In hill and down dale ...
I went with friends to the mountain hiking, and recently completed a report, MB someone will be interested.
But I'm also went to the mountains ...
Radialka was planned around Pseashkho array (or Psekhako who both calls) with the ascent of two peaks: North and South Pseashko (3256m)
According to the plan: 6 days + 1 reserve.
There were three of us. My friend Valerie (more or less seasoned, hot, almost Caucasian man), who is also the organizer of the campaign. His nephew Eugene (nirazu who went nowhere), who turned 16 the day before the hike. Well, I'm dreaming of a campaign to lose five pounds, and is proud to drag the fat with them =)). I love the mountains, but the experience is not enough, alas.
We talk to people who have been to these places - different opinions. Some shouted: "One Flew not notice, the route is not even categorical ... cats do not need, do not need a rope, ice ax generally forget about the" others say: "Figure you pass Marble will not pass».
As a result, we trust first and took only 5m ropes (just in case) and an ice ax (for a photo shoot on the glacier).
Reserved area, so you need to get a pass. Experienced people are warned: if you want to call to reserve a car - will breed on the headstock.
From early in the morning we arrived at the Adler found the office of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve ...
According to the schedule, the reception starts at 9:00, but we were allowed only about 10 and. On the subject of cars - denied once, but gave telefonchik, you said that this man has the right to enter it if necessary, and you will deliver. Apparently joint business =)
Wait for us in the queue muzhichek (Dmitry) advised to spit on the car and go up on the lift to the Krasnaya Polyana. From lift to the clearing fir (which you can call as much as possible) on the strength of 40-60 minutes on foot.
The route to the pass, we have written at all funny "Bear Gate - Pass Pseashkho - lag. Cold and back. " In response to any attempt to argue there was one, "And because nefig, then we will not let anyone».
Spat, paid for with a nose 700r (100R for the day) and went to gather.
Houses have already considered that issues tickets printed on a printer, but print them like the real thing. The idea is a payment document and should be typeset Well, to hell with them ...
The next day for lunch got to Krasnaya Polyana. Originally planned to stay the night and pull up in the morning, but knowing what we need to lift is put only 11-00, decided to climb immediately.
Paying for 500r nose, rose briskly ran to the top Gazpromosvkogo object and realized that it is not clear where to go next ... And all around - not a soul!
Are krasivenkie new houses are broken elevators, cafes are empty, stand turnstiles in the open field, and people do not have.
They began to cut circles on the project, hoping to find someone local. I braked a couple of trucks, but they say that they drove brought below, shown where to work, and then they do not climb.
After about an hour of running around we finally ran into some strange, clanking machine on the basis of the bulldozer driver, and which we have the way to a brighter future ... ugh, that is, at the beginning of the tourist trail ... the path was well trodden, forest road.
(if anyone goes - reaches the top of the object and go to the left, down a slight slope under the support lift, go on the right road)
Figured on the map and realized that this is the road and goes to the Fir clearing.
40-50 minutes later, and before reaching the fir noticed a good hard-packed trail that went to the left and gains altitude road ... at the same time went down a bit.
We chose the path, and it has paid off. The trail is pretty cool visor up, traverse left on a wooded ridge and took us to the mountain gave.
As they walked along the trail, met 3 groups of tourists coming down, but especially with them talking. Only one, the dirtiest, has admitted that the 14th day come to Maikop (if not mistaken), and "smell" in front of civilization. =)
Each group was asked to us as "shelves booth" (the tract Bear Gate) still to go ... First told that the minutes 30. Second, we met 40 minutes later, said that perhaps an hour walk. Others were undecided (we have come in just about 3-3, 5:00).
And here, the trail leaves the forest on a beautiful meadow with alpine vegetation.
Left and right - a beautiful view of the valley bottom. Beauty ... Clear the backpacks do short rest and some pictures in different directions.
At the same meadow, just to the right, the trail goes to the fir. Visually - the climb is steeper than where we were.
After 10 minutes, we are advancing further. The trail is no longer on the ridge, and enters the left slope, which gradually wraps still left. The rise because of this smaller and much nicer to go.
So far, just below us there is a "shelf" and farce rangers. Passes have written only with the next number, so decide, zashuheritsya behind a rock, eat, relax, and at dusk to go to the booth. Fortunately it is evening and the wait is long.
When the hour and a half we came to the place, it turned out that no one in the booth.
By dusk quite a strong wind rose and sharply colder, so put the tent close to the house.
The day did not really tired, so sat up late ... soon because the moon came out of the ridge and flooded the entire regiment bright, unearthly light. Shelf with two sides by mountain ranges, with a third party - out into the valley and the pass Pseashkho, but the quarter ended quite high cliff. With this break a beautiful view of Krasnaya Polyana and perfectly caught mobiles. It is necessary to move 30 meters back and the connection is lost.
Without a tripod, the camera unfortunately did not deliver and night photos of Krasnaya Polyana failed.
Even with a tripod probably would not work, because the wind on the edge of "ushatyval" quite strongly. My tripod exactly sure would not hold.
Just went to bed - hear voices approaching. It turns out came the huntsman.
One buhoy and exuberant, the second probably too daty but quite adequate. The first kept wanting us to wake up and make a report, while the second tried to dissuade him, saying, "do not bother people to sleep».
We still remember the invalid pass, pretending to be asleep, and then really fell asleep ... Jaegers had not slept all night. From their talks on the radio, it became clear that the previous change of pick up from the booth sleeping bags and sleep there without them useless.
Throughout the night next to the tent shebushilis some rodents, and these parasites even managed a little to attach to our food lying in the vestibule. They especially liked the chocolate.
In the morning we woke up, thought to dump before the huntsmen wake up (not sure of adequate communication), but the huntsman did not sleep. =)
Oddly enough, check the documents and did not pass. They threw us a couple of words, and fled in the direction of a large cordon at the Camp Cool.
Utrechko was cool (frost on the grass, bottled water with ice crystals), but clear and windless. Hastily assembled and snack bum-bags, set off after the rangers.
The sun was hidden on top of the ridge, but as soon as the work - once it became hot. I had to stop to remove and pack a jacket.
Behind the scenes came to pass Pseashkho. Pass it difficult to call, because He is almost plain. We learned it in a stone pyramid, and the stories of other tourists.
Further our path lay Urushteyn upriver, past the Lesser and the Great Lakes. Use running on them were not, because sought up and down. =)
In terms of communication with nashil rangers are not included, so when he saw ahead r.Holodnuyu, for which, as we know, was a camp cold and sat rangers, we started the game in Stirlitz, or more precisely in Pastor Schlag.
Dashes, from tree to tree, made his way along the right bank Urushteyna, trying to get out of the line of sight and come down to the same r.Mramornaya.
R. Cold, view of the city of North and South Pseashkho
According to the map, somewhere to the left on the side, it was necessary to us to walk the trail, but the first attempt to lift decided to do right by the waterfall that ends r.Mramornaya.
100 meters up normally. Somewhere right with backpacks, somewhere tightening them on the rope ... But then came up against the plumb lines, without which we Alps-snaryagu was not to pass.
Photo - Waterfall on the river. Marble.
Mirror. Very beautiful, small lake.
I had to go down. We lost it 2-2 about 5 hours, but not upset ... Since and a similar rise for us was a novelty, and some managed to make beautiful pictures.
