10 of the most mysterious talented people in the world
An incredible memory, the ability to run indefinitely, and control their body temperature - superpowers, obtained as a result of injuries and evolyutsii
For most people, the talent - is the ability to sing, dance and so on. But some people are able to more than that, and most of them can not even control myself.
1. Orlando Serell
No matter how sad to have brain damage, there is a very small percentage of people who lived through it and get a new unusual ability. People who receive special abilities after a head injury, diagnosed with acquired savant syndrome. Usually savants have remarkable mathematical abilities, or may, for example, draw a very detailed Rome.
In 1979, the Orlando Serell played baseball in elementary school when a stray ball flew into his head. But that does not bother him, and he continued to play. During the year Serell suffered from headaches that can last for hours. By the end of that year, he realized that he could make an excellent calendar calculations, for example, he knew how many Mondays were in 1980. Along with this incredible skill he could remember every detail of every day, both at Hyperthymesia. If Serella was not severe form of brain damage, but the head injury was.
Ordinary people often envy the skills of savants. The reason that savants have so well the brain works, that they take everything literally and note details that we do not pay attention. That's why savants great difficulties arise during various school tests: These tests are given broad issues that do not fit narrowly focused way of thinking savants.
2. Tai Ngok
Vietnamese farmer Ngoc Thai suffered a fever in 1973, which at first did not seem to him nothing unusual. But when the fever has passed, it occurred bad case of insomnia. In the hope that it will be held for a week, Ty did not give it much importance. At the moment, he had not slept for the past 40 years since that night, when suffered fever.
You can decide that after 12,000 sleepless nights you'll be dead, but after a medical examination had found only minor problems with the liver. The only thing Ngoc complains that he has become a little irritable after more than 30 years without sleep. He tried countless home remedies, and even tried to drown in alcohol insomnia. But, it seems, nothing worked. So why is it taking so long insomnia?
One explanation may give such a phenomenon as micro. Microsleep occurs when part of your brain gets tired and decides to sleep for a few quick seconds. For most of us it happens when we get tired - our brain is temporarily switched off, and then starts to work again. A good example of microsleep - when a driver falls asleep at the wheel. That is why, probably, Ngoc does not sleep so long.
3. Most tibettsev
Sherpas, the Nepalese nationality known that people are agents of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Nepalese Sherpas and most Tibetans have a feature that allows them to survive in the mountains at an altitude of about four kilometers above sea level. Just a few years ago, scientists had no idea how they do it. We now know that 87% of the Tibetans have a special gene that allows them to consume 40% less oxygen than ordinary people.
EPAS1 gene is responsible for the ability of Tibetans to live at high altitudes for a long time. Most people who have risen to a height of three kilometers, raised the level of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin - a substance in our blood, which promotes the oxygen through the body. EPAS1 gene prevents hemoglobin in the blood of the Tibetans to rise above a certain level, which prevents heart problems, who may be experiencing other people.
According to the researchers, the Tibetans got this ability from the now-extinct species denisovan. Denisovsky people lived in the area where the Tibetans now live, and their fossils were found the same gene EPAS1. It seems that this gene is only for Tibetans, and residents of some of the Pacific Islands, as Denisovsky humans interbred with other subspecies of man, creating a reserve of this gene has not yet died out.
4. Elizabeth Sulser
Nowadays, most people have heard of synaesthesia - a condition in which some of the senses are mixed. For example, when people with synesthesia eating red candy «Skittles», they can feel the taste of cherries, even if it is actually a different taste, but some people can feel color with their eyes closed.
Elisabeth Sulser mingled sight, taste and hearing, allowing her to see the multi-colored sound waves and taste the music. Assuming that this is normal, it is all my life thought that other people can try to see the music and sounds. However, when Elizabeth realized that no one else there is no ability, she felt lonely, because no one could share their feelings. Incidentally, synesthesia - is not always good. People can see sounds, constantly distracted in noisy environments, and as you can imagine, quite often suffer from headaches.
Fortunately, Elizabeth - a musician, so it is unusual ability significantly helps her, allowing you to create a symphony of colors and melodies. While remaining largely mysterious condition synaesthesia does not seem to bring Sulser no adverse consequences, especially since she began to see only the music, but not all the sounds in general.
5. SM
Anonymous known as "CM", the woman is suffering from an unknown illness that caused the complete destruction of its cerebellar tonsils (part of the brain that controls fear). SM, a mother of three children who can not feel fear, no matter how scary the situation was. The study, to study its ability to fear, CM looked the worst horror movie and touched a snake's tongue.
