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Very dangerous game: Living on credit

Long overdue to write about it, and although I often talk about it between times, the practice shows that such things need to talk loudly. Everyone knows that credit is a very dangerous game. Many understand that already played it. But to stop is impossible.

Once my husband and also in her playing. Before the wedding began, and a year after having a newborn son, suffered a complete collapse. We can say that we went bankrupt. In fact we had to sell our only property, to pay off the loan and the huge interest, some of the money to pay even the bandits who didn't care about our opportunities and where and how we live.

More than a year we were afraid to answer the phone, especially at home. Several times we have come home "vybivanii" debts, and I can tell you, it's a dubious pleasure to hear their threats, holding the hands of a child. We had almost all friends and acquaintances. The relationship quickly collapsed.

The prospects were not. And this point brings us only the desire to get something right now, not postponing.

So we bought a large and rather expensive for us at the car, which also broke after a few months than put us in debt even deeper. We have not developed a business in which we invested a lot of money and effort. And it destroyed our relationship.

We were afraid to call the creditors and negotiate, hoping that the sky will fall the whole of the required amount and we will immediately close all in one fell swoop. Instead of a drop to give every time to us money came we again and again put off a decision on this issue for sometime. And goodcialis.

In the end the loan we paid 2 times more than it should have. Interest, interest, interest on interest, penalties, and the documents were all honestly and correctly, even though humanly and wildly. We came bailiffs with the decision. To say that it was hell – not to say anything. I would not wish anyone to go through that, especially being in such a vulnerable position. Now I can calmly to talk about it, it's been around for years, and cried a lot, and lots of pillows were torn by anger and despair. But then it was different.

And with all that we have tried for a long time to handle it yourself, not telling anyone anything, pretending that everything is fine. Even her parents. Or even more – parents. Can you imagine how hard it was for me, even when to talk and cry about it there was no one. To keep it all to myself, to remain silent and to deceive relatives. It was very difficult.

Even after selling the flat, we returned to a state of zero. It was a minus, though and not such huge. We moved to another city, where everything started from scratch. Rental housing, shortages of work. One day we did not pay the rent, and the owner came, took our valuables – computers, camcorder and pawned. In his own way he was right. Only here photos of the first year of our older son now does not return – there are very few. Sometimes we didn't even buy his mix, and we got out as best they could.

The loans in our life is not over. Apparently history has not taught us anything. They are smaller, but they again appeared, to somehow survive. That was something my husband to get to work to to work at home. And one day we realized that moving there again. But we have nothing to sell to close all these issues.

Thanks to my husband for reasonableness, we were able to stay in the moment. It was very difficult. But the beginning of another movement. The husband brought home the money and we most of gave. Immediately.

We divided the large sum into smaller pieces and gave as they could.

Five hundred rubles, one thousand. Got a special file and began to track down who how much to give. Yes, at this point the belt had to tighten. Although we do not show off at the café went out and things did not buy. Then even in summer we almost did not buy vegetables and fruits, only the most necessary and cheap. But every day when her husband brought home a wage (and he received the money in small chunks, every day), we again more than half gave. There, where the strongest was burning.

This process took us approximately six months or less. And six months to breathe much easier. Began to appear free money that can be deferred. Began to appear possible. And five years later, after the wedding, we first went on vacation – as budget as possible, but for a long time.

And then there was freedom, when many earned so much and spent, not having any special obligations, except for rent. No phone call banks, no SMS with threats, without the constant reminder that until such a date have so much money there and then to take it. And the money began to accumulate. Little by little. Just in the size of monthly payments. And we began to save for things before you buy them. It turned out, the difference is huge. And in relation to things and the feeling from himself.

And if the first and the second car we bought on credit – and in fact end up paying far more with interest and the rest, third we've saved half a year or more. And how much nicer to drive it! She serves as a reminder that we someone something should be, it's just our favorite car, which, unfortunately, our family is small.

Why I decided to mention it now? The majority of those who in this crisis have faced difficulties, wrote that under pressure the loans. It is these small and large leeches. Every month you need to pay, even if you give nothing. Those who have no credit, reports and stories – all this is much easier. And something new to think and not to fall into apathy.

