Safe iron "Up and down"
Any appliances and, in particular, iron is undoubtedly very useful and important adaptations that can facilitate the life of man. But when we think about the iron and the heat from it, saving our clothes from wetness and folds, we can not help Recalling about this sad and frightening possibilities of getting burned. But even the most insignificant, seemingly, a burn from contact with the included iron means just incredibly painful for quite a long time.
Therefore, the designer Ying Ho Lee (In Ho Lee) decided to try to solve this problem the simplest way: he invented the iron, the heating surface has the ability to hide in that moment, when it's not necessary. According to his concept of the iron, which is called the Up&Down Safety Iron (iron Safe "Up and down"), this device is equipped with a special lever that the user must click when he wants to start Ironing. When the user ceases to be ironed, a heating element hidden in the body automatically.
On the one hand, the concept is interesting and could be useful as a step to a completely new and revolutionary home appliances. But no more, so both as a standalone appliance no special benefits, it does not bear iron, not unlike his fellows, because he did not exclude the possibility of a burn, but only slightly reduces its. But the price of it in case of realization will be much higher than that of peers. Also not a very good design of this iron is its rounded shape does not allow you to put it vertically, which for this subject is very important. So we'll have to wait more than a good concept that can save us from the burn of agony.
Source: /users/104

Therefore, the designer Ying Ho Lee (In Ho Lee) decided to try to solve this problem the simplest way: he invented the iron, the heating surface has the ability to hide in that moment, when it's not necessary. According to his concept of the iron, which is called the Up&Down Safety Iron (iron Safe "Up and down"), this device is equipped with a special lever that the user must click when he wants to start Ironing. When the user ceases to be ironed, a heating element hidden in the body automatically.

On the one hand, the concept is interesting and could be useful as a step to a completely new and revolutionary home appliances. But no more, so both as a standalone appliance no special benefits, it does not bear iron, not unlike his fellows, because he did not exclude the possibility of a burn, but only slightly reduces its. But the price of it in case of realization will be much higher than that of peers. Also not a very good design of this iron is its rounded shape does not allow you to put it vertically, which for this subject is very important. So we'll have to wait more than a good concept that can save us from the burn of agony.
Source: /users/104