Strong prayer on the day of St. Andrew the First-Called on December 13, giving well-being to the whole family

In order for 2022 to be successful, on December 13, St. Andrew’s Day, it is worth going to church and praying to the saint. Prayer to Andrew the First-Called has helped me many times! I prayed to this saint for the healing of my father and even for the search for a good husband. Both requests were heeded, by the way. I also named my son Andrew.

St. Andrew the First-Called First of the Apostles followedThen he brought his brother, the Apostle Peter, to him. From his youth, the future apostle, who was from Bethsaida, turned with all his soul to God. According to church tradition, it was Andrew who brought Christianity to our lands.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called Today "Site" share prayerfully on the day of St. Andrew the First-Called on December 13, giving prosperity to the whole family. It saves from lack of faith and cowardice!

The Apostle Andrew, like his brother Paul, was engaged in fishing in his youth. Perhaps that is why Andrew the First-Called is patron. Remember how in the song: From the pier the Apostle Andrew fished, and the Savior walked on water. And Andrew took the sanders out of the water, and the Savior took out the dead people.

At first the teacher of Andrew the First-Called was John the Forerunner. He then accompanied Jesus Christ on all his travels and witnessed his entire life before the Resurrection and then the miraculous Ascension.

After that, he preached a lot. Some sources report that he was in the vicinity of Kiev, and foresaw the appearance of a great city here. By the way, in the place where it is now St. Andrew's ChurchAndrew the First-Called erected a cross. He did this during his pilgrimage to the north. That is why Empress Elizabeth ordered to build a church on the site.

By the way, none of the 12 apostles is so significantly present in the history of the Slavs throughout it, as the Apostle Andrew.

St. Andrew lived a difficult but interesting life with Jesus Christ. He did many good deeds: he healed from ailments by the power of prayer, founded a church in Byzantium, ordained a bishop, appointed presbyters. A huge one. faith helped Apostle Andrew to overcome all difficulties and obstacles!

Prayer to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called “To the First-Called Apostle of God and Savior of our Jesus Christ, to the Church to the Follower, All-Called Andrew!” We glorify and exalt your apostolic labors, we remember your blessed coming to us. We appease your honest suffering, we have suffered for Christ, we love your sacred power.

We honor your holy memory and believe, for the Lord lives, but your soul lives, and you abide with him in heaven forever. Love and love love love, it is by this that you have loved us, when our Spirit has seen us. Turn to Christ, and do not love it exactly, but pray for us God, in vain in His light all our needs.

We believe in Taco, and we profess this faith in the temple, which in your name, St. Andrew, is gloriously created. Your holy relics rest, but we pray and pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ. By your prayers he will listen and accept. He will give us all that is necessary for the salvation of our sinners, as if you are an Abiyah according to the voice of the Lord. Forsaking his scum, he followed him steadfastly, and let him seek not his own from us. But he also thinks about the creation of his neighbor and about the rank of the mountain.

We trust that your prayers can do much before our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. All glory, honor, and worship befit him with the Father and the Holy Ghost for ever and ever. Amen.

The Apostle Andrew the First-Called, voice 4: “As the apostles’ first and supreme brother, the Lord of all, Andrew, pray, peace of the universe and great mercy to our souls.”

Kondak to the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, voice 2 "The courage of the named God-defender and the Church of the Supreme, Peter the Relative, we praise, as before this, and now we cry: Come, having found the desired."

I also propose to get acquainted with the secrets of St. Andrew’s Church, in which the only iconostasis of Rastrelli in the world is preserved. One of the most interesting decorations of Kiev!

Prayer to Andrew helps to strengthen faith in God, faith in the future. And now, in difficult times, the prayerful words addressed to the Apostle Andrew will warm the souls of many Orthodox Christians.

Let me. holy-dayThe day of St. Andrew the First-Called, true strength of spirit, nobility and wisdom will fill your heart and give quiet joy!


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