I read their letters and remember my despair then. And so I want to warn you, to help and maybe save someone from such a step, as the loan. And what happens.

Why I claim that loans are evil?

The loan is a negative financial flow

Everyone knows it, but few really understand. Two thousand rubles a month – it's a bit if you make thirty. And if tomorrow you'll make only ten? Two thousand is a lot or a little? And if you did not earn? The loan anyway, that we're in a recession you cut, you're pregnant. He doesn't care about your circumstances. There is a paper with your signature, and that is more important. You must earn this amount, want or do not want. And even more – because to eat it is also something you need. The pressure someone is described as favorable, saying that the stimulus will work. This is not stimulus, this is the weight on the neck. Especially for women – even if the loan is designed for a man.

The loan is the energy of passion

First enjoy, then pay. And grabbed by the gills, we loans where? Bright and beautiful, noisy and crowded stores. That's the thing. Stands like he's waiting for you. Calling and beckoning. You tell her, I say, I have no money.

And she whispers: "so there is a loan without interest and overpayments, only two documents and we can be together!".

Only now and then this thing is not happy, and serves as a reminder that you someone have something. And in the end cost dearly. Passion drains the human soul races and possession.

Credit draining the power

It's simple – what I think that's where the energy goes. When there is a loan, often not to think about it. You and SMS from the Bank come and post letters of "happiness". We have all the time anyway to return to it. And drain their energy. And who it eventually goes to the good? And if the same amount of time we were thinking about something else, for example, about his work? What would be the result?

Credit is a trap

And the main person there to lure bright signs, and then you can do what you want. A well-known Bank I was struck, for example, the fact that at the time of credit card talking to you as favourites. But even after the first delay, the same people from the Bank you are sending SMS with threats. Here is a diametrically opposite attitude to the man at once shows the true face of the whole credit industry.

They know very well the human psychology. You have a grace period of 60 days, without interest. And when you take money out, you expect them soon to return. But there are other plans, and now you have to agree to pay a minimal monthly fee and not a penny more. Just enough to the size of the debt is not decreased, and the percent offset your monthly payment. It can be a lifetime carry in Bank money – and your debt will not decrease. That is the paradox of credit cards.

A loan is not profitable

Interest on credit cards, for example, is very large. For cash withdrawals is usually the percentage is even higher than a simple payment. And again – if you pay the monthly minimum payment – even a two-year or three – it is your duty practically reduced. This life of slavery.

Credit is a drug

Took one and gave – and why-then take the next one. If one easy to pay – you should get another one, because income let. So you can live your whole life. A mortgage that 20-30 years can tie you to a lot of obligations. Credit machines that are so easy to make. Credit cards that come in the mail, only sign the paper and get your money today. It is so easy, based on two documents, and abroad for a long time all live!

This is how we get hooked on this needle. And to get off it very difficult.

To refinance to pay one credit. To get into another one to quickly resolve the issue – it's easy and familiar, and everything is live...

Credit is for those who can't wait

Yeah, just wait, have patience, samodisciplina, mind to agree with my own desire. But to wait and be patient we can't, we need it now. Alas. And the price for this is huge. It is better to be trained patience, honestly, the advantages would be greater.

To work on the impact of a loan is not so motivated

Tell me, why would I want to work hard and earn money if I know that most of this earned – give to someone else? This lip in the beginning, I really want to give credit faster – I still have the euphoria of owning and gratitude, and I expect the first loan to close, then the rest. But it passes quickly. And the subconscious whispers, and with this salary or project half will have to pay some guy from the Bank! And it just work hard and hard. And it seems like it should, but doesn't want to.

But if I'm working and saving up for something desired, postpone, gather somewhere in the account on the penny – motivation to work and work much more. To know yourself.

Something breaks, and you're still paying

This is probably the saddest option. Remember, we took a loan on the car, and it broke. The loan unaffordable, and then there's the machine itself... just go on foot, but the money for the loan pay more for its repair. And then sell much cheaper. As we had credit laptop which fell and crashed, while the loan still had to pay. And don't know what was more painful – a broken monitor, or the fact that he is not working, and to pay still need.