However, CM remembers how afraid of the dark as a child, but by the time she reached early adolescence, her amygdala had been destroyed. She even described the meeting with the man, she walked alone in the park at night. He ran up to her and put a knife to her throat. Instead scared half to death, the CM said quietly that at first he will have to go through her guardian angel, that scared the offender. She describes this event simply as "strange».
6. Dean Karnazes
Anyone who has ever participated in a marathon, knows that sometimes you have to make a quick break. As for Dean Karnazes, his muscles allow it to run forever.
Normally the human body gets its energy from glucose and produces lactate. If lactate becomes too much, the body begins to produce lactic acid, which destroys its surplus. Dean's body does not prevent the accumulation of lactate, which allows him to never get tired. Dean started running in high school, when he joined the team on the run. While team members average could run only 15 laps, he ran 105 until he was told to stop. Since then, he did not stop running until he was 30 years old.
Clearly concerned, some scientists in Colorado have tested his stamina. They said that the test takes about 15 minutes, but Dean continued to walk on the treadmill for an hour. With its unique ability he once ran 50 marathons in 50 days.
7. Tibetan monahi
Monks from South Asia, especially in Tibet, say they have learned to control body temperature, using an ancient form of meditation called "Tum-mo". According to Buddhist teachings, our lives - it's not everything that exists, there is also a kind of alternate reality. Practicing Tum-mo, monks allegedly reached this other world. During meditation Tum-mo, they produce a significant amount of heat.
During the study of this strange phenomenon, scientists were amazed to find that the temperature of the fingers and toes monks rises by as much as eight degrees Celsius. Tum-mo - is not the only form of meditation practiced by Tibetan monks. Other forms of meditation and allow the monks to lower metabolism. Metabolism controls the rate of digestion of calories. People with slow metabolism gain weight faster because their body can not break down fast enough calories. Through meditation, the monks can lower your metabolism by approximately 64%. Unlike ordinary people, it allows them to save energy. For comparison, the average person's metabolism is reduced by 15% during sleep.
8. Chris Robinson
Once Chris Robinson awoke after vivid dream in which two aircraft collided in mid-air. Since that day, he allegedly began to see the future in her dreams. In addition, Robinson can wake up at a time when he wants to and record your dreams in a diary of dreams, which he leads.
Stan Lee himself (with the help of Daniel Browning Smith) conducted an experiment involving Robinson. He said Robinson, the next day they're going to take him to 10 seats, and its task was to see these places in a dream. The next day, Robinson wrote every place that he dreamed, on a separate sheet of paper and sealed them in envelopes. When they came to a place, they opened the envelope and found that Robinson guessed everything.
Of course, the results look extremely suspicious. Robinson tested again. This time he had to guess, that the organizers have put in a box. Within 12 days of Robinson once a day to guess what was in the box. He guessed the only two times out of 12, that does not prove the existence of his psychic powers.
9. Eskil Ronningsbakken
Ronningsbakken, artist, performing deadly stunts, first learned about the art of balance, when he was five years old. Interest in this he appeared when he was 11 years old he saw a man on TV, makes the extraordinary stunts. When Ronningsbakkenu was 18 years old, he ran away to the circus and performed for 11 years. He knew the art of balance - that's what he wants to do.
Now in its 30-plus years, Ronningsbakken risk their lives by walking upside down on a bicycle on a tightrope above the canyon and doing handstands on the bar, hanging under a flying balloon. In the video below, he rides a bicycle backwards along the serpentine in Norway. Ronningsbakken, however, is fearless and recognizes that is very nervous in front of tricks. He believes that fear - it is a feeling that makes us human, and if he loses the feeling of fear, he would immediately drop everything, because he is afraid to stop being human.
10. Natalia Dёmkina
In Saransk, Russia, a girl named Natalia Demkina suddenly began to see through the body of the people. Since childhood Natalia home people came to, she looked inside and told them what they get sick.
Interested in a "girl-X-ray," Dr. Ray Hyman invited her to New York for a series of tests. One of these included six patients with different diagnoses - from remote appendix to the presence of the metal plate in his skull from a brain tumor - and one healthy control participants. Natalia correctly named four of the six, which is certainly impressive, despite the fact that it says it can see at the cellular level.
However, it is interesting that it is confused with the patient and the patient's appendix with a metal plate in his skull - a serious mistake for the person who can see inside other people. In the end, see a doctor or someone with X-ray vision - it's your choice.
via factroom.ru