We decided to look for the path ... Send back a little downstream r.Holodnoy, have noticed a group of rocks up the hill. For some reason decided that the path should be below them. And began the tedious ascent directly on the grass. The grass is high on the chest and above. Many thorns and nettles (and I like a fool in shorts). The slope with a gradient of 50-60%, sneakers slip ... We got to the rocks. Elevation to the eye - 300-400m. Trails and no, do not climb above the left / right side of the trees (crooked) which with backpacks walking is not really.
Photo. View down to the river valley. Marble and Alpica. From there we went up.
Go down to the middle of the slope, made the traverse back to the rocky creek bed and up again. Again we went to plummet and sypuhu. There would have been more experienced or without backpacks, MB and ventured to climb, and spat, and went down.
By the way, while walking, almost every 30-50 meters ran into a bear shit pile, thankfully not too fresh. And at the top, near the trees, even found a pair of flat, smooth holes, which clearly bears spent the night.
They spent the night at the river, leaving the rise of the next day. The food just in case hung on a tree on the side of the tent, but nothing happened.
With the search trails decided not to bother, gone further downstream, searched the slope going right up to Alpika. So we decide: go up to Alpika, and then traverse to leave us in the right direction. Four hours were up and right for that (there are many mate) grass under the scorching sun ... Water with a not taken, as "Around her fully." For this he paid ... Upstairs has even spit a problem. =)
Alpika, ahead of the upper valley of the river. Marble. We were there ...
Edelweiss, fragile mountain flower.
Finally we came to r.Mramornaya already above the waterfall. The riverbed is dry, only in small stone bowls still standing water ... She then drank ... a standing ... Then have noticed in one of these bowls a couple of adult ascarids (when went down, drunk, just in case antiparasitic complex, but a bit later still have to go and tests).
Rising above, in the same vein was found and running water, it is flowing somewhere at the bottom under the stones, then come to the surface, then again go into the interior.
After a short rest and a snack, jumped up on the rocks. About these blessed rocks, how pleasant to ride on them, risking to break a leg than to wade through thick grass.
About an hour's journey, roughly in the middle of r.Mramornaya we met a group of tourists. It was our friend Dmitry davishny, who advised us to hammer on the car and go up on the lift.
It is worth at this place for several days, light obbegite surrounding attractions. We were a little surprised by the presence in their diet of beer, tomato and apples ... =) Well, okay, everyone carries with it what he wants.
After talking with them for 20 minutes, porassprashivat where and how they went. We hear about the bear with a cub, which they had seen the day before, and moved on.
The plan was to walk to the dark lake (do not remember the name, but on the map it is not indicated, although quite large, from his way and follows r.Mramornaya) under the glacier Marble.
We got to the waterfall. The place is beautiful ... the water has cut a narrow and deep transheyku. Falls down from a height of about 10 meters. At the bottom of the huge stones lying on several tons of weight, some of which are still quite fresh, with sharp edges.
Under a waterfall we made a complete halt, snack, dry sleeping bags and a tent, take pictures and climbed up.
We met the guys suggested two ways in which they walked lightly to the lake: one begins almost at the waterfall - up grass along the fishing line, then access to shale and upwards is already on it. The second - to go a little further along the gorge, up as much as possible on the dry bed of the stream and traverse on sypuhe leave right. But the second way is not to meddle with backpacks advised.
Let's go to the first place ... lifting of the grass is not chosen correctly, the slope was too steep and almost on top of me, summed up the city shoes, one foot slipped, I slipped and went down ... Trying to stick to anchor failed, just stick snatched from the hands. As taught, he rolled onto his stomach, stretched asterisk and began to fight for life. GATHERING important thing is not very fast (maybe a meter and a half in the second), but inexorably. Grabs the grass - it is torn, and the rate did not fall ... Meters 8-10 still stopped. Catching his breath (adrenaline splash from the ears), I looked back ... 1, 5 meters did not get to the cliff. Interruption is not very big, just 5-6 meters, but beneath the jagged rocks and over the slope. If not killed, it would be exactly has broken.
Carefully he climbed a little higher, pereobulsya in mountain boots on and was already in them. Too hot, but is securely fixed.
We have already gone slate. Although the angle of elevation is great (sometimes almost plumb line), but the edges are sharp, his feet firmly fixed, and much more pleasant to climb ... The main thing to check projections as many of them stagger and unreliable (namuchalis with them when going down).
Long or short, but gradually and reached the lake.
Mirror Lake, the ice is not visible at all. Only the reflection of the glacier.
Look back. This is the beginning p. Marble, then it flows down. The lake behind.
Already dusk, but Valera decided to reach the glacier.
I at that time was already tired, so did not go anywhere, but stayed to organize the camp. Eugene decided to make the company Valery.
As I put the tent, I disassemble our things and boiled water back "climbers". Valera was gloomy and depressed, he said - we do not go through the glacier. Even in the evening, on a slightly melted ice does not stay shoes. A walk on the ice well. And we have only one ice ax and 5 meters of rope.
The gloomy feelings went to bed.
I got absolutely the wrong place in the tent all night trying to attach his frail body between the stones, but no matter what position I did not choose, always in stone, which found itself my rib in which one could sink his.
Angry sleepy and I got the very first. Boil the water and sipping a cup of tea, I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood with a camera. During the night the lake is completely covered with a thin, transparent Ledkov. At the coast it was the thickness of 5-7mm.
He walked around the lake, slazil to "mutton foreheads" and take pictures of the surrounding ridges and peaks that are just getting started illuminated by the rising sun. Just took off fragile mountain flowers growing in abundance
Dawn in the mountains.
Dawn in the mountains. 2.
Note the strange circles in the rocks. Familiar geologist could not identify with the course of their origin.
Lake view from one of the mutton foreheads.
Left-top, it does not give us the pass Marble.
Fragile mountain daisy. Survive the huge changes in temperature. At night, to -10 to +30 in the afternoon.
Lake early in the morning.
On the water, clearly visible crust of ice formed overnight.
"Sunrise. Time around 10am. The sun appears precisely because the top.
When he returned to the tent and found that the "groundhogs" still asleep. Waking did not, and threw a large stone at her backpack, sat down, "pupated" a jacket and stood watching as the boundary between light and darkness at the next ridge, slowly creeping down.
40 minutes later in a scarf stir my comrades. I put water on the burner, and again took up his observation post, hoping to see some thread of mountain animals.
After breakfast and drinking tea, we began to discuss plans for the day.
Plan Two was either Valera still trying to pass a glacier and conquer the pass, and we Zhenya wander around the neighborhood. Or try to go without backpacks on a nearby unnamed peak.
As a result, Valera and Eugene chose the second plan, and I was tired and did not sleep, said that I would stay in the camp. After seeing where they are and then they came - I realized that I was right. I would be there with his hundredweight weight and lack of climbing experience was vryat. Zhenya Valera in many places just dragged on a rope.
But in general they passed back and most importantly ... Well done!
We shoot the panorama from the top, photographed mountain goat that pose for a few seconds, the crest, and then quickly ejected. The height of the top of the map: about 2950m.
Mountain goat. He waited until he photographed and then immediately ejected.
Below - the lake.
I at this time, sleeping bags spread out to dry, I decided to go for water to the glacier. The lake water was muddy, and it kishili some types of plankton organisms (like amoebas, but discernible to the naked eye). Since
But I'm also went to the mountains ...
Radialka was planned around Pseashkho array (or Psekhako who both calls) with the ascent of two peaks: North and South Pseashko (3256m)
According to the plan: 6 days + 1 reserve.

