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Commandments exploiter

Spend experience: note the time and then wash floors, tidy bathroom, buy bread and make soup. Now count up about how much you get in an hour of your normal work, and calculate how much you have managed these floors and soups. If the resulting amount will make you throw up his eyebrows in surprise - it's time to think about how to make domestic helpers ...

By the way, the creation of jobs for unskilled labor personnel - is the bounden duty of the middle class, you know? And say thank you that you live in our time, and not, say, a hundred years ago, when any wealthy person had to turn your house into a farm where dozens of younger maids and footmen senior portrayed career at your expense.

This article tells about the intricacies of hiring and cooperation with the staff. A comment on this monstrous nonsense recruitment specialists and psychologists relevant agencies.

Types assistants

The first step is to determine exactly what you want, hiring assistants. All people - being unique, but gravitate to certain types. We selected four common types of staff.

Type 1. Mary Poppins

Flights to umbrellas and dancing in zoos leave behind the scenes. Except for these small weaknesses, Miss Poppins - the ideal type of the British Nanny. In dealing with the parents of the pupils she ceremony, correct and devoid of emotion. Assistant of this type perform their duties without engaging in psychological contact with the owners, and very often it suits both parties.

The lucky winner of Alexander, editor, 36 years:

I replaced a dozen assistants coming before I met Anna. I fell in love with it after the first arrival of her when he returned home, he found that the apartment perfect cleanliness and even toilet paper curl as the hotel. For two years I did not actually see it: we talk notes and envelopes with a salary. She's like an invisible house elf doing its job while I'm sitting in the editorial.

I vaguely remember what she looks like. I do not know anything about her husband, children, dogs, and bad teeth most of these dogs. When we do meet at home, she nods, looking right through me, and continues to silently remove, so I generally forget about her presence. I'm happy.


"Mary" - the wrong type for those who like to communicate with their employees. In addition, all activities "Mary" is subject to the rules: it does only what is written in her contract, not to make independent decisions and only in exceptional cases, reports of important observations, which makes each housekeeper: "Let me tell, sir, what you called fish, got out of the aquarium, sir, the dog ate and slept on the sofa now in a small room, sir ».

2. Type Savelich

Savelich old devil, the young servant Grinyova sees duty of his life taking care of entrusted to his care master. As a result Grinyov forced to submit to his servant, who knows better what to eat, wear, and how to communicate with all sorts of vile rebels type Pugacheva. "Savelich" ideal for polunasilstvennoy custody of older citizens, wandering the misty dale senile dementia, but there are far more young hosts, which perfectly suits this type.

The lucky winner of Sergey, 38 years old, entrepreneur:

My wife and I work a lot and rapidly rest, so that our household was a disaster until Lily. We immediately she just said, this is your house, are you mistress, do what you think is necessary. She quickly learned the rules and became the universal mother. Only she knows where everything is, what tablets you need to give a cat and how much Mishka deuces in the quarter.

If the house gets drunk friend, feed him, and will wear was packed bed. We are required only for the money economy and not to get in the way during the general cleaning. My wife once said that now we had never been able to get a divorce, because if we Mishka still be able to share, then Lily - no.


If you feel it is important to master in its own house, where everything happens for your direct instructions, "Savelich" - the worst that can happen to you. However, the discrepancy between your views on mutual responsibilities will undoubtedly lead to a rapid end business cooperation.

3. Type Jeeves

Valet infirm, obtuse, though pleasant in all respects Worcester formally behaves like Mary Poppins, but in reality is a different type: it is a friend and companion in all endeavors. He does what is important at the moment, and with the same hunting Worcester toast toasts, for it makes bets on the racetrack and give advice on the proper handling of the girls. Today, this type even became a special occupation. Assistants such a broad spectrum of action called "personal assistant».

The lucky winner of Eugene, 29, a musician:

When I was in the agency offered to hire an assistant, man, I first tensed because it's one thing when a woman comes into the house, but let there stranger guy somehow napryazhno. Besides his work at twice the price of the most expensive domestic workers. But since then I have twice raised his salary on their own, because Ruslan worth it.

In addition to housekeeping, he performs all secretarial duties, responding to letters, phone calls, makes me a schedule of meetings and visits, completely taken control of all the organizational issues. He delivered me from a headache on most issues, so I can safely create. This is quite a different quality of life.


