the number of slaves the most stupid and immoral individuals with an animal type of thinking and a tendency to pathological sadism and giving them nadziratelskimi and punitive functions in relation to the rest of the servants for poor performance or not obeying the laws.
To legalize and justify this form of control creates the illusion of making anti-human laws will of themselves slaves. It is called the words "democracy" and "elections».
Force majeure in managing, reducing the surplus population, depopulation.
Sometimes, due to various reasons, the slave-owners built a global governance structure nevolnicheskoy civilization on planet Earth becomes unstable. In this case, the worst thing that can expect slaveowners - a massive insight slaves.
In mass epiphany of slaves is the part that will be unable to enlightenment will be directed slaveholders to suppress the part that prozreet and refuse to obey the system in all its manifestations, such as legislation, law enforcement, money, banks, jobs, education, media, food , medicine and so on ...
The result of this encounter will be a war, managed by the slave-owners and aimed at the destruction of part of the population.
The probability of this scenario is higher, the higher the size of the population, because the large size of the population harder to control. Therefore, the slave-owners have to constantly carry a hidden population control and, if necessary, reduce the surplus population.
As this amount exceeds the number of slaves slave owners (excluding their managed elites) almost 2,000,000 times, demonstrative destruction of superfluous slaves is not possible because of the danger of their insight and rebellion. Therefore, the number of slaves is regulated by the hidden control of fertility, mortality and life expectancy.
The birth rate is regulated:
Through misinformation about AIDS
Through the introduction of condoms in the massive use of
After sterilization of the population by GMOs
Through artificial famine, which in the future will be fully controllable factor due to the displacement of natural crops GMO crops
Mortality rates and life expectancy are regulated:
Through immunization (vaccination)
By food additives (stabilizers, perfumes, dyes, most of which are nitrates and carcinogens that cause cancer)
Through the distortion of the power supply system (the introduction of meat)
Local wars
Welcome to reality…
** C / C ** You thought in this world so simple? In fact, everything is not so easy! ..
1) Religious slavery
(blind faith, adherence to rituals, obedience to the canons, worship of the Almighty)
2) Slavery of illusions and ideas
(enthusiasm for the idea of consciousness, confusion, misinformation and, as a result, the helplessness of consciousness in the independent choice of the purpose and meaning of action)
3) Financial slavery
(predominance of material values, artificial boom, slavery in the thrall of their own desires, as a result - work throughout life for the colored paper, cut into rectangles for convenience)
4) Narcotic slavery
(psychic and physical dependence on chemical distribution which controls the slave owner)
1)) Religious slavery.
Religious slavery - this is the first form of slavery, which was the foundation for the construction of other forms of servitude. Without the establishment of religious slavery other forms of slavery would have been impossible.
Religion makes people helpless, weak and dependent on a God under the pretext that God is in control. Religion takes a person responsible for their own destiny, under the pretext that "All God's will" and "inscrutable ways of the Lord." Religion makes people dependent on the assessment of his sinfulness / kind of sinless God at the end of his life and frees him from the lifetime assessment of his actions by his own conscience.
2)) Slavery of illusions and ideas.
For those violent minds that they can not obey the religious slavery, science, education and the media provide a rich and diverse world of illusions about the world order lies. Slavery of illusions - it is garbage in your mind, designed to captivate him, distract him, confuse him and intimidate him.
The introduction of these illusions in our consciousness is made possible by the formation of his special algorithm thinking, called "Kaleidoscopic cretinism." "Kaleidoscopic cretinism" - a pathological inability of man to penetrate the essence of things and speculative to link together the individual processes and phenomena to form a holistic vision and comprehensive understanding of all phenomena in their dynamics and interactions. This algorithm is formed in our minds of the school education system, giving knowledge haphazard, uncoordinated, chaotic and abstract using the method of submission and oppression, in which the information is reviewed and analyzed, and dutifully outlines literally memorized and global NEVOLNICHESKAYA CIVILIZATION planet Earth is checked for accuracy memorize wording. Formed so that the tradition of "obedience to authority" is applied to the whole way of thinking and way of life, depriving him of the ability of critical thinking and perception of the information, teach him to obey the authoritative specialist until the end of his life, and not to question any of daily invested in his mind the truths.
