The commandments of the 104-year-old sage Andrew Crow: how to live in health and joy
Wisdom of centenarians is of tremendous importance for those who want to live a long life. Every thought is a personal experience, each pin is checked.
Excerpts from the book "Many years to come. Good years. The commandments of the 104-year-old sage Andrew Crow for a long and happy life."

1. Learn to see around all living things and enjoy everything – the grass, tree, birds, animals, land, sky. Peered at them with kind eyes and with an attentive heart, and will open up to you such knowledge that you will not find in books. And see ourselves in them – are tamed and updated.
2. I make it a tradition at least for a few minutes at any time to stand barefoot on the earth. Let the body land, before she called him.
3. Look for the case to be near the water. It removes fatigue, clear your mind.
4. Drink clean water, where possible, without waiting for thirst. This is the first medicine. Where my fate not led, I first searched for the well, source. Don't drink the sweet and salty (mineral) water from bottles. First to corrode the liver, the second sealing vessels.
5. Every day on your Desk should be vegetables. Nutritious those vegetables that are warmed and filled with sun. In the first place – beets, on the ground is not the best food. Then beans, squash, berries, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce, apples, grapes, plums.
6. The meat, if you want to eat can. But rarely. Don'T EAT pork, not one person it's sent to the light. But a thin slice of bacon will be good for you. But do not smoke it. Why resin to use ...
7. Bad food – sausage, fried potatoes, biscuits, sweets, preserves, pickles. My food is cereals, beans, greens. The predator ate the meat barely crawling, lazy. And the horse from oats all day who pull. Locusts eat grass from the force is to fly.
8. Better is a handful, but often. To eat less, drink a lot of water and fruit drinks, eating roughage and raw vegetables. From Thursday evening to Friday evening eat nothing and only drink water.
9. The post is the biggest grace. Nothing strengthens and does not rejuvenate me the way post. The bones become light, like a bird. But the heart of a fun guy. With each major post I get few years younger.
10. The sun rises and sets for you. The work goes well after sunrise. Get used to it and be strong body and healthy spirit. And the brain is resting better and lighter in the evening sleep. So do monks and warriors. And have the power to serve.
11. Well the middle of the day to take a NAP half an hour backwards, for the blood to freshen the head and face. Bad to sleep after eating, because then the blood becomes thick and the fat is deposited in the blood vessels.
12. Less sit, but sleep enough.
13. Try to be more under the open sky. Accustom yourself to live in a cool place. Enough to feet and hands were warm but head cool. The body grows old and withers from the heat. In Ussuriysk the woods I knew an old Chinese man who always wore cotton clothes, but in the shack is almost never drowned.
14. Weak manslave body strengthen herbs. A handful of herbs, berries, leaves, branches currant, raspberry, strawberry Sapareva boiling water and drink the whole day. In the winter this will hugely benefit.
15. Don't forget about nuts. Walnut is similar to our brain. It has the power for the brain. Well daily to eat a teaspoon of peanut butter.
16. With people be kind and considerate. Each of them, even empty, can something or whether to learn. Don't make people think no enemies, no friends. And then you're not getting trouble from them.
17. What you meant is this. Just learn to wait humbly. What you don't have to have and should not wait. Let your heart be light.
18. I do not believe in superstitions, astrologers, not to resort to divination. Keep the soul and heart pure.
19. When you feel bad, have a lot of walking. Better field, forest, above water. The water will carry your sadness. But remember: the best medicine for body and soul – fasting, prayer and physical work.
20. More move. The stone is rolling, moss is NOT cluttered. Trouble keeping us on the ground. Do not turn away from them, but don't let them on an reign. Never be afraid to start learning a new action will be updated by himself.
21. I've never been to the resort, nor Sunday is not spent. My recreation is a change of employment. Nerves to rest when working hands. The body gains strength when running head.
22. Don't ask little. Ask large. And will get smaller.
23. Do not cheat with just to capitalize, and try to be helpful. Vine that do not bear, soon dries out.
24. Don't be a scoffer and Mocker, but be fun.
25. Don't over eat! Hungry beast smarter and more agile well-fed man. With a handful of dates and a Cup of wine for the Roman legionaries ran in full ammunition 20 kilometers, crashed into the enemy ranks and fought for half a day without respite ... And from the tedium and debauchery of the patricians the Roman Empire fell.