For most people, the talent - is the ability to sing, dance and so on. But some people are able to more than that, and most of them can not even control myself.
1. Orlando Serell

No matter how sad to have brain damage, there is a very small percentage of people who lived through it and get a new unusual ability. People who receive special abilities after a head injury, diagnosed with acquired savant syndrome. Usually savants have remarkable mathematical abilities, or may, for example, draw a very detailed Rome.
In 1979, the Orlando Serell played baseball in elementary school when a stray ball flew into his head. But that does not bother him, and he continued to play. During the year Serell suffered from headaches that can last for hours. By the end of that year, he realized that he could make an excellent calendar calculations, for example, he knew how many Mondays were in 1980. Along with this incredible skill he could remember every detail of every day, both at Hyperthymesia. If Serella was not severe form of brain damage, but the head injury was.
Ordinary people often envy the skills of savants. The reason that savants have so well the brain works, that they take everything literally and note details that we do not pay attention. That's why savants great difficulties arise during various school tests: These tests are given broad issues that do not fit narrowly focused way of thinking savants.
2. Tai Ngok

Vietnamese farmer Ngoc Thai suffered a fever in 1973, which at first did not seem to him nothing unusual. But when the fever has passed, it occurred bad case of insomnia. In the hope that it will be held for a week, Ty did not give it much importance. At the moment, he had not slept for the past 40 years since that night, when suffered fever.
You can decide that after 12,000 sleepless nights you'll be dead, but after a medical examination had found only minor problems with the liver. The only thing Ngoc complains that he has become a little irritable after more than 30 years without sleep. He tried countless home remedies, and even tried to drown in alcohol insomnia. But, it seems, nothing worked. So why is it taking so long insomnia?
One explanation may give such a phenomenon as micro. Microsleep occurs when part of your brain gets tired and decides to sleep for a few quick seconds. For most of us it happens when we get tired - our brain is temporarily switched off, and then starts to work again. A good example of microsleep - when a driver falls asleep at the wheel. That is why, probably, Ngoc does not sleep so long.
3. Most tibettsev

Sherpas, the Nepalese nationality known that people are agents of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world. Nepalese Sherpas and most Tibetans have a feature that allows them to survive in the mountains at an altitude of about four kilometers above sea level. Just a few years ago, scientists had no idea how they do it. We now know that 87% of the Tibetans have a special gene that allows them to consume 40% less oxygen than ordinary people.

EPAS1 gene is responsible for the ability of Tibetans to live at high altitudes for a long time. Most people who have risen to a height of three kilometers, raised the level of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin - a substance in our blood, which promotes the oxygen through the body. EPAS1 gene prevents hemoglobin in the blood of the Tibetans to rise above a certain level, which prevents heart problems, who may be experiencing other people.
According to the researchers, the Tibetans got this ability from the now-extinct species denisovan. Denisovsky people lived in the area where the Tibetans now live, and their fossils were found the same gene EPAS1. It seems that this gene is only for Tibetans, and residents of some of the Pacific Islands, as Denisovsky humans interbred with other subspecies of man, creating a reserve of this gene has not yet died out.
4. Elizabeth Sulser

Nowadays, most people have heard of synaesthesia - a condition in which some of the senses are mixed. For example, when people with synesthesia eating red candy «Skittles», they can feel the taste of cherries, even if it is actually a different taste, but some people can feel color with their eyes closed.
Elisabeth Sulser mingled sight, taste and hearing, allowing her to see the multi-colored sound waves and taste the music. Assuming that this is normal, it is all my life thought that other people can try to see the music and sounds. However, when Elizabeth realized that no one else there is no ability, she felt lonely, because no one could share their feelings. Incidentally, synesthesia - is not always good. People can see sounds, constantly distracted in noisy environments, and as you can imagine, quite often suffer from headaches.
Fortunately, Elizabeth - a musician, so it is unusual ability significantly helps her, allowing you to create a symphony of colors and melodies. While remaining largely mysterious condition synaesthesia does not seem to bring Sulser no adverse consequences, especially since she began to see only the music, but not all the sounds in general.
5. SM