In addition, the education system specifically uses the device of fatigue fragmented consciousness and abstract information that can not be practically used, or linked into a coherent picture of the world that makes disconnection of consciousness and teaches him to avoid the training and suppresses his interest in cognition.
That is born artificial fears such as terrorism, AIDS, swine flu, and man-made errors, such as the theory of evolution, the technology of building the pyramids, and a balanced diet is meat ...
3)) Financial slavery.
Financial slavery reached its peak of perfection in the stimulation of human labor and forgery of his motivations. Financial slavery does so to a slave himself, without coercion going to cut cane stick.
Actively using media, movies, music videos, commercials, glossy magazines, the world of show-business stars, the financial system promotes infinite wealth.
The financial system deliberately creates a world of absolute comfort, luxury and consumerism, thinking human countless unnecessary things, without which it once great detour, and then convinces him that it is now simply can not exist without them.
The financial system is substantially overstates the value and the value of these things, and begins speculation on our desires: she teases these things demonstrates their luxury, argues that the possession of all of this - it is an indicator of success.
The financial system promotes a competitive approach in the system of values in life, forming an assessment of success in the purely material field and formulating it with the phrase "what you could achieve in this life».
The financial system makes a person feel deeply unhappy without possession of material goods and luxuries, are constantly creating the illusion that they have many.
Financial slavery - a slavery of man to his own desires, artificially invested in low-lying through his mind the needs of his body.
At the same time on the external display is the monetary and financial system. That is all the wealth that it has built a cult, can be changed only on the colored paper or coins, which are printed and minted owners of this system.
Slave owners - this is the home of multi-colored pieces of paper. Billionaires - this is not the slave owners. Billionaires - a monetary system operators controlling slave labor. The slave owners and slaves do not run businesses, they do not make money - they invented them. Only they have the right to publish these papers, and only they know how many of them printed. And anyone who dares to publish papers on their own, the slave-owners will be put to jail and rot there like cattle.
And for that, in defense of their interests is the system guards and executioners - the law, the police and the court of conscience and the law.
But that's not all! Knowing that the value of these papers is governed by their number, slaveholders skillfully control our zeal, increasing the amount of paperwork and facilitating their earnings, or reducing their number, and forcing us to plow twice, breaking the "economic crisis". They alone decide how much they will be published - so that everyone had enough or long enough to create a deficit. Once they decide to add them into circulation and make our lives easier or bring them out of circulation and cause us to plow even more diligently.
Since manages workload. Inflation and deflation - is not an economic process - a tool for managing the slaves.
Moreover, to ensure that we had not thought of a respite in their slavery, they created a system of "voluntary agreements on lifelong bondage." They announced the Earth, which by definition can not belong to anyone, their property! Today, to the land became the property of someone else, it should be bought for huge money. It is also incredibly expensive properties built on this land. But who was the first buyer of the land? To whom he paid for it and in what currency? Or is he just decided that this earth - his own?
The slave owners voluntarily gave themselves the right to give permission to build a house on the land or not to give. Now even for the right to bury the body in the ground, they take the money from the relatives of the deceased and distribute what piece of the planet they'll take us under the burial of our bodies, and what not. As a result, a large part of mankind has been unable to afford even a small piece of this planet and the roof over your head.
Fabulous cost of these things and not the ability to collect on their purchase a sufficient amount of colored papers, created a new more terrible form of slavery - slavery credit.
The essence of this form of slavery exhaustively disclosed in the article "The Tale of the wise goldsmith" and in the movie "Money - a pyramid of debt," and it is this: 70% of colored pieces of paper ever printed slaveholders were issued by them on credit. Money are not the government and not Treasuries governments and central banks in the image of the US Federal Reserve, which are private corporations that do not obey anyone but their owners. And all the money issued by the state, large transnational banks, the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, corporations, businesses or individuals in the interest-bearing debt. On each piece of paper that you borrowed at 14% for 10 years, 10 years will have to bring 2 more of the same paper. But the trick is to take these two pieces of paper can only be in the same place where they are printed only in the interest-bearing debt. Thus, the number of papers that do exist in circulation is always less than the amount of debt that must be returned for the use of these pieces of paper. And as soon as the slave-owners allowed us to use a new piece of paper, so that we can cover their debts, they thus create even more debt.
Credit slavery based on the fact that humanity simply can not pay all its debts to the slaveholders. As debts are given the same money that are taken and the amount of money in circulation is always less than the amount of our debt on them.