Usury is a sin

Often, in fact, take a loan out of despair. Sometimes out of stupidity (as we). And those who are in this to make money, no doubt spoil your karma. All the other people's feelings back to us. Definitely. But if we help lenders to engage in sinful activities, who we are? We commit the same sinful act in the end, if you agree with my own desire and sign any paper for some things.

The loan is a sword of Damocles above your head

Is it easy to live, enjoy and create, when over your head hangs a sword? Not very, right? And loans – particularly in times of crises just like a sword. Actually and in good times they are like this with a sword hanging there, just unnoticed. But once again – and the secret becomes clear. And no strength, no inspiration, no joy.

Borrow from friends is dangerous

There is a risk to spoil relations. A serious risk. In fact, we have just a few people, despite the debt, we could save the relationship. Even if you really tried. And this is understandable.

Recently we decided never to borrow money themselves, after several people your debts are not returned. And like a trifle, but unpleasant. Look – the man has a rest in Greece, and little debt you have a year to give"". So, relationship with you for him is not a priority, and you understand it, because you were there on the other side.

Many are hoping – deep down – that the other will forgive and forget. About the money – maybe Yes. About the relationship, which is so neglected – hardly.

Therefore, if the friendship road, it is better not to risk it.

In General, that when a person owes someone money, subconsciously – Willy-nilly – your lender he wishes for death. After all, no person – will not have to return the money. And friends recommend giving money as much as you are willing to give.

I think friendship can pass that test, but it is very difficult. And if you're not sure, better not risk it.

Loans hit on the self esteem and sense of self

The more credits, SMS from banks and reproaches of friends, the worse you feel. The more time you tear someone down, the worse about yourself. But the worse you feel about yourself, the harder you again to believe in ourselves and earn the right amount. A vicious circle.

14. No credit to live a simpler life

You always know your level of abilities. You have so much money – so you have still so much to wait or buy something like this. Less artificial choice and temptation. If something happened, survive easier because there are no such obligations. And released so much energy, believe me!

What about those who have loans have?

Not to beat yourself up

In fact, we are not to blame. We are not taught to handle money. Our parents did not have them in such quantity that it to learn, and nowhere to spend it. We live in a strange time when we marketers just target audience with a purse. And our consciousness skillfully manipulated. Can we be blamed? In some ways, Yes – only, that allow in myself to influence, including TV and flipping through magazines. Do not succumb to this very difficult, almost impossible.

So blame yourself not worth it. You'll be the first person in his family who'll take care of it and teach it to children and grandchildren.

To plan the repayment of all debts

Write them in the plate, to cry over them a bit and see about when it will be extinguished. To paint, every month give just a little bit more, first close the most urgent. Transparent picture helps and sobering. And when you are amortization schedule and see how they are shrinking, it becomes even easier to live. Appear strength and inspiration.

To extinguish as quickly as possible

Best to overtake your personal schedule. Not to that extent, to live on bread and water, but to accelerate – is possible. To pay 100-200 rubles more, for example. First turn off the credit card – there are brutal conditions, and the huge interest.

To use the art of small steps

If you have a debt of 30 thousand, you often waiting for the moment when the hands appear a free 30 thousand. To time – and to give. And so the rest were not injured. It does not happen. It is much easier to pay little by little, but constantly. For example, sometimes during the year, the same amount to give can not. Doesn't appear she's such a handful, especially without other plans for her. But if I gave a month 2-3 thousands, it's much easier to "pull from the heart", would have closed the debt. Like everywhere else – small steps to a big goal.

Not to take the new – cut the credit card to not have the temptation to use it

In order to clean something, important not only to clean what is already lying there, but don't create a new mess, right? If a credit card is near, there is always the temptation it slightly to use it.

Discard credit cards in General – and this temptation will not. It's simple.

Rastorgnuta the contract, cut it with scissors. A lot of options.

Living on credit seems more simple and profitable. But this is an illusion. We and so many places to live on credit – in relation to their health, family relationships, self-realization.

Try to live differently, reducing the external pressure on its already loaded with problems of the psyche. I like this kind of life anymore, no matter how many banks I didn't send a text about a super-great deals. No, thank you. Passed stage. Think learned something.published


Author: Olga Valyaeva

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: www.valyaeva.ru/zhizn-bez-kreditov/