Thick blood: How to restore the quality of the blood
You have thick blood — what to do? Biochemists have proved that the germ of the disease initially occurs in the connective tissue, and only then begins to spread throughout the body. And just in conclusion, the health problem is manifested at the systems level.
Blood is one of the most important and fundamental connective tissues of our body. Therefore, prevention and maintaining of its condition in the rule will allow you to keep optimal parameters of homeostasis. If the blood is non-standard (oily, thick, credited with inclusions of cholesterol and uric acid) it will sooner or later lead to the imbalance of redox process, and ultimately to the disruption of all body systems.
What causes, say, or provokes blood clots?
1. Well-known fact that human blood is almost 90% water and has certain parameters. Saving parameters such as alkalinity, structure, surface tension 43 Dyne/sq. cm normal – vital for the body. Because small deviations can lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, when a person drinks of poor quality not corresponding to the norm, chlorinated, aerated, unstructured water takes a large amount of cellular energy to bring the water to normal.
2. The enzymatic deficiency is one of the important causes of impaired quality of the blood. If not enough enzymes is not fully broken down proteins, amino acids, lipids and carbohydrates. When fermentopathy oxidized products of decomposition of molecules enter the bloodstream and disrupt biochemical processes. Causing the red blood cells stick together and the cells of the tissues receive less oxygen.
3. Lack of vitamins and minerals (e.g. selenium, zinc, vitamin C, lecithin, etc.), plus the liver is constantly working on Overdrive, all of this leads to disruption in the production of hormones and enzymes. The process of thickening of blood is compounded if the person eats a lot of smoked, salty, sweet, canned, and living in poor environmental conditions.
The way of restoring the quality of blood
1. It is recommended to start the program with the presence of enzymes, vitamins, minerals to restore the appropriate alkalinity of the blood. ASSIMILATOR (one of the most effective enzymatic preparations for today) contains minerals and plant derived enzymes. Using Assimilator as a food Supplement, you will completely split the large protein and lipid molecules.
2. CORAL WATER is a unique product. Difficult about the qualities of this water to say in a nutshell. Using coral water with optimum content of 60 minerals, structured, perfectly clean, we help maintain optimal blood parameters. Normalized all biochemical processes, reduced oxygen levels, cells tissues and organs can regulate their activity. Coral water maintains blood rheology in the field of optimal homeostasis, thereby dramatically improves the activity of the cardiovascular system.
3. GINKO BILOBA is considered to be one of the first trees on Earth. Calling this tree "leaf dragon tree", the ancient Aztecs used its leaves for healing. Ginkgo biloba supports blood flow, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and restores their structure.
4. GARLIC – for many centuries has been used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular problems. Thanks garlic circulation is stimulated and the oxygen balance of the blood. From the time of Ivan the terrible folk medicine garlic thinned the blood and fought with atherosclerosis.
5. ARTICHOKE cleanses the liver, lowers cholesterol, reduces blood viscosity, normalizes fat metabolism. Also in the use of artichoke is marked neutralization of toxins in the blood.
6. LECITHIN can serve as a prevention of atherosclerosis. When using labor-notes of lecithin improve memory, lowers cholesterol, improves the process of secretion and increased absorption of fatty acids in the intestines, and also improves microcirculation.
P. S. it should be noted that recently very rejuvenated all diseases. The problem of thickening of blood is already in front of very young children. published
Author: Olga Butakova
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: da100let.dn.ua/gustaya-krov/
Blood is one of the most important and fundamental connective tissues of our body. Therefore, prevention and maintaining of its condition in the rule will allow you to keep optimal parameters of homeostasis. If the blood is non-standard (oily, thick, credited with inclusions of cholesterol and uric acid) it will sooner or later lead to the imbalance of redox process, and ultimately to the disruption of all body systems.

What causes, say, or provokes blood clots?
1. Well-known fact that human blood is almost 90% water and has certain parameters. Saving parameters such as alkalinity, structure, surface tension 43 Dyne/sq. cm normal – vital for the body. Because small deviations can lead to a fatal outcome. Therefore, when a person drinks of poor quality not corresponding to the norm, chlorinated, aerated, unstructured water takes a large amount of cellular energy to bring the water to normal.
2. The enzymatic deficiency is one of the important causes of impaired quality of the blood. If not enough enzymes is not fully broken down proteins, amino acids, lipids and carbohydrates. When fermentopathy oxidized products of decomposition of molecules enter the bloodstream and disrupt biochemical processes. Causing the red blood cells stick together and the cells of the tissues receive less oxygen.
3. Lack of vitamins and minerals (e.g. selenium, zinc, vitamin C, lecithin, etc.), plus the liver is constantly working on Overdrive, all of this leads to disruption in the production of hormones and enzymes. The process of thickening of blood is compounded if the person eats a lot of smoked, salty, sweet, canned, and living in poor environmental conditions.
The way of restoring the quality of blood
1. It is recommended to start the program with the presence of enzymes, vitamins, minerals to restore the appropriate alkalinity of the blood. ASSIMILATOR (one of the most effective enzymatic preparations for today) contains minerals and plant derived enzymes. Using Assimilator as a food Supplement, you will completely split the large protein and lipid molecules.
2. CORAL WATER is a unique product. Difficult about the qualities of this water to say in a nutshell. Using coral water with optimum content of 60 minerals, structured, perfectly clean, we help maintain optimal blood parameters. Normalized all biochemical processes, reduced oxygen levels, cells tissues and organs can regulate their activity. Coral water maintains blood rheology in the field of optimal homeostasis, thereby dramatically improves the activity of the cardiovascular system.
3. GINKO BILOBA is considered to be one of the first trees on Earth. Calling this tree "leaf dragon tree", the ancient Aztecs used its leaves for healing. Ginkgo biloba supports blood flow, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and restores their structure.
4. GARLIC – for many centuries has been used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular problems. Thanks garlic circulation is stimulated and the oxygen balance of the blood. From the time of Ivan the terrible folk medicine garlic thinned the blood and fought with atherosclerosis.

5. ARTICHOKE cleanses the liver, lowers cholesterol, reduces blood viscosity, normalizes fat metabolism. Also in the use of artichoke is marked neutralization of toxins in the blood.
6. LECITHIN can serve as a prevention of atherosclerosis. When using labor-notes of lecithin improve memory, lowers cholesterol, improves the process of secretion and increased absorption of fatty acids in the intestines, and also improves microcirculation.
P. S. it should be noted that recently very rejuvenated all diseases. The problem of thickening of blood is already in front of very young children. published
Author: Olga Butakova
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: da100let.dn.ua/gustaya-krov/
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