Happy St. Patrick's Day! 10 facts about the main holiday of Ireland

in the world March 17 is celebrated rather strange and unusual holiday - St. Patrick's Day. What is it unusual? Well, at least that no one really knows who was this very, Patrick, and was canonized, and that this has done that raised so much noise? Website again I decided to answer all these questions, and at the same time and tell interesting facts about St. Patrick's Day. You might be surprised by the fact that ...
1. St. Patrick's name was not Patrick, and he is the name of St. Patrick was not irlandtsemNastoyaschee, which, according to tradition, brought Christianity to the pagan island then Ireland -. < Meyvin Sukkat In any case, this is the one of the assumptions. He was a Roman, born at the end of the 4th century in Roman Britain. Meyvinu was 16 years old when he was kidnapped by Irish pirates and sold into slavery. He was put in charge of feeding the sheep, I ran back to Britain and took refuge in a monastery. Years later, a servant of the church has himself Sukkat travels to Ireland, where he engaged in missionary activity. Name Patrick (Patrician), meaning roughly "father of his people", he accepted with dignity.
Saint Patrick - the patron of Ireland. It is believed that he will administer justice over the Irish in the Day of Judgment.
2. Green - not the color of St. PatrikaPervonachalno color associated with Saint Patrick was blue. On the few surviving images of Patrick appears in blue robes. In the name of the saint is still called a certain shade of blue, which is used in the emblem of Ireland.
Green starts to get more and more popular since the 18th century as a symbol of the trefoil, the spring and the Emerald Isle. It is dressed green uniforms during the uprising in 1798 Irish soldiers.
In the 19th century, the green finally became the national color of Ireland, and at the same time the color of St. Patrick's holiday. Every year on St. Patrick's Day waters of one of the small rivers in Chicago even dyed green 5 hours.
3. Why is the main symbol of St. Patrick's Day has become a clover? Clover (or shamrock) is inextricably linked with the image of Ireland, although the real symbol of the country is not he, but the golden harp. According to legend, St. Patrick used the clover to explain the Irish in their sermons the idea of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit): "Just three leaves growing from a single stalk, God can be one in three persons." However, historians do not confirm this fact.
It is believed that happiness will find the one who in the St. Patrick's Day Four-leaf clover will. It is considered a sign of luck, and in this day doubles the magic power. But the chances of finding a four-leaf clover among three-sheeted are 1: 10 000.
4. Is St Patrick snakes from Ireland out? According to one legend about the saint, he drove all the snakes from Ireland. But scientists think it unlikely that the snake at all were carried out on the island, famous for its cold climate. Historians tend to interpret this as an allegory of a legend: a snake, probably had in mind the pagan beliefs that Patrick cast out as a true Christian
5.. Why celebrate St. Patrick's Day March 17? March 17th is considered the day of death of St. Patrick. As for the place and the year of his death data sources differ. It is not known, and the burial place of the saint. According to legend, the cart with the body of St. neukroschёnnyh two bull were harnessed, and the burial was going to happen there, where they will stop.
In the old St. Patrick's Day was part of the Easter celebrations. A March 17 as the day of the saint's death first mentioned in the biography, the author of which was the Welshman Edward Jones.
6. In St. Patrick's Day all the pubs were closed until 1970 godaVsego half a century ago, St. Patrick's Day was celebrated virtually "dry". He was regarded as a strictly religious, and pubs in this day generally closed from 1903 until 1970 - the law forbade them to work
7.. Holiday irlantsev all miraDen St. Patrick - a national Irish holiday. But the widespread popularity he gained through the Irish who immigrated to the United States. It is they who in memory of the homeland began to celebrate the day of the death of the beloved saint on an unprecedented scale. It was in America and the first parade on St. Patrick's Day March 17, 1762. A first parade in Ireland in Dublin took place only in 1931.
To date, the number of Irish and their descendants living in the US, reaching 33, 3 million (10, 5% of the population). While the population of Ireland itself -. Only about 4, 2 million Irish immigration was particularly mass during the potato famine of the island in the 40s of the 19th century
8.. What will Obama in this year's St. Patrick's Day Same as every year since he became president of the United States: a crystal vase with shamrocks. The Irish traditionally give them each the acting head of the White House.
9. What is a leprechaun? Leprechaun, Irish folklore hero, became one of the symbols of St. Patrick's Day recently. According to legend, this small stocky man in a green hat and suit store pots of gold buried at the end of the rainbow. Each pot - 1000 coins, a total of about 30 kilograms of gold
10.. Holiday Guinness with foam on his lips? In St. Patrick's Day beer Guinness flows like water! On this day, all over the world consumed about 13 million pints of Guinness
And a bonus:. Popular Irish toast "If you're lucky enough to be Irish ...
! So you have very lucky! »
"I drink for you to be poor in failure, rich in blessings, slow to make enemies and quickly made friends. And so from this day you did not know nothing but happiness. »
"May the best day of your last days will be the worst of your future».
"May the blessings of each day
It is those that you are most needed,
And that's what you most wish
It was the smallest of what you get,
To the Lord kept you in his hand
And I never clenched fist
too much. »
Author Knarik Khachatryan
According to the materials: WalletHub, Catholic Online, History.com, Wikipedia, Mental floss
via factroom.ru
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