Traditions on St. Andrew's Day
On December 13, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the holiday St. Andrew the First-CalledHe is considered the patron saint of Universal Orthodoxy and the apostle of the entire Orthodox Church. According to church tradition, it was Andrew who brought Christianity to our lands.
The Apostle Andrew the First-Called Apostle Andrew was born in Bethsaida, as was his brother, the future saint. Peter. When he first met Jesus Christ and believed in God, Andrew never doubted his faith and followed the Savior. Andrew was the first to be called into the ranks of the apostles, which is why the church calls him “primordial.”
On the fiftieth day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the twelve apostles gathered and drew lots to decide where each of them would proclaim the Good News and preach the Christian faith. Andrew got the coast of Pontus of Euxinus (Black Sea). At the foot of the low mountains, the saint consecrated the place on which Kiev was later founded.
Reaching the future Novgorod land, Andrew wished to return to Rome, and from there moved to Thrace. He found a good place and founded a Christian church. Years later Constantinople was built there.
There were many dangers in the life of the apostle. After all, his mission required complete self-denial and a willingness to give his life in the name of Christ. Andrew was expelled from the Roman cities and severely beaten. Death overtook the saint in the Greek city of Patras, where he was crucified on an X-shaped cross upside down. Today, the cross of this form is called the cross of St. Andrew, or St. Andrew’s Cross.
DepositPhotos Two Days Andrew hung on a cross. All this time he talked with the people standing around, preaching the Resurrection of Christ.
Christianity in Russia took root for a long time. In the end, the celebration Day of Remembrance of St. Andrew It is mixed with many traditions and prejudices that combine pagan elements with Christian ones. The Church does not support these practices, although some of them still exist.
DepositPhotos Folk Traditions on Andrei V Andrew's night Young people gathered for walks, unmarried girls guessedThey competed with each other in strength and agility. For the holiday baked a special bread - kalita, which was hung on a rope. The young people had to jump up and bite off a piece.
No one was working on December 13. From that day until January 19, the women did not spin or pick up a needle. It was forbidden to lend until Christmas. Long trips were postponed until spring. In order for the unclean force to bypass the house, the icons had to put a head of garlic, pray and cross themselves with a cleaned clove, which should then be eaten by themselves or given to animals.
To protect the house from evil spirits, the owners turned the pots upside down. The farm buildings and the house were sprinkled with ash and laid out garlic in the corners. Many dishes prepared on this day were with garlic. It was believed that such food would help. purify the soul and body.
Folk signs on Andreyev day
All these traditions and many others have been practiced since time immemorial. Today they are remembered as part of their historical heritage. Pre-Christian beliefs Long ago, and the surrounding reality shows that it does not work.
13 December Church recommends abstaining from pagan ritesAnd spend the day in goodness. Why is it said that prayer on Andrew’s day is priceless? The answer is obvious, because the saint unconditionally followed Christ, and we, turning to the Apostle, are healed, strengthening our faith in the Savior.
Instead of divination, go to the temple or pray to the saint of the house. Today and tomorrow it is strictly forbidden to quarrel, swear and even think about the bad. Food should be lean as the holiday falls on the 16th day Christmas fast. You can not eat meat, dairy products, eggs, alcohol. Boiled and baked dishes with vegetable oil, fish and drink in moderation are allowed.
Pray to the Apostle Andrew It is possible to strengthen in the Christian faith, with a request for healing from diseases and even to find a good husband. Fishermen and sailors can turn to the saint with their requests, because he is their patron.
Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called “To the First-Called Apostle of God and Savior of our Jesus Christ, to the Church to the Follower, All-Called Andrew!” We glorify and exalt your apostolic labors, we honor your blessed coming to us, we appease your honest sufferings, we have suffered for Christ, we love your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe, for the Lord lives, and your soul lives and lives with him, and stay with him forever in heaven, hope and love us in the same way that he loved us.
Having left the glory of earthly service, you have inherited the heavenly kingdom, with drops of blood as wonderful precious stones, you have decorated your incorruptible crown and brought to Christ a gathering of martyrs. With the ranks of angels in the evening light, you have found the indispensable Sun of Christ, St. Andrew Stratilates, but always pray to Him together with those who have undergone martyrdom with you for the salvation of our souls.
In your prayers to the Lord before you, like a star walking ahead of the Sun, you saw the desired treasure of the Kingdom, filled with ineffable joy, to the Immortal King, to the Angels who are constantly praised, in endless ages you sing prayers, Andrew Stratilat. Pray with them for all of us.”
Hard work is best postponed. Instead, go to the temple, remember your dead relatives, and pray for the living. Do not forget to congratulate on the day of the angel of all Andrews, who have a heavenly patron. St. Andrew the First-Called!
All girls wishing to conclude a happy marriage, the holy fathers advise to pray to the patrons of marriage, family and fidelity - Saints Peter and Fevronia. Do not forget that the best gift for your family on this day is attention and care.

