Anthony Robbins: Your decisions is a powerful force shaping the destiny of
25 lessons of motivation from Tony RobbinsLesson 1. If you want to change your mood, change your mood. We all were similar. You're upset, which makes you feel sad and that made you even more upset. It's a nasty circle, but in and out of it we don't really want. Everything should be just how to be happy, when I want, even if something had upset you.
Everything should be simple, but I can't. So how do you change your mood, if you're in a bad mood?
First you need to realize the cause of bad mood and allow yourself to understand how and why you are in this state. Then decide what kind of mood you want to be and present yourself as such. You won't believe how effective a positive visualization. Third, ask yourself what you can do to think more positive. Can go somewhere? To call someone? To do something?
Find emotional and social levers and use them to your advantage. Some people need to surround yourself with positive people. Others need a break for a walk or a bath. And someone wants loud music and dancing in the house. Whatever it is, find your way and learn how to easily change your mood and actively change the mood.
Lesson 2. Association readiness and capabilities produces what we call luck. I have often been called lucky, because I win a lot of competitions and it pisses me off. I'm not lucky.I'm just taking part in every competition that I found on the way. I ask people who complain that they don't win, do they participate in the kind, the answer is no. I'm not lucky, I just take
the maximum out of every opportunity granted to me. Luck comes to those who she fights.
Lesson 3. Determination – a Wake-up call to the human will.
Determination will be very useful, as it helps to focus on the maximum result. Find what you want and strongly try to achieve, remember that only you can make that possible. Look into his eyes.
Lesson 4. It is your decisions, not conditions, determine your destiny.
People tend to blame the environment in certain circumstances. You will find the problem of poverty, disease and it is not clear what that has made you what you are. These conditions are certainly not simple, but they do not determine your destiny. Only your decisions, your choices, Outlook on life and desire play a role in your success. Learn from conditions, but do not let them master you.
Lesson 5. Things don't matter. We create meaning for everything.
We are investing value in everything, animate and inanimate. So our brain understands things, without this we wouldn't have a system of identification of objects.
Lesson 6. If you believe right or believe is wrong — you are right.
Being confident in anything you are supporting his idea. Remember that.
It is very difficult to change the prejudices of man. Have you ever been in something so confident that were ready to swear life, but then to be sure that you are wrong? At that moment the full confidence that nothing will be able to persuade you. This is how powerful our system of prejudices and it is very important to understand it properly. If
you want to be successful, positive, happy, then, it is necessary to believe wholeheartedly. Come true is what you believe. Only you can give power to emotions.
Lesson 7. I challenge to make your life a work of art.I challenge you to join the number of people who live as I advise and do as you say.
How well you live life? This is only a sketch, drawing or work of art? Don't say you want to carry out something and do it. Find people you admire and who inspire, live your life the way that they live their. Fully and beautifully.
Lesson 8. Control your emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately to share their daily experiences.
People being emotional, which often rules the heart, not the brain. It's not always bad, but can lead to wrong decisions. Taking the decision, try to step back and assess, based on what you are doing on the senses or the mind. Important, and more. I believe in the ability to live with the mind, trusting her intuition. Learn to feel something that takes you out of yourself and understand who and what makes you feel good or bad. Daily control your emotions. Many prefer to maintain an emotional diary, which can open to us the truth of our behavior, because we often act subconsciously.
Lesson 9. Create your vision and don't let others, or other beliefs of the past influence the outcome of your decision.
Have you ever had a vision Board? This is one of the most powerful tools on the way to achieving the goal. I have my store on a computer, but you can do this with pen and paper if you want. Visualize the desired future and create a vision using drawings, pictures or words. Place it there where you will constantly see every day look, focusing on the desired. Do not allow anyone to influence your requirements from life.
Lesson 10. People are not lazy. They have just a weak goal. It's all in the order that they are not inspiring.
If you really want something, you will achieve this. If you have a passion for something and it inspires you, it will be the engine in all your Affairs.
As a freelancer, I am often asked — how long will I sleep in the morning. My answer: of course not! I love waking up early in the morning and immediately get to work. If I find the motivation, then who? Find your passion, set yourself goals and be inspired for hard work.