Price. Personal Assistant - enterprising, think fast man with a good education, which is not considered too low for yourself any activity. This all-trades cleans the apartment, drives a car knows foreign languages ​​and versed in computers, combining a clutch of butlers, secretaries and housekeepers. But also pay him like this brood.

4. Type Caliban

Infamous son swamp witch, who became a slave of the magician Prospero, afraid of his master as a fire. Caliban, sheer servility, for those owners for whom the servants - a great site for exercises in their own greatness. Caliban readily induces a flexible back, lets himself be humiliated, non-stop flattering.

The lucky winner of Elena, 35, a housewife:

I have a complex character. I can fly off the handle, there are days when I just infuriates all. Only the housekeeper, with whom we were able to get used to - it Valeria. She never insolent to me, does not argue, no snaps, and knows his place. I can call it, for example, an idiot, then, of course, I'm sorry, I give perfume or candy.

In the end, it paid very good money - including for the fact that it tolerates my character. In my opinion, this is true. She told me she says: "Elena, you are open and sincere man, I'm with you is easier than with such politely, as if intelligent, who would never say in person, that unhappy, then the calculation without warning call up and give other tenants, talking shit about you.


Cringe without mental discomfort can only very special people with very peculiar understanding of honor, which often does not prevent them from stealing the owner pachechku bank notes, he spit in the soup and report code to the safe stray robbers.

Seek better

Looking labor for home best source of information - good friends, acquaintances and, in extreme cases, unfamiliar people. If you already went through all potential workers from friends and none of them has not approached you, contact a specialized agency. There you will listen, write down every word you say and offer to meet with the candidates suitable. "The first meeting - a real interview - Recruitment Manager instructs Olga Ievleva. - First you need to give the candidates to talk about themselves, about what she can do. Then - the questions: where to work, how long, why are gone, what are the problems encountered and how to solve them. Talk about what she expects and what the employer will not tolerate ».

But take heed to hire people who are "too good» - over qualified. It is likely that the nurse with three pedagogical education torment you and your wife advice on child-rearing, and the housekeeper, part of the house with the words "I'm actually a doctor, hygienist, PhD, but I have to clean the apartment," turn your life into an endless lecture that stagnant water in the soap dish is teeming with microbes, and a towel to wipe your hands feet only potential suicides. For interviews with the candidates will be enough for 15-20 minutes. Do not be surprised if a potential employee is closed: maybe she just uncommunicative man. If the employer is lost, and the candidates silent, agency managers come: they have a vested interest to you two autistic finally have already agreed.

With a potential nanny makes sense to talk longer. Of course, we understand that, if it will spoil a child, you can always conceive the next, but still practical immediately hire a decent nanny. Admonish female candidate, as she used to cope with critical situations that will do if a child is sick, the bounce. Nanny should appeal to both of you - and you, and his wife. Do not hope that for the sake of some outstanding advantages nanny you can turn a blind eye to its shortcomings (eg, strong odor and fume black eye), with the time they start to annoy even more.

In the agencies say chorus: if no candidate letters of recommendation, is suspicious. But if they are, it is doubly suspicious! Judge for yourself: it means that a woman prepared, phoned all former neighbors in the prison cell and told him to meet the unctuous voice when you call, promising to share all that will make from your home. So having good letters of recommendation in cases when they are written by people, the actual existence of which can be verified - through third acquaintances in Internet blogs, specialized forums and so on. D.

Legends and myths about Filipina

Latest trend of the season - Filipino maids, which is famous as the most diligent and respectful domestic workers. Alas, this is nothing more than a beautiful legend. The economic situation in the country is forcing residents of the Philippines to seek work abroad. But usually it is semi-literate peasant, simple tastes who redeems little that they often barely controlled home appliances, have little understanding of what is required of them and have specific views on how to cook, take care of the babies and ironed tuxedos.

Awkward moment

Yes maids and nannies so thriftily are entrusted to them to values ​​that may inadvertently borrow these values. Theft has always been a serious and sensitive issue for the hosts, and for centuries to establish certain rules to minimize the risks.

Valuables - money and jewelry - are stored in boxes, drawers and secretaire, locked with a key (key locked up earlier in general all, even cabinets with victuals and linen, so that the traditional symbol of the hostess or a trusted housekeeper was small basket with the keys on his belt ).

