Father Seraphim during his lifetime left the commandments that we all must observe, true wisdom.
In the Russian Orthodox Church there is a special saint who exchanged all worldly blessings for service to God. Orthodox believers especially revere him for the fact that he very quickly answers their prayers. Not with words, but with events in life that clearly show the blessing of the saint. Saint Seraphim of Sarov He brings healing and consolation to life, and makes clear his purpose in this world.
During his long life, Seraphim of Sarov passed many severe trials and deserved to be canonized after his death. He is the founder and patron of the Diveyevo convent.
At the age of 17, the future monk left his father’s house in the Sarov desert, where he received the monastic name Seraphim. The saint experienced a vow of silence, which lasted three years, miraculous healing after the attack of robbers and the feat of columnism.
He always met people with special love and tenderness who came to him for help and advice. He was very educated and could read and write. He knew the Holy Scriptures by heart and quoted the New Testament. Although this behavior was not particularly liked by other monks, Seraphim of Sarov remained true to his beliefs. Both ordinary and very influential people came to him for help and advice.
The life and commandments of St. Seraphim of Sarov did not leave to his contemporaries his written instructions and God's writings. But much was learned about him thanks to the stories of monks with whom he served in the monastery. Their stories reached their contemporaries. And now we know what instructions St. Seraphim of Sarov gave to people who come to him for advice.
He always said that Heaven and hell begin on earth.. And if you find peace in your soul, you will save a thousand other souls. God will never judge those who judge themselves for their actions.
To those who came to complain about fate, he always said: “There is nothing worse than sin and nothing more terrible and harmful than the spirit of despondency.” Buy a broom and tag your cell more often. As the cell is swept away, so will your soul be swept away. True faith is impossible without action. He who truly believes has deeds. Whoever endures illness with patience and gratitude, he is credited with a glorious feat.
Several times during his life Seraphim of Sarov went as a hermit to deserted places. There he lived away from the worldly bustle, prayed, read and farmed. And when he returned to the monastery, he talked a lot with people who came to him for advice.
He always listened carefully to all the heartache and helped. The monastery knows many stories of healing seriously ill people during prayer before the icon of the saint. “If a man knew what the Lord had prepared for him in heaven, he would be ready to spend his whole life in a pit with worms,” Seraphim of Sarov told people who came to his monastery.
Seraphim of Sarov can and should pray if you want to know your right path in life. If you want to succeed in business or business, as well as in family happiness. Prayer to the saint helps to find harmony and well-being in the family, as well as peace of mind. In addition, prayer to Seraphim of Sarov helps to get rid of bad habits, serious ailments and all kinds of everyday temptations.
The Day of Remembrance of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the Orthodox Church falls on January 15. On this day, one should always pray with gratitude to the saint, and he will always respond to the requests of those in need.

During his long life, Seraphim of Sarov passed many severe trials and deserved to be canonized after his death. He is the founder and patron of the Diveyevo convent.
At the age of 17, the future monk left his father’s house in the Sarov desert, where he received the monastic name Seraphim. The saint experienced a vow of silence, which lasted three years, miraculous healing after the attack of robbers and the feat of columnism.

He always met people with special love and tenderness who came to him for help and advice. He was very educated and could read and write. He knew the Holy Scriptures by heart and quoted the New Testament. Although this behavior was not particularly liked by other monks, Seraphim of Sarov remained true to his beliefs. Both ordinary and very influential people came to him for help and advice.
The life and commandments of St. Seraphim of Sarov did not leave to his contemporaries his written instructions and God's writings. But much was learned about him thanks to the stories of monks with whom he served in the monastery. Their stories reached their contemporaries. And now we know what instructions St. Seraphim of Sarov gave to people who come to him for advice.
He always said that Heaven and hell begin on earth.. And if you find peace in your soul, you will save a thousand other souls. God will never judge those who judge themselves for their actions.

To those who came to complain about fate, he always said: “There is nothing worse than sin and nothing more terrible and harmful than the spirit of despondency.” Buy a broom and tag your cell more often. As the cell is swept away, so will your soul be swept away. True faith is impossible without action. He who truly believes has deeds. Whoever endures illness with patience and gratitude, he is credited with a glorious feat.
Several times during his life Seraphim of Sarov went as a hermit to deserted places. There he lived away from the worldly bustle, prayed, read and farmed. And when he returned to the monastery, he talked a lot with people who came to him for advice.

He always listened carefully to all the heartache and helped. The monastery knows many stories of healing seriously ill people during prayer before the icon of the saint. “If a man knew what the Lord had prepared for him in heaven, he would be ready to spend his whole life in a pit with worms,” Seraphim of Sarov told people who came to his monastery.

Seraphim of Sarov can and should pray if you want to know your right path in life. If you want to succeed in business or business, as well as in family happiness. Prayer to the saint helps to find harmony and well-being in the family, as well as peace of mind. In addition, prayer to Seraphim of Sarov helps to get rid of bad habits, serious ailments and all kinds of everyday temptations.

The Day of Remembrance of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the Orthodox Church falls on January 15. On this day, one should always pray with gratitude to the saint, and he will always respond to the requests of those in need.
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