There were three of us. My friend Valerie (more or less seasoned, hot, almost Caucasian man), who is also the organizer of the campaign. His nephew Eugene (nirazu who went nowhere), who turned 16 the day before the hike. Well, I'm dreaming of a campaign to lose five pounds, and is proud to drag the fat with them =)). I love the mountains, but the experience is not enough, alas.
We talk to people who have been to these places - different opinions. Some shouted: "One Flew not notice, the route is not even categorical ... cats do not need, do not need a rope, ice ax generally forget about the" others say: "Figure you pass Marble will not pass».
As a result, we trust first and took only 5m ropes (just in case) and an ice ax (for a photo shoot on the glacier).
Reserved area, so you need to get a pass. Experienced people are warned: if you want to call to reserve a car - will breed on the headstock.
From early in the morning we arrived at the Adler found the office of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve ...
According to the schedule, the reception starts at 9:00, but we were allowed only about 10 and. On the subject of cars - denied once, but gave telefonchik, you said that this man has the right to enter it if necessary, and you will deliver. Apparently joint business =)
Wait for us in the queue muzhichek (Dmitry) advised to spit on the car and go up on the lift to the Krasnaya Polyana. From lift to the clearing fir (which you can call as much as possible) on the strength of 40-60 minutes on foot.
The route to the pass, we have written at all funny "Bear Gate - Pass Pseashkho - lag. Cold and back. " In response to any attempt to argue there was one, "And because nefig, then we will not let anyone».
Spat, paid for with a nose 700r (100R for the day) and went to gather.
Houses have already considered that issues tickets printed on a printer, but print them like the real thing. The idea is a payment document and should be typeset Well, to hell with them ...
The next day for lunch got to Krasnaya Polyana. Originally planned to stay the night and pull up in the morning, but knowing what we need to lift is put only 11-00, decided to climb immediately.
Paying for 500r nose, rose briskly ran to the top Gazpromosvkogo object and realized that it is not clear where to go next ... And all around - not a soul!
Are krasivenkie new houses are broken elevators, cafes are empty, stand turnstiles in the open field, and people do not have.
They began to cut circles on the project, hoping to find someone local. I braked a couple of trucks, but they say that they drove brought below, shown where to work, and then they do not climb.