26. After dinner I walk for another half hour in the garden.
27. When taking food, don't take it. Don't drink before or after a meal.
28. Not to go with the baby to hospitals and pharmacies, give it in the hands of Nature. From an early age learn to walk the earth barefoot. This is the strongest hardening. Burned child in the sun – it will benefit stung by the wasp or ant – also good, wallsa nettles, bathed in the cool water, was scratched by a thorn, ate the ground in the garden – so steeled against disease, has become stronger body, stronger spirit.
29. When you cut vegetables with a knife, they partially lose their earthly power. Better to eat them and cook whole. Onion twice as useful if his crush with your hands or a wooden plank.
30. Don't have to drink store-bought tea. For me, the best brew is from the young branches of the pear. This tea is very aromatic and therapeutic. Removes the salts and excess water, relieves pain and inflammation of the joints. And coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, gnawing away at the heart.
31. If you're tired, I felt weak, pain, just give your body a rest. Even easier will be your power. To do this, there is some one dish during the day. The next day another dish. And so at least a week or two.
32. Want remain young and live long? Once a week, arrange a walnut-Apple day. In the morning cook 8 apples and 8 nuts. About every 2:00, eat one Apple and walnut. So during the day the stomach was busy.
33. When you feel that the body gets tired quickly that you are all annoying, work it together – it means we have to make a carrot two or three times a day. So rejuvenate.
34. Hot meals are prepared only for 1-2 times. food should be fresh.
35. That was not cold, not hot water wash, eat every day nuts and garlic, walking barefoot on the floor sprinkled on the corn and a lot of sleep.
36. When it comes to the season of berries, I can deny myself any food, not berries. Every day eat at least a Cup. If the stars are the eyes of heaven, the berries are the eyes of the earth. None of them is main and not main. Each will fill you with strength and health – from cherry to watermelon.
37. Nurture your inner sense of joy and charm of life.
38. Find time for silence, for calm, for peace talks with him.
39. What is good and what is bad – let you feel human and not rumor.
40. Don't worry about what everyone thinks and says about you. Be your own judge of purity and dignity.
41. Don't get angry at people. Do not judge them. Every forgiveness you man will make you love yourself.
42. If your heart is overflowing with love, there is no place for fear.
43. Don'T compete in anything with anyone. To each his own. It is better to give.
44. Poor not one who has little, but one who has little.
45. Never hit children and not shout at them. Otherwise they will all become slaves.
46. Don't argue. Everyone has their own truth and his own resentment.
47. Does not teach people how to live, what to do. I never mean to preach, just advise when I ask for advice.
48. I do not consider myself the smartest and most decent, better than others.
49. Don't try to be an example to others. Look for example nearby.
50. The healing power of healthy sleep. But his daily need to earn some work, effort.
7 benefits
One doctor asked, gave me many good years. I thought about it and wrote him on a piece of paper. Gained 7 benefits.
1. Moderate food,
2. Constant moderate physical activity, the habit to walk a lot.
3. Clean water and clean air.
4. Sun.
5. Self-control, self-restraint.
6. Rest.
7. Faith.
7 the main things that we must learn:
1. Find joy in this life. Joy presented to you each minute.
2. To bring joy to others. To be human.
3. To forgive. Always. Everyone and myself included.
4. To repent. To be free from sin and error.
5. Laugh. Face and soul. (Does not apply seriously to the people and to itself).
6. To breathe. Freely, deeply and with pleasure.
7. To sleep. Plenty and with pleasure.
7 cherished dishes
(They donated to the person on Top not only as the best food, but as medicine)
1. Beets
2. Cucumbers and onions.
3. Sour.
4. Fish.
5. Porridge (millet, buckwheat, corn, beans).
6. Apple.
7. The berries and nuts.
7 cherished liquids
1. Spring water.
2. Green tea.
3. The juice of the grape (wine).
4. Tea from the leaves, twigs and flowers and berries.
5. Brew.
6. Compote deacon.
7. Cabbage brine.
While the live and free ...
Though barefoot, but go ahead.
Although lame, but go ahead.
Although legless, but go ahead.
If you have stood a tough choice or difficult decision, with a light heart make yourself a morning when you get up, you will have the answer. And so be it.
If you do not know what to do, at least do what you can.
If you are afraid to do, don't do it.
But if you do, don't worry.
"Bad", useless, empty work does not happen.
If you do not know how to act, act according to the desire of the heart, but do not break action.
Not everything is subject to reason. But everything is subject to persistence.
Nothing for you nothing is impossible, while living in freedom.
Author: Miroslav Docines
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: ruslekar.info/Zapovedi-104-letnego-mudretsa-kak-zhit-v-zdravii-i-radosti-3182.html