Old dressmaker's way of removing gloss from iron
As a child, my grandmother taught me how to iron things. Yes, as it turns out, even this can be done wrong. And as a result, things are often unpleasant. iron-shine.
If you have faced such a domestic problem, our article will definitely be useful to you. Today's edition. "Site" will tell How to remove the gloss from the iron on clothes. And at the end of the article you will find a short list of rules for perfect ironing.
How to remove the shine from the iron Proven tricks for housewives
The golden rules of ironing clothes
An experienced hostess will find a way out of any situation! We sincerely hope that our simple tricks will be useful to you and you will easily remove any iron-shine. Have you had a similar problem before? It will be great if you share your cleansing life hacks in the comments.

If you have faced such a domestic problem, our article will definitely be useful to you. Today's edition. "Site" will tell How to remove the gloss from the iron on clothes. And at the end of the article you will find a short list of rules for perfect ironing.
How to remove the shine from the iron Proven tricks for housewives
- With an unpleasant shine on light clothes will cope with ordinary vinegar. To do this, mix 1 tbsp of product with 3 tbsp of warm water. Then moisten the stains with the resulting solution And sprinkle it with fine salt. When everything is dry, just remove the excess salt, and then gently iron the thing again.
- If you notice the remaining shine from the iron on dark or synthetic fabric, do not worry. You can easily get rid of him. Just wet a piece of bandage or gauze with water, slightly diluted vinegar or ammonia. Then squeeze the excess liquid and put the bandage in the right place. Next, turn on the steaming mode in the iron and carefully iron the thing. Do it carefully and slowly. As a result, the pair will absorb all the shine.
- The sheen of the iron on silk clothing can also be easily removed. You're gonna need that. baking soda. Make it a gruel by adding some water. Then apply the resulting mixture to the desired place and wait until the soda dries. Next, you need to rinse your clothes in warm water. Then, when the thing dries, stroke it in delicate mode.
- The shine from the iron on the colored fabric is easily removed with the help of an onion. Just rub the vegetable in a small grater and apply the resulting gruel on clothes. An hour later, remove the onion mass, rinse the clothes, dry and gently iron it. It's never been a nice gloss!
- What to do if the gloss appeared on a very delicate fabric? In this case, simple will help you. household-soap. Cut a piece of gauze and soap it. Then wipe the right place from the inside out and leave for 5 minutes. After steaming the thing through a cotton cloth and clean the stain with a clothes brush. The same method will work with black clothing.
The golden rules of ironing clothes
- Always. steam inWhen you want to iron your clothes. If the thing is especially crumpled, then it can be moistened beforehand. Of course, you can iron "dry" but it will take much longer, and the result will not be perfect.
- If you want to wear clothes from different materials, Start with the most delicate fabrics. They need a low temperature, so you will heat the iron gradually. As a result, you will definitely not ruin things made of silk or polyester and save time.
- Remember that The iron also needs care.. Unpleasant soil on the surface can stain your clothes. Therefore, you will definitely need information on how to clean the iron without much difficulty. Also, always pour the water that is left in the tank. This will prevent a possible breakdown.
- If you don't know for sure what fabric the thing is made of, ironing. You're not gonna ruin your clothes. Also, if you use a hand steamer, always pull the cloth down so that it is easier to steam it off. By the way, denser materials are best steamed from both sides.
An experienced hostess will find a way out of any situation! We sincerely hope that our simple tricks will be useful to you and you will easily remove any iron-shine. Have you had a similar problem before? It will be great if you share your cleansing life hacks in the comments.