Lesson 11. Faith has the power to build and power to destroy.
People have a great ability to bring life experience to a value that will deprive them of strength, or literally save a life. When you realize how powerful your brain, you will see that you can create any life you want.
Lesson 12. How do I live today to create for me tomorrow?
Live each day with gratitude for the present, but looking to the future. Make sure that everything you do now is contribute to a better future. Do not waste even one precious moment of life.
Lesson 13. The only impossible journey is the one that never began.
As the saying goes, a journey begins with a single step. If you have a goal, start a journey to implement it, or it will forever remain a pipe dream. Only you can start the journey- so why not start it right now.
Lesson 14. This decision is determined by the fact of new actions. If you are inactive, meaning the decision was not made.
Many only talk, but do nothing. They are always talking about things that would make convincing ourselves and others that are going to do it, but nothing happens. This is not a solution. It's only a thought, an idea. Decision means to take action.
So make a decision today.
Lesson 15. The decision is a powerful force. Decisions shape destiny.
The idea that decisions can completely change and rebuild your future will help to make more informed and correct decisions. Learn to trust as facts and intuition in decision-making, because both are important in this process.
Lesson 16. You are building every moment of every day: who you are, what you believe in.
Every second you are given a second chance. Don't get attached to the circumstances and to the opinions of others, and even to his. You can be anyone.
Lesson 17. Your philosophy of life shapes you like nothing else can.
Your beliefs affect your actions, thus you are forming the opinions of others about you.
Make sure that your philosophy of life shapes you as a positive person and always be yourself.
Lesson 18. In life you need either inspiration or frustration.
To live a satisfied life means to live every day, not much bothering.
Good motivation to get more out of life, is inspiration. Disappointment can also be a good motivation, because it promotes the desire to change these circumstances. Let inspiration and frustration to work for you or against you.
Lesson 19. I believe life is constantly testing us for strength and the best reward waiting for somebody to show a tireless ability to act to the bitter end.
Never give up. Why should the world give you what you want to try? Be a man, an unshakable confidence in the success and watch the success eventually comes to you.
Lesson 20. Everyone has a past. The past does not affect the future, if you don't live.
Stop living in the past and don't let the past dictate the future. Learn from your mistakes otpuskaya them.
Lesson 21. You become what they often do.
We are what we do. So, if you want to do something and to be someone else, do it for as long as the activity does not become a habit. If you don't want to be lazy and to do more, you need to remove bad habits from your lifestyle. Many say that during the day would like to do more, but still spend a lot of time online or in front of the TV. Determine what takes up most of your time and ask yourself, brings you a benefit or harm.
Lesson 22. Change is inevitable. Progress is not always the case.
Changes in life nowhere to hide, want it or not. We can't stop some things like aging, for example, and we cannot control the results of other people's actions, their influence on us. But we can make changes in a positive line to grow with them and learn from them. Make sure that you are living on growing, moving forward and progressing.
Lesson 23. If you can't, you should. If you must you can.
In most cases there is no "I can't", only "I don't want to." We often use the excuse of the inability to do something to prevent something, but to better ourselves we do not do. Inaction does not bring progress, we do not explore the limits of their capabilities. In the us the potential is much greater than we think. Not saying that you can't, just do it.
Lesson 24. Who are you now? Who you choose to be? Take these decisions consciously. Take them carefully. Take them strongly. And then take action.
You want to be an artist? A singer? An ecologist? A good parent? Who do you see yourself?
Choose carefully and make decisions based on what you are strong in what you believe and what your passion. Cast away all fears and worries. Make the decision and live by it!
Lesson 25. No matter how many mistakes you did and what would be not small progress, you still way ahead of those who never even tried.
Always be proud of what you do because simply by this you are already doing more than those who does nothing. I remember someone said that I will not go into the hall until, until it is thin enough to go there and not embarrass myself. I did. We talked for a long time and I finally persuaded to go. A few months later he came to me to say how well I feel now as I do not believe that you've been worried about the opinions of others. He said that this experience was motivating and inspiring. To do something and act much better than sitting and doing nothing.Just do just one small thing every day towards your goal.published
©Anthony Robbins, from the book by joy Lincoln "the Greatest life lessons Tony Robbins"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/anthony_robbins_ru?w=wall-53757050_609
Everything should be simple, but I can't. So how do you change your mood, if you're in a bad mood?