When the suspicious part of the loss of small things do not be silent, but do not blame the person at once (maybe you do lose it all by myself). Just ask: "Where are the green shirt, a picture of Velasquez and beautiful icicle that yesterday I brought home with your own hands and put on the fireplace?" Sometimes just understanding that in this house for watching things, keeps people from such a small "dragging" that is, in general, do not pull on the outright theft.

Some recruitment agencies are advised to put the home webcam with online translation. If you make up your mind on such a dubious method of control, then it is a decent man, is obliged to notify his assistants and possibly increase their salaries. We behave differently in solitude and in the community, and when during the day you can not relax for a second, then it is a serious discomfort.

But in general, such espionage is only relevant if we are talking about really serious things - for example, if you suspect that the nurse is hard on the little kid who can not complain. If the house was gone really valuable thing to call the police. Any independent searches and interrogations not only questionable from a moral standpoint, but also illegal.

Terms exploiter

Refuses to take part in a device someone's fate. Babysitting - you, "Oh, I have such a clever nephew! Maybe it was attached to it in your firm to ebb light bulbs? "Or" My daughter graduated from courses seamstresses assistants. You do not need these experts? "Your answer to everything:" No ". On major holidays Dari small gifts: a set of cosmetics, good tea or coffee, candy, the most advanced - tickets to the theater or a concert.

If a person you really like and is suitable in all respects, do what makes any head of an employee who wants to keep - Increase salaries. Even if it is a small amount, it will be psychologically true. It is better to hire "employees" with held personal life: Pretty woman working life more fun and more effective than unhappy. The nurse should have experience of "work" with their own children.

Sometimes maids begin to delegate responsibilities to his colleagues: "I can not tomorrow. Let's come Helen, she is very conscientious. " Once we can agree on the Lena, but if substitution continues and you are no longer able to distinguish his servant from the other, then the case is terminated. Does not encourage the emergence in your apartment strangers. That 'sister arrived, she trains to five hours at the train station did not sit well ", then" let my daughter learned there to do. " If it happened once, it is not necessary to arrange a tantrum, but if you continue to visit, you have to stop.

If detached, cold relationship in your own home you are not satisfied, you can not try to keep personnel psychological distance as advised in the agency. Let us hope that there is someone who will appreciate it and will not sit on your neck.

Home Services

Remember the picture of Perov "The arrival of a governess in a Merchant House" (well, at least pretend that he remembered), where the master's chubby son cynical considering the fragile governess. You do not do: stalking courtship formally subordinate to you a woman - the last thing (except you are in love and want a serious relationship, but here requires a triple dose of delicacy).

On the other hand, attractive appearance in domestic helpers are often highly valued by employers without any ulterior motives. For example, as we told Mrs. Ievleva in a Moscow family looking for a governess with strictly defined qualities: blonde model looks, with blue eyes, with English and German language. The agency even began to doubt whether or not to take such a specific order. Then it turned out that the selection of participating future ward - a nine bright boy.

Parents, employers explained: the boys show off to each other at school, who "vospitalka" luxurious, it is necessary to comply. However, the highest risk of becoming a victim of domestic violence - another question. At the head of your household ladies, too, may have their own views on your future. Even if the girl is not you dislike, do not flirt with her, or put you both in a strange position. Never discussed her coming to you girls. The question, "Hmm, this is someone here bra lying?" Must be answered briefly and dryly: "Please put on the second shelf, which holds my bras».

Ilya, 40 years old I guess I was wrong when I established friendly relations with the housekeeper, but I somehow never occurred to control their words and deeds in their own home. Irina and I chatted in a friendly, nothing more, but soon she began to behave strangely. For example, I began to write letters in which besides the list of required purchases could find, say, Esenin and messages that I am a person of high soul, for example.

At first I thought she was just a weirdo, but my friend, read a couple of letters, said: "This woman is in love with you." I do not believe it, but in vain. A few months later, Irina came in the morning and finding me in bed girl gave us hysterical sobbing, and the collapse of the pieces of furniture that was, to put it mildly inappropriate.

I knew it would be bad, but did not know that so soon

How are warning shots, so there are warning assaults by workers, after which it is time to attend to the search for a new man. And quickly.