Simple conditions, leading to a harmonious space on your life's journey. (Vastu)

If you start to follow them, then gradually come to harmony in your inner and outer space.
Why is this happening can be explained using the language of modern psychology. Our way of life is formed by our actions that we carry out on the basis of the views or should I say the stereotypes of our mind. Ie we believe that it is necessary to do so, because the fact is good for us, and it's bad, it is right and it is not. Representation, which is guided by the mind, we draw from our experience, which of course is limited to how great it may be. After all, we use the experience of our parents, teachers, and our own experience, and all of these sources can not be considered examples of best practice, as all the samples, we used themselves are suffering because of their misconceptions. For example, to be healthy, you need to eat more meat, or to protect themselves need to travel in an armored car with bodyguards. Agree that such "solutions" are ineffective, it is clear to the majority.
Our whole life is made up of infinity of ways, constantly have to make choices and each has its limits understanding when mistakes are obvious, and we are starting to make them, choosing the path of suffering. For example, in a relationship with your loved ones when we are silent, or vice versa, blame our families for all their problems, accumulating negative, in relation to work, when we choose a bird in the hand, money, health, postponing etc .
Thus, the limited experience is the cause of our suffering. To get rid of suffering, it is necessary to sample more constructive experience to create a concept of life that could be the basis for the formation in our mind such a reaction and such processes, which would have sent us in the direction of happiness, that is, to self-realization, health, harmony in vzaimoootnosheniyah with family, money, and all around the world. Such a sample we can only give people who themselves have come to a harmonious state. To learn to love, you need to feel a sense of love.
We can say that following the commandments is the application of best practices for the mind. It's kind of benchmarking, where the result is a correct way of life, leading to the place where you will always be good :)
You can use the commandments of Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha and founder of Vastu Shastra Mayamuni Maya. After Vastu Shastra uses samples harmonious space through which the whole world around us and the world within us become more harmonious. For example, the commandments Dzhahma Sangha boy Buddha spent in front of people 6 years at a fixed meditation (samadhi).
Commandments Dharma Sangha (boy-Buddha), implementing the principle of similarity:
1. It is a commandment for all abandon discrimination on the grounds of belonging to a particular ethnic group or social stratum, on the basis of appearance, color, class and faith, belonging to a particular society, the possession of power, social status or qualifications, or even to be abandon the distinction between the concepts of material and spiritual.
Commandment 2.
Love is an inexhaustible treasure; who they obladaet- the rich; who do not imeet- poor.
To get married ...