First you need to realize the cause of bad mood and allow yourself to understand how and why you are in this state. Then decide what kind of mood you want to be and present yourself as such. You won't believe how effective a positive visualization. Third, ask yourself what you can do to think more positive. Can go somewhere? To call someone? To do something?
Find emotional and social levers and use them to your advantage. Some people need to surround yourself with positive people. Others need a break for a walk or a bath. And someone wants loud music and dancing in the house. Whatever it is, find your way and learn how to easily change your mood and actively change the mood.

Lesson 2. Association readiness and capabilities produces what we call luck. I have often been called lucky, because I win a lot of competitions and it pisses me off. I'm not lucky.I'm just taking part in every competition that I found on the way. I ask people who complain that they don't win, do they participate in the kind, the answer is no. I'm not lucky, I just take
the maximum out of every opportunity granted to me. Luck comes to those who she fights.
Lesson 3. Determination – a Wake-up call to the human will.
Determination will be very useful, as it helps to focus on the maximum result. Find what you want and strongly try to achieve, remember that only you can make that possible. Look into his eyes.
Lesson 4. It is your decisions, not conditions, determine your destiny.
People tend to blame the environment in certain circumstances. You will find the problem of poverty, disease and it is not clear what that has made you what you are. These conditions are certainly not simple, but they do not determine your destiny. Only your decisions, your choices, Outlook on life and desire play a role in your success. Learn from conditions, but do not let them master you.
Lesson 5. Things don't matter. We create meaning for everything.
We are investing value in everything, animate and inanimate. So our brain understands things, without this we wouldn't have a system of identification of objects.
Lesson 6. If you believe right or believe is wrong — you are right.
Being confident in anything you are supporting his idea. Remember that.
It is very difficult to change the prejudices of man. Have you ever been in something so confident that were ready to swear life, but then to be sure that you are wrong? At that moment the full confidence that nothing will be able to persuade you. This is how powerful our system of prejudices and it is very important to understand it properly. If
you want to be successful, positive, happy, then, it is necessary to believe wholeheartedly. Come true is what you believe. Only you can give power to emotions.
Lesson 7. I challenge to make your life a work of art.I challenge you to join the number of people who live as I advise and do as you say.
How well you live life? This is only a sketch, drawing or work of art? Don't say you want to carry out something and do it. Find people you admire and who inspire, live your life the way that they live their. Fully and beautifully.

Lesson 8. Control your emotions and begin to consciously and deliberately to share their daily experiences.
People being emotional, which often rules the heart, not the brain. It's not always bad, but can lead to wrong decisions. Taking the decision, try to step back and assess, based on what you are doing on the senses or the mind. Important, and more. I believe in the ability to live with the mind, trusting her intuition. Learn to feel something that takes you out of yourself and understand who and what makes you feel good or bad. Daily control your emotions. Many prefer to maintain an emotional diary, which can open to us the truth of our behavior, because we often act subconsciously.
Lesson 9. Create your vision and don't let others, or other beliefs of the past influence the outcome of your decision.
Have you ever had a vision Board? This is one of the most powerful tools on the way to achieving the goal. I have my store on a computer, but you can do this with pen and paper if you want. Visualize the desired future and create a vision using drawings, pictures or words. Place it there where you will constantly see every day look, focusing on the desired. Do not allow anyone to influence your requirements from life.
Lesson 10. People are not lazy. They have just a weak goal. It's all in the order that they are not inspiring.
If you really want something, you will achieve this. If you have a passion for something and it inspires you, it will be the engine in all your Affairs.
As a freelancer, I am often asked — how long will I sleep in the morning. My answer: of course not! I love waking up early in the morning and immediately get to work. If I find the motivation, then who? Find your passion, set yourself goals and be inspired for hard work.
Lesson 11. Faith has the power to build and power to destroy.
People have a great ability to bring life experience to a value that will deprive them of strength, or literally save a life. When you realize how powerful your brain, you will see that you can create any life you want.