After about an hour of running around we finally ran into some strange, clanking machine on the basis of the bulldozer driver, and which we have the way to a brighter future ... ugh, that is, at the beginning of the tourist trail ... the path was well trodden, forest road.
(if anyone goes - reaches the top of the object and go to the left, down a slight slope under the support lift, go on the right road)
Figured on the map and realized that this is the road and goes to the Fir clearing.
40-50 minutes later, and before reaching the fir noticed a good hard-packed trail that went to the left and gains altitude road ... at the same time went down a bit.
We chose the path, and it has paid off. The trail is pretty cool visor up, traverse left on a wooded ridge and took us to the mountain gave.
As they walked along the trail, met 3 groups of tourists coming down, but especially with them talking. Only one, the dirtiest, has admitted that the 14th day come to Maikop (if not mistaken), and "smell" in front of civilization. =)
Each group was asked to us as "shelves booth" (the tract Bear Gate) still to go ... First told that the minutes 30. Second, we met 40 minutes later, said that perhaps an hour walk. Others were undecided (we have come in just about 3-3, 5:00).
And here, the trail leaves the forest on a beautiful meadow with alpine vegetation.
Left and right - a beautiful view of the valley bottom. Beauty ... Clear the backpacks do short rest and some pictures in different directions.
At the same meadow, just to the right, the trail goes to the fir. Visually - the climb is steeper than where we were.

