Gene omnipotence
Researcher Laboratory of the University Nancy bioligicheskogo behavior Didier Dezor placed in a cage of six rats to examine their swimming ability. The only way out of the cage led to the pool, which had to swim to get to the bowl with the food. It soon became clear that the rats have not sailed together in search of food. Everything happened as if they were distributed among themselves the role. There were two operated by the swimmer, the two exploiters who did not swim, one independent and one non-floating swimmer scapegoat.
Two operated rats dived into the water for food. On his return to the cage two exploiters beat them as long as they did not give her food. Only when they are filled, the exploited have the right to finish eating them. The exploiters never swam. They were limited to the fact that the constantly spanking allowed swimmers to eat their fill.
Avtonom was pretty strong swimmer to get to the food, and without giving it the exploiters, the very same and eat. Finally, a scapegoat could not swim and frightening the exploiters, so ate up the remaining crumbs.
The same division - two exploiters, exploited two, one autonomous, a scapegoat - has reappeared twenty cells, where the experiment was repeated.
To better understand the mechanism of hierarchy, Didier Dezor put together six of the exploiters. They fought all night. The next morning was distributed the same role. Two exploiter two exploited scapegoat autonomous. The same result was a researcher, was placed in the same cell operated six six six autonomy and scapegoats.
Whatever individuals, they always eventually partitioned between a role. The experience was continued in a large cage where they put two hundred rats. They fought all night. On the morning of the three rats flayed found crucified on the grid. Moral: the larger the population, the greater the violence against the scapegoat.
At the same time, the exploiters in a large cage set up a hierarchy of deputies, to impose their power with their help, and by not even bother, terrorizing directly exploited.
Researchers Nancy continued to experiment, exploring experimental brain. They concluded that the highest stress experienced no scapegoats or operated, but on the contrary, the exploiters. They certainly were afraid of losing their privileged status and be forced to start working by the day.
Two operated rats dived into the water for food. On his return to the cage two exploiters beat them as long as they did not give her food. Only when they are filled, the exploited have the right to finish eating them. The exploiters never swam. They were limited to the fact that the constantly spanking allowed swimmers to eat their fill.
Avtonom was pretty strong swimmer to get to the food, and without giving it the exploiters, the very same and eat. Finally, a scapegoat could not swim and frightening the exploiters, so ate up the remaining crumbs.
The same division - two exploiters, exploited two, one autonomous, a scapegoat - has reappeared twenty cells, where the experiment was repeated.
To better understand the mechanism of hierarchy, Didier Dezor put together six of the exploiters. They fought all night. The next morning was distributed the same role. Two exploiter two exploited scapegoat autonomous. The same result was a researcher, was placed in the same cell operated six six six autonomy and scapegoats.
Whatever individuals, they always eventually partitioned between a role. The experience was continued in a large cage where they put two hundred rats. They fought all night. On the morning of the three rats flayed found crucified on the grid. Moral: the larger the population, the greater the violence against the scapegoat.
At the same time, the exploiters in a large cage set up a hierarchy of deputies, to impose their power with their help, and by not even bother, terrorizing directly exploited.
Researchers Nancy continued to experiment, exploring experimental brain. They concluded that the highest stress experienced no scapegoats or operated, but on the contrary, the exploiters. They certainly were afraid of losing their privileged status and be forced to start working by the day.