Five inventors killed by their creations

Imagine for a moment: after many years, putting a lot of effort and spend a huge amount of money you have been the author of a great invention. You rightly hope that your invention will make you rich, famous and certainly has changed the lives of people all over the world for the better. Instead, your amazing invention causes your death. It happens. Perhaps not very often, but it happens. Internet resource Neatorama tells of five inventors who could live much longer, if not invented his own death.
The bad blood.
Alexander Bogdanov was a real Russian Leonardo da Vinci. His main interests were rich and diverse. They include physics, philosophy, economics, science fiction, the universal theory of systems and the idea of being able to rejuvenate by a blood transfusion, which is his undoing. Bogdanov was fascinated by the theory that blood transfusions can hide the secret of eternal youth, or at least slowing down the aging process. 11 times he exposed himself to the procedure of blood transfusion, and his friends noted that the inventor looks 10 years younger his real age. In 1928 Bogdanov again made a blood transfusion, which was the cause of his death. Blood transfusion has been taken from a student, patient malaria and tuberculosis. However upopno it was rumored that it was not an accident, but a form of suicide, since shortly before his death Bogdanov wrote a very "nervous" political letter.
The printing press.
William Bullock is known as the man who in 1863 invented the roll rotary printing machine. The invention completely changed the printing industry, greatly speeding up the process of printing. It was just one of his inventions, which include grain seeder, was awarded the Franklin University. Despite the fact that the rotary printing press are already widely used, Bullock invention allowed the use of a continuous supply of large rolls of paper without having to manually refill it. With these improvements became possible to print up to 30 thousand. Sheets per hour. However, in 1867, his own invention turned against Bullock. During setup the press for one of the Philadelphia newspapers, he tried to insert the belt drive and roller conveyor. Unfortunately his foot got caught in the car and was completely divided. Less than a week, as the inventor died during an operation to amputate the injured leg.
First (can be) the case of the plane crash.
Before the advent of the famous Wright Brothers was no less renowned German inventor Otto Lilienthal. Named "Glider King", he was the first person who managed to make a successful gliding flight more than once. Pictures with its flights have bypassed all world publications that made the idea of the invention "flying machine" more credible in the eyes of the public. And yet, after numerous successes, and it has failed. In August 1896, he fell from a height of 17 meters and broke his spine. The inventor died the next day with the words "Without small victims can not do!". The Wright brothers were called Lilienthal the person who inspired them to flight. "Of all the people who tried to find a solution to the problem of flights in the XIX century - said Wilbur Wright - Otto Lilietal was the most important».
Toxic substance could not kill him.
Thomas Midgley Junior holds a degree in mechanical engineering and more than 100 patents. Working in a branch of General Motors, he discovered that the addition of tetraethyl lead in gasoline relieves the combustion engine from "knocking". However, any positive properties has a side effect: as a result of such additives a lot of lead into the atmosphere and pollute the environment. After the workers at GM factories began to experience hallucinations and to die from lead poisoning, Midgley was tasked to develop a non-toxic hladogen for home use. As a result, he discovered dichlorodifluoromethane, known as frion. Unfortunately, it turned out that frion having a devastating effect on the ozone layer. The guy just was not destined to win. It may be to come up with something else no less lethal, but in 1940 contracted polio and almost lost the ability to move independently. However, if he was not the inventor, if not figured out a way how to make your life easier. Midgley invented a system of blocks and ropes, with which was able to get out of bed without help. This is his invention, and not poisonous fumes of lead or frion, caused the death of the inventor. In 1944, he became entangled in the ropes of his ingenious device that he finally strangled.
Little Brave Little Tailor.
Franz Reichelt was a French tailor, who was in full confidence that the world needs a parachute as a cloak. He enthusiastically devoted his time to the realization of this idea. When the prototype was ready Reichelt climbed on the first level of the Eiffel Tower for the tests. Local authorities, he said he would during the first descent will use a dummy, but at the last minute put paraplasch (or plascheshyut) over and jumped down. Something innovative design of the parachute was not so izobretattel and shattered in front of a huge crowd of onlookers.
And finally, the story of a man who died of his invention.
On good there has to be a long and terrible story of Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotine, who died from a "source" of the invention of the same name. However, this is not true. The good doctor had died a natural death in 1814. Why good? Because of his invention he tried to alleviate the plight of those sentenced to death by beheading head. Prior to execution of this process is carried out using a sword or an ax, and the executioners are not always able to cut off the head from the first time - took two and sometimes three hits. Dr. Guillotine schitl is inhumane and even stood for the complete abolition of the death penalty. His invention he considered a transitional stage in the case.