After 10 minutes, we are advancing further. The trail is no longer on the ridge, and enters the left slope, which gradually wraps still left. The rise because of this smaller and much nicer to go.
So far, just below us there is a "shelf" and farce rangers. Passes have written only with the next number, so decide, zashuheritsya behind a rock, eat, relax, and at dusk to go to the booth. Fortunately it is evening and the wait is long.
When the hour and a half we came to the place, it turned out that no one in the booth.
By dusk quite a strong wind rose and sharply colder, so put the tent close to the house.
The day did not really tired, so sat up late ... soon because the moon came out of the ridge and flooded the entire regiment bright, unearthly light. Shelf with two sides by mountain ranges, with a third party - out into the valley and the pass Pseashkho, but the quarter ended quite high cliff. With this break a beautiful view of Krasnaya Polyana and perfectly caught mobiles. It is necessary to move 30 meters back and the connection is lost.
Without a tripod, the camera unfortunately did not deliver and night photos of Krasnaya Polyana failed.
Even with a tripod probably would not work, because the wind on the edge of "ushatyval" quite strongly. My tripod exactly sure would not hold.

Just went to bed - hear voices approaching. It turns out came the huntsman.
One buhoy and exuberant, the second probably too daty but quite adequate. The first kept wanting us to wake up and make a report, while the second tried to dissuade him, saying, "do not bother people to sleep».
We still remember the invalid pass, pretending to be asleep, and then really fell asleep ... Jaegers had not slept all night. From their talks on the radio, it became clear that the previous change of pick up from the booth sleeping bags and sleep there without them useless.
Throughout the night next to the tent shebushilis some rodents, and these parasites even managed a little to attach to our food lying in the vestibule. They especially liked the chocolate.
In the morning we woke up, thought to dump before the huntsmen wake up (not sure of adequate communication), but the huntsman did not sleep. =)
Oddly enough, check the documents and did not pass. They threw us a couple of words, and fled in the direction of a large cordon at the Camp Cool.
Utrechko was cool (frost on the grass, bottled water with ice crystals), but clear and windless. Hastily assembled and snack bum-bags, set off after the rangers.
The sun was hidden on top of the ridge, but as soon as the work - once it became hot. I had to stop to remove and pack a jacket.
Behind the scenes came to pass Pseashkho. Pass it difficult to call, because He is almost plain. We learned it in a stone pyramid, and the stories of other tourists.
Further our path lay Urushteyn upriver, past the Lesser and the Great Lakes. Use running on them were not, because sought up and down. =)
In terms of communication with nashil rangers are not included, so when he saw ahead r.Holodnuyu, for which, as we know, was a camp cold and sat rangers, we started the game in Stirlitz, or more precisely in Pastor Schlag.
Dashes, from tree to tree, made his way along the right bank Urushteyna, trying to get out of the line of sight and come down to the same r.Mramornaya.