Lesson 12. How do I live today to create for me tomorrow?
Live each day with gratitude for the present, but looking to the future. Make sure that everything you do now is contribute to a better future. Do not waste even one precious moment of life.
Lesson 13. The only impossible journey is the one that never began.
As the saying goes, a journey begins with a single step. If you have a goal, start a journey to implement it, or it will forever remain a pipe dream. Only you can start the journey- so why not start it right now.
Lesson 14. This decision is determined by the fact of new actions. If you are inactive, meaning the decision was not made.
Many only talk, but do nothing. They are always talking about things that would make convincing ourselves and others that are going to do it, but nothing happens. This is not a solution. It's only a thought, an idea. Decision means to take action.
So make a decision today.
Lesson 15. The decision is a powerful force. Decisions shape destiny.
The idea that decisions can completely change and rebuild your future will help to make more informed and correct decisions. Learn to trust as facts and intuition in decision-making, because both are important in this process.
Lesson 16. You are building every moment of every day: who you are, what you believe in.
Every second you are given a second chance. Don't get attached to the circumstances and to the opinions of others, and even to his. You can be anyone.
Lesson 17. Your philosophy of life shapes you like nothing else can.
Your beliefs affect your actions, thus you are forming the opinions of others about you.
Make sure that your philosophy of life shapes you as a positive person and always be yourself.

Lesson 18. In life you need either inspiration or frustration.
To live a satisfied life means to live every day, not much bothering.
Good motivation to get more out of life, is inspiration. Disappointment can also be a good motivation, because it promotes the desire to change these circumstances. Let inspiration and frustration to work for you or against you.
Lesson 19. I believe life is constantly testing us for strength and the best reward waiting for somebody to show a tireless ability to act to the bitter end.
Never give up. Why should the world give you what you want to try? Be a man, an unshakable confidence in the success and watch the success eventually comes to you.
Lesson 20. Everyone has a past. The past does not affect the future, if you don't live.
Stop living in the past and don't let the past dictate the future. Learn from your mistakes otpuskaya them.
Lesson 21. You become what they often do.
We are what we do. So, if you want to do something and to be someone else, do it for as long as the activity does not become a habit. If you don't want to be lazy and to do more, you need to remove bad habits from your lifestyle. Many say that during the day would like to do more, but still spend a lot of time online or in front of the TV. Determine what takes up most of your time and ask yourself, brings you a benefit or harm.
Lesson 22. Change is inevitable. Progress is not always the case.
Changes in life nowhere to hide, want it or not. We can't stop some things like aging, for example, and we cannot control the results of other people's actions, their influence on us. But we can make changes in a positive line to grow with them and learn from them. Make sure that you are living on growing, moving forward and progressing.
Lesson 23. If you can't, you should. If you must you can.
In most cases there is no "I can't", only "I don't want to." We often use the excuse of the inability to do something to prevent something, but to better ourselves we do not do. Inaction does not bring progress, we do not explore the limits of their capabilities. In the us the potential is much greater than we think. Not saying that you can't, just do it.
Lesson 24. Who are you now? Who you choose to be? Take these decisions consciously. Take them carefully. Take them strongly. And then take action.
You want to be an artist? A singer? An ecologist? A good parent? Who do you see yourself?
Choose carefully and make decisions based on what you are strong in what you believe and what your passion. Cast away all fears and worries. Make the decision and live by it!
Lesson 25. No matter how many mistakes you did and what would be not small progress, you still way ahead of those who never even tried.
Always be proud of what you do because simply by this you are already doing more than those who does nothing. I remember someone said that I will not go into the hall until, until it is thin enough to go there and not embarrass myself. I did. We talked for a long time and I finally persuaded to go. A few months later he came to me to say how well I feel now as I do not believe that you've been worried about the opinions of others. He said that this experience was motivating and inspiring. To do something and act much better than sitting and doing nothing.Just do just one small thing every day towards your goal.published
©Anthony Robbins, from the book by joy Lincoln "the Greatest life lessons Tony Robbins"
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/anthony_robbins_ru?w=wall-53757050_609
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