The Apostle Andrew the First-Called Apostle Andrew was born in Bethsaida, as was his brother, the future saint. Peter. When he first met Jesus Christ and believed in God, Andrew never doubted his faith and followed the Savior. Andrew was the first to be called into the ranks of the apostles, which is why the church calls him “primordial.”
On the fiftieth day after the Bright Resurrection of Christ, the twelve apostles gathered and drew lots to decide where each of them would proclaim the Good News and preach the Christian faith. Andrew got the coast of Pontus of Euxinus (Black Sea). At the foot of the low mountains, the saint consecrated the place on which Kiev was later founded.

Reaching the future Novgorod land, Andrew wished to return to Rome, and from there moved to Thrace. He found a good place and founded a Christian church. Years later Constantinople was built there.
There were many dangers in the life of the apostle. After all, his mission required complete self-denial and a willingness to give his life in the name of Christ. Andrew was expelled from the Roman cities and severely beaten. Death overtook the saint in the Greek city of Patras, where he was crucified on an X-shaped cross upside down. Today, the cross of this form is called the cross of St. Andrew, or St. Andrew’s Cross.

DepositPhotos Two Days Andrew hung on a cross. All this time he talked with the people standing around, preaching the Resurrection of Christ.

Christianity in Russia took root for a long time. In the end, the celebration Day of Remembrance of St. Andrew It is mixed with many traditions and prejudices that combine pagan elements with Christian ones. The Church does not support these practices, although some of them still exist.

DepositPhotos Folk Traditions on Andrei V Andrew's night Young people gathered for walks, unmarried girls guessedThey competed with each other in strength and agility. For the holiday baked a special bread - kalita, which was hung on a rope. The young people had to jump up and bite off a piece.
No one was working on December 13. From that day until January 19, the women did not spin or pick up a needle. It was forbidden to lend until Christmas. Long trips were postponed until spring. In order for the unclean force to bypass the house, the icons had to put a head of garlic, pray and cross themselves with a cleaned clove, which should then be eaten by themselves or given to animals.

To protect the house from evil spirits, the owners turned the pots upside down. The farm buildings and the house were sprinkled with ash and laid out garlic in the corners. Many dishes prepared on this day were with garlic. It was believed that such food would help. purify the soul and body.
Folk signs on Andreyev day
- If the snow does not fall before December 13, the winter will be warm and snowy, if it falls - cold and snowy.
- If the quiet water is a good winter, noisy - there will be frosts, there will be storms, blizzards.
- Red fire in the oven - on cold, white - on thaw.
- If it snows on Andrei’s holiday, winter will be frosty and cold.
- It's cold and clear on December 13 - there will be a good harvest next year.
- If snow falls on this day, it will stay for another 100 days.
- Fast and low clouds will soon become cold.

All these traditions and many others have been practiced since time immemorial. Today they are remembered as part of their historical heritage. Pre-Christian beliefs Long ago, and the surrounding reality shows that it does not work.
13 December Church recommends abstaining from pagan ritesAnd spend the day in goodness. Why is it said that prayer on Andrew’s day is priceless? The answer is obvious, because the saint unconditionally followed Christ, and we, turning to the Apostle, are healed, strengthening our faith in the Savior.

Instead of divination, go to the temple or pray to the saint of the house. Today and tomorrow it is strictly forbidden to quarrel, swear and even think about the bad. Food should be lean as the holiday falls on the 16th day Christmas fast. You can not eat meat, dairy products, eggs, alcohol. Boiled and baked dishes with vegetable oil, fish and drink in moderation are allowed.
Pray to the Apostle Andrew It is possible to strengthen in the Christian faith, with a request for healing from diseases and even to find a good husband. Fishermen and sailors can turn to the saint with their requests, because he is their patron.

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called “To the First-Called Apostle of God and Savior of our Jesus Christ, to the Church to the Follower, All-Called Andrew!” We glorify and exalt your apostolic labors, we honor your blessed coming to us, we appease your honest sufferings, we have suffered for Christ, we love your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and we believe, for the Lord lives, and your soul lives and lives with him, and stay with him forever in heaven, hope and love us in the same way that he loved us.

Having left the glory of earthly service, you have inherited the heavenly kingdom, with drops of blood as wonderful precious stones, you have decorated your incorruptible crown and brought to Christ a gathering of martyrs. With the ranks of angels in the evening light, you have found the indispensable Sun of Christ, St. Andrew Stratilates, but always pray to Him together with those who have undergone martyrdom with you for the salvation of our souls.
In your prayers to the Lord before you, like a star walking ahead of the Sun, you saw the desired treasure of the Kingdom, filled with ineffable joy, to the Immortal King, to the Angels who are constantly praised, in endless ages you sing prayers, Andrew Stratilat. Pray with them for all of us.”

Hard work is best postponed. Instead, go to the temple, remember your dead relatives, and pray for the living. Do not forget to congratulate on the day of the angel of all Andrews, who have a heavenly patron. St. Andrew the First-Called!
All girls wishing to conclude a happy marriage, the holy fathers advise to pray to the patrons of marriage, family and fidelity - Saints Peter and Fevronia. Do not forget that the best gift for your family on this day is attention and care.