R. Cold, view of the city of North and South Pseashkho

According to the map, somewhere to the left on the side, it was necessary to us to walk the trail, but the first attempt to lift decided to do right by the waterfall that ends r.Mramornaya.
100 meters up normally. Somewhere right with backpacks, somewhere tightening them on the rope ... But then came up against the plumb lines, without which we Alps-snaryagu was not to pass.
Photo - Waterfall on the river. Marble.

Mirror. Very beautiful, small lake.

I had to go down. We lost it 2-2 about 5 hours, but not upset ... Since and a similar rise for us was a novelty, and some managed to make beautiful pictures.
We decided to look for the path ... Send back a little downstream r.Holodnoy, have noticed a group of rocks up the hill. For some reason decided that the path should be below them. And began the tedious ascent directly on the grass. The grass is high on the chest and above. Many thorns and nettles (and I like a fool in shorts). The slope with a gradient of 50-60%, sneakers slip ... We got to the rocks. Elevation to the eye - 300-400m. Trails and no, do not climb above the left / right side of the trees (crooked) which with backpacks walking is not really.
Photo. View down to the river valley. Marble and Alpica. From there we went up.

Go down to the middle of the slope, made the traverse back to the rocky creek bed and up again. Again we went to plummet and sypuhu. There would have been more experienced or without backpacks, MB and ventured to climb, and spat, and went down.
By the way, while walking, almost every 30-50 meters ran into a bear shit pile, thankfully not too fresh. And at the top, near the trees, even found a pair of flat, smooth holes, which clearly bears spent the night.
They spent the night at the river, leaving the rise of the next day. The food just in case hung on a tree on the side of the tent, but nothing happened.
With the search trails decided not to bother, gone further downstream, searched the slope going right up to Alpika. So we decide: go up to Alpika, and then traverse to leave us in the right direction. Four hours were up and right for that (there are many mate) grass under the scorching sun ... Water with a not taken, as "Around her fully." For this he paid ... Upstairs has even spit a problem. =)

Alpika, ahead of the upper valley of the river. Marble. We were there ...

Edelweiss, fragile mountain flower.

Finally we came to r.Mramornaya already above the waterfall. The riverbed is dry, only in small stone bowls still standing water ... She then drank ... a standing ... Then have noticed in one of these bowls a couple of adult ascarids (when went down, drunk, just in case antiparasitic complex, but a bit later still have to go and tests).
Rising above, in the same vein was found and running water, it is flowing somewhere at the bottom under the stones, then come to the surface, then again go into the interior.
After a short rest and a snack, jumped up on the rocks. About these blessed rocks, how pleasant to ride on them, risking to break a leg than to wade through thick grass.

About an hour's journey, roughly in the middle of r.Mramornaya we met a group of tourists. It was our friend Dmitry davishny, who advised us to hammer on the car and go up on the lift.
It is worth at this place for several days, light obbegite surrounding attractions. We were a little surprised by the presence in their diet of beer, tomato and apples ... =) Well, okay, everyone carries with it what he wants.
After talking with them for 20 minutes, porassprashivat where and how they went. We hear about the bear with a cub, which they had seen the day before, and moved on.
The plan was to walk to the dark lake (do not remember the name, but on the map it is not indicated, although quite large, from his way and follows r.Mramornaya) under the glacier Marble.
We got to the waterfall. The place is beautiful ... the water has cut a narrow and deep transheyku. Falls down from a height of about 10 meters. At the bottom of the huge stones lying on several tons of weight, some of which are still quite fresh, with sharp edges.
Under a waterfall we made a complete halt, snack, dry sleeping bags and a tent, take pictures and climbed up.

