An indispensable tool in the household! In my life I would not have thought that with the help of an iron...

The very first iron was most likely a flat heavy stone. Drawings of the Aztecs represent the process of such ironing in quite detail: clothes were spread out on a flat surface, pressed on top with a stone and left for a while under this press.

In Russia, the first written mention of an iron dates back to 1635. The ancestor iron was completely cast iron. To use it, it had to be hot on fire. Therefore, usually a couple of such units were in the work at once: while one was ironed, the other was heated.

In the XVIII century, wind irons appeared, which had a reclining lid for loading coal, and holes on the sides, they needed to blow in order for the fading coals to re-ignite.

The birthday of the electric iron can be considered June 6, 1882. It was on this day that the American Henry Seeley patented the electric iron he invented. The six-kilogram invention only became popular when Earl Richardson developed a lighter version.

Since then, irons have become immeasurably more complex, but their main purpose - smoothing the folds on clothes - has not changed. In this article, we will try to find new and unusual applications for this familiar household appliance.

Non-standard ways of using irons
  1. If you want to fry bacon, but there is no stove at hand - use iron and foil. Wrap the bacon in the foil and iron it. You can add a few drops of oil. Bacon's ready in a minute. Bon appetit!

    In the same way, you can make a wonderful hot sandwich. Put a cheese sandwich between two foil sheets. Then put on top for 5-10 minutes heated iron. Then take it off, turn the sandwich over and put the iron back on. If the sandwich has a golden color, then everything is ready!

  2. Iron painting.! You will need an iron without holes for steaming, wax crayons, glossy cardboard and inspiration.

    Heat the iron to a minimum temperature. Apply the picture with crayons on the sole and iron cardboard.

    The result will surprise you! Such paintings are beautiful in themselves and are good as a means to develop imagination in children.

    One thing is bad - you have to clean the sole of the iron, but our next life hack will help you with this.

  3. Any plaque on the sole of the iron can be quickly cleaned with fine salt. Plaster wax paper or newspaper, pour salt on it, heat the iron and make a surface cleaning with circular movements. Cleaning the iron It won't take long and he'll be like new again!

  4. With the help of our “magic” iron you can make plastic straws comfortable and reliable sticks for salt, sugar and spices.

    To do this, cut the straw into several segments. With an iron (don’t forget to use wax paper as a pad) melt the tip of each fragment, as if sealing it.

    Put sugar, salt, coffee or spices in the resulting container, and then seal the other end in the same way. Such homemade sticks are very convenient to take with you on a trip.

  5. With the help of an iron, you can make convenient cups from unnecessary plastic bottles for storing pencils and various stationery trifles.

    Cut the plastic bottle into two parts. The bottom part, after further processing, will become our cup.

    With the help of an iron, heat the edge of the cup so that they become smooth.

  6. Over time, even if you pour only boiled water, scale is formed on the iron and sprayer. You can get rid of it by pouring a solution of citric acid into an iron. Citric acid dissolves the salts of calcium and magnesium, of which scale consists. To prepare the solution, take a small bag of citric acid weighing 25 grams and solutions in a container with purified or boiled water.

    The concentration of the solution must be such as not to damage the internal rubber parts of the steamer. Water should be taken by volume of water tank - usually 200 ml. Set the maximum temperature and turn on the iron for 2-3 minutes. After that, drain the solution and thoroughly wash the iron with clean water.

  7. If you want to keep a bouquet of flowers longer, use an iron for this purpose. Place the flowers between two sheets of paper and use a steam iron to dry them. The composition of dried flowers will decorate the home interior and will delight with its appearance for a long time.

  8. The iron will help to easily remove the label or price tag from the gift. Put a piece of paper between the iron and the price tag and iron a little. The price tag will be unimpeded, and you will only have to wipe the surface of the gift with an alcohol napkin to remove traces of glue.

Continuing the topic of the original use of household appliances "Site" We offer you 9 unusual ways to use a hair dryer.

If you know other ways of non-standard use of home appliances, be sure to share with us in the comments.


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