4)) Narcotic slavery.
Narcotic slavery suppresses and controls the mind through physical dependence managed his body. However, not all drugs are equally beneficial and useful for the slaveholders.
Heavy drugs derived from opium, heroin, cocaine, marijuana and hashish are not only to the complete subordination of consciousness through hard physical dependence of the body, but also to its complete degradation that eventually makes the person's useless for slave owners to use its labor productive capacity.
That is why these drugs are prohibited. The reason for the ban is not their humanity to mankind, but only cold calculation and expediency.
Legally used to control and subordination of human drugs disrupt brain cloud the mind, weaken the will and lead to the person's inability to resist the slave system, to see and understand its essence, draw patterns in those issues where consciousness could cover their eyes the mysteries of the universe and understand it .
At the same time a slight narcotic slavery leaves the human brain is quite suitable for use in slave-like functions. Nicotine addict quite successfully can cut timber, shovel the crap and cut appendicitis.
Narcotic slavery introduces an additional dependence on the slave of his master. Now the owner is not only colored paper, which is so eager servant, but the dose, without which it breaks.
For easy narcotic slavery destroys the mind and will of the overwhelming use:
Narcotic supplements
Narcotic nutritional supplements, such as "MSG", "aspartame" indulge in gluttony man and plunge him into the consciousness of dependence on food addiction body and brain. Narcotic supplements allow you to enter in human nutrition such alien, unnatural and harmful to the human digestive system products, such as chips, crackers, sausages, cakes, sweet, carbonated water, etc.
The purpose of introducing these unnatural products in human nutrition is to maximize the alienation of man from the natural power supply system, which depends solely on the generosity of the land and hard work of man. Thus, most slave owners tend to put a man at the mercy of the food industry, today merged into one with the chemical industry.
In addition, food addiction allows you to enter into the daily human diet and securely attach it a huge list of products which contain nitrites and nitrates, is caused by mutations on the cellular level and cancer that at the time the need is for the slaveholders tool depopulation of man as a biological species.
Management by fear is through the body and the pain that they feel.
Education and media:
Management by "Vedomosti" through the illusions and delusions where consciousness resides.
Financial system:
Management of financial dependence is carried through the body and desire that overwhelmed him.
Management of drug addiction through the body and its physiological characteristics.
Direct demonstrative and management of violence through the allocation of the number of slaves the most stupid and immoral individuals with an animal type of thinking and a tendency to pathological sadism and giving them nadziratelskimi and punitive functions in relation to the rest of the servants for poor performance or not obeying the laws.
To legalize and justify this form of control creates the illusion of making anti-human laws will of themselves slaves. It is called the words "democracy" and "elections».
Force majeure in managing, reducing the surplus population, depopulation.
Sometimes, due to various reasons, the slave-owners built a global governance structure nevolnicheskoy civilization on planet Earth becomes unstable. In this case, the worst thing that can expect slaveowners - a massive insight slaves.
In mass epiphany of slaves is the part that will be unable to enlightenment will be directed slaveholders to suppress the part that prozreet and refuse to obey the system in all its manifestations, such as legislation, law enforcement, money, banks, jobs, education, media, food , medicine and so on ...
The result of this encounter will be a war, managed by the slave-owners and aimed at the destruction of part of the population.
The probability of this scenario is higher, the higher the size of the population, because the large size of the population harder to control. Therefore, the slave-owners have to constantly carry a hidden population control and, if necessary, reduce the surplus population.
As this amount exceeds the number of slaves slave owners (excluding their managed elites) almost 2,000,000 times, demonstrative destruction of superfluous slaves is not possible because of the danger of their insight and rebellion. Therefore, the number of slaves is regulated by the hidden control of fertility, mortality and life expectancy.
The birth rate is regulated:
Through misinformation about AIDS
Through the introduction of condoms in the massive use of
After sterilization of the population by GMOs
Through artificial famine, which in the future will be fully controllable factor due to the displacement of natural crops GMO crops
Mortality rates and life expectancy are regulated:
Through immunization (vaccination)
By food additives (stabilizers, perfumes, dyes, most of which are nitrates and carcinogens that cause cancer)
Through the distortion of the power supply system (the introduction of meat)
Local wars
Welcome to reality…