We met the guys suggested two ways in which they walked lightly to the lake: one begins almost at the waterfall - up grass along the fishing line, then access to shale and upwards is already on it. The second - to go a little further along the gorge, up as much as possible on the dry bed of the stream and traverse on sypuhe leave right. But the second way is not to meddle with backpacks advised.
Let's go to the first place ... lifting of the grass is not chosen correctly, the slope was too steep and almost on top of me, summed up the city shoes, one foot slipped, I slipped and went down ... Trying to stick to anchor failed, just stick snatched from the hands. As taught, he rolled onto his stomach, stretched asterisk and began to fight for life. GATHERING important thing is not very fast (maybe a meter and a half in the second), but inexorably. Grabs the grass - it is torn, and the rate did not fall ... Meters 8-10 still stopped. Catching his breath (adrenaline splash from the ears), I looked back ... 1, 5 meters did not get to the cliff. Interruption is not very big, just 5-6 meters, but beneath the jagged rocks and over the slope. If not killed, it would be exactly has broken.
Carefully he climbed a little higher, pereobulsya in mountain boots on and was already in them. Too hot, but is securely fixed.
We have already gone slate. Although the angle of elevation is great (sometimes almost plumb line), but the edges are sharp, his feet firmly fixed, and much more pleasant to climb ... The main thing to check projections as many of them stagger and unreliable (namuchalis with them when going down).
Long or short, but gradually and reached the lake.

Mirror Lake, the ice is not visible at all. Only the reflection of the glacier.

Look back. This is the beginning p. Marble, then it flows down. The lake behind.

Already dusk, but Valera decided to reach the glacier.

I at that time was already tired, so did not go anywhere, but stayed to organize the camp. Eugene decided to make the company Valery.
As I put the tent, I disassemble our things and boiled water back "climbers". Valera was gloomy and depressed, he said - we do not go through the glacier. Even in the evening, on a slightly melted ice does not stay shoes. A walk on the ice well. And we have only one ice ax and 5 meters of rope.
The gloomy feelings went to bed.
I got absolutely the wrong place in the tent all night trying to attach his frail body between the stones, but no matter what position I did not choose, always in stone, which found itself my rib in which one could sink his.
Angry sleepy and I got the very first. Boil the water and sipping a cup of tea, I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood with a camera. During the night the lake is completely covered with a thin, transparent Ledkov. At the coast it was the thickness of 5-7mm.
He walked around the lake, slazil to "mutton foreheads" and take pictures of the surrounding ridges and peaks that are just getting started illuminated by the rising sun. Just took off fragile mountain flowers growing in abundance

Dawn in the mountains.

Dawn in the mountains. 2.
Note the strange circles in the rocks. Familiar geologist could not identify with the course of their origin.

Lake view from one of the mutton foreheads.
Left-top, it does not give us the pass Marble.

Fragile mountain daisy. Survive the huge changes in temperature. At night, to -10 to +30 in the afternoon.

Lake early in the morning.

On the water, clearly visible crust of ice formed overnight.

"Sunrise. Time around 10am. The sun appears precisely because the top.

When he returned to the tent and found that the "groundhogs" still asleep. Waking did not, and threw a large stone at her backpack, sat down, "pupated" a jacket and stood watching as the boundary between light and darkness at the next ridge, slowly creeping down.
40 minutes later in a scarf stir my comrades. I put water on the burner, and again took up his observation post, hoping to see some thread of mountain animals.
After breakfast and drinking tea, we began to discuss plans for the day.
Plan Two was either Valera still trying to pass a glacier and conquer the pass, and we Zhenya wander around the neighborhood. Or try to go without backpacks on a nearby unnamed peak.
As a result, Valera and Eugene chose the second plan, and I was tired and did not sleep, said that I would stay in the camp. After seeing where they are and then they came - I realized that I was right. I would be there with his hundredweight weight and lack of climbing experience was vryat. Zhenya Valera in many places just dragged on a rope.
But in general they passed back and most importantly ... Well done!
We shoot the panorama from the top, photographed mountain goat that pose for a few seconds, the crest, and then quickly ejected. The height of the top of the map: about 2950m.

Mountain goat. He waited until he photographed and then immediately ejected.

Below - the lake.

I at this time, sleeping bags spread out to dry, I decided to go for water to the glacier. The lake water was muddy, and it kishili some types of plankton organisms (like amoebas, but discernible to the naked eye). Since