Anonymous known as "CM", the woman is suffering from an unknown illness that caused the complete destruction of its cerebellar tonsils (part of the brain that controls fear). SM, a mother of three children who can not feel fear, no matter how scary the situation was. The study, to study its ability to fear, CM looked the worst horror movie and touched a snake's tongue.
However, CM remembers how afraid of the dark as a child, but by the time she reached early adolescence, her amygdala had been destroyed. She even described the meeting with the man, she walked alone in the park at night. He ran up to her and put a knife to her throat. Instead scared half to death, the CM said quietly that at first he will have to go through her guardian angel, that scared the offender. She describes this event simply as "strange».
6. Dean Karnazes

Anyone who has ever participated in a marathon, knows that sometimes you have to make a quick break. As for Dean Karnazes, his muscles allow it to run forever.
Normally the human body gets its energy from glucose and produces lactate. If lactate becomes too much, the body begins to produce lactic acid, which destroys its surplus. Dean's body does not prevent the accumulation of lactate, which allows him to never get tired. Dean started running in high school, when he joined the team on the run. While team members average could run only 15 laps, he ran 105 until he was told to stop. Since then, he did not stop running until he was 30 years old.
Clearly concerned, some scientists in Colorado have tested his stamina. They said that the test takes about 15 minutes, but Dean continued to walk on the treadmill for an hour. With its unique ability he once ran 50 marathons in 50 days.
7. Tibetan monahi

Monks from South Asia, especially in Tibet, say they have learned to control body temperature, using an ancient form of meditation called "Tum-mo". According to Buddhist teachings, our lives - it's not everything that exists, there is also a kind of alternate reality. Practicing Tum-mo, monks allegedly reached this other world. During meditation Tum-mo, they produce a significant amount of heat.
During the study of this strange phenomenon, scientists were amazed to find that the temperature of the fingers and toes monks rises by as much as eight degrees Celsius. Tum-mo - is not the only form of meditation practiced by Tibetan monks. Other forms of meditation and allow the monks to lower metabolism. Metabolism controls the rate of digestion of calories. People with slow metabolism gain weight faster because their body can not break down fast enough calories. Through meditation, the monks can lower your metabolism by approximately 64%. Unlike ordinary people, it allows them to save energy. For comparison, the average person's metabolism is reduced by 15% during sleep.
8. Chris Robinson
Once Chris Robinson awoke after vivid dream in which two aircraft collided in mid-air. Since that day, he allegedly began to see the future in her dreams. In addition, Robinson can wake up at a time when he wants to and record your dreams in a diary of dreams, which he leads.
Stan Lee himself (with the help of Daniel Browning Smith) conducted an experiment involving Robinson. He said Robinson, the next day they're going to take him to 10 seats, and its task was to see these places in a dream. The next day, Robinson wrote every place that he dreamed, on a separate sheet of paper and sealed them in envelopes. When they came to a place, they opened the envelope and found that Robinson guessed everything.
Of course, the results look extremely suspicious. Robinson tested again. This time he had to guess, that the organizers have put in a box. Within 12 days of Robinson once a day to guess what was in the box. He guessed the only two times out of 12, that does not prove the existence of his psychic powers.
9. Eskil Ronningsbakken

Ronningsbakken, artist, performing deadly stunts, first learned about the art of balance, when he was five years old. Interest in this he appeared when he was 11 years old he saw a man on TV, makes the extraordinary stunts. When Ronningsbakkenu was 18 years old, he ran away to the circus and performed for 11 years. He knew the art of balance - that's what he wants to do.
Now in its 30-plus years, Ronningsbakken risk their lives by walking upside down on a bicycle on a tightrope above the canyon and doing handstands on the bar, hanging under a flying balloon. In the video below, he rides a bicycle backwards along the serpentine in Norway. Ronningsbakken, however, is fearless and recognizes that is very nervous in front of tricks. He believes that fear - it is a feeling that makes us human, and if he loses the feeling of fear, he would immediately drop everything, because he is afraid to stop being human.
10. Natalia Dёmkina

In Saransk, Russia, a girl named Natalia Demkina suddenly began to see through the body of the people. Since childhood Natalia home people came to, she looked inside and told them what they get sick.
Interested in a "girl-X-ray," Dr. Ray Hyman invited her to New York for a series of tests. One of these included six patients with different diagnoses - from remote appendix to the presence of the metal plate in his skull from a brain tumor - and one healthy control participants. Natalia correctly named four of the six, which is certainly impressive, despite the fact that it says it can see at the cellular level.
However, it is interesting that it is confused with the patient and the patient's appendix with a metal plate in his skull - a serious mistake for the person who can see inside other people. In the end, see a doctor or someone with X-ray vision - it's your choice.
via factroom.ru
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