Bread recipe from the cycle "Gypsy cooks"
fragrant garliccooked according to a gypsy recipe, will certainly appeal to all home, except, probably, those who count every extra calorie and actively follow a diet.
This treat can be served hot, and you can wait until it cools - it will be delicious anyway. Very well this bread fits the first dishes: soups and okroshka. Some people like to make sandwiches with it: just add a little sausage and tomatoes, because cheese and appetizing garlic are already present in the recipe.
Stock up with all the necessary ingredients and make sure that they are of the highest quality, because this factor greatly affects the result.
Garlic bread Ingredients
If you want to make the taste and texture of bread even richer, sprinkle its surface with roasted sesame seeds. As we said above, bread goes well with the first courses, but no one prevents you from eating it for breakfast together with, say, morning glaze and a glass of fresh juice.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=noEiD7rvECI
As always, we have a video recipe for you. Good luck!

This treat can be served hot, and you can wait until it cools - it will be delicious anyway. Very well this bread fits the first dishes: soups and okroshka. Some people like to make sandwiches with it: just add a little sausage and tomatoes, because cheese and appetizing garlic are already present in the recipe.

Stock up with all the necessary ingredients and make sure that they are of the highest quality, because this factor greatly affects the result.
Garlic bread Ingredients
- 350g flour
- 250 ml of water
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1.5 tsp (8 g) of yeast
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 120-150g butter
- 300g hard cheese (in mozzarella recipe)
- 3-4 teeth. garlic
- 2 vet. dill
- In barely warm water send yeast and sugar, stir. In a separate convenient container, mix flour and salt. After 5 minutes, add water with yeast and sugar to the flour and pour a couple more spoons of vegetable oil. Mix the dough and let it rest for 5 minutes under the film.
- After rest, mix the dough again to give it the desired consistency. The main thing in this case is not to be lazy. Cover the dough with film and send it to a warm place for an hour and a half.
- Melt the butter to a liquid state and add grated garlic to it. This spicy mixture will give gypsy bread a special aroma.
- It is recommended to bake bread in a large silicone form. So, wet your fingers with vegetable oil and form small balls from the dough. Put them on the bottom of the form in one layer.
- Now generously lubricate a layer of dough balls with a mixture of ghee and garlic. On top sprinkle this splendor with previously grated cheese. About a third of the total mass. Put another layer of balls, butter and sprinkle cheese. Continue until the ingredients run out.
- Let the unprepared bread soak for another half hour and send it to the oven. This bread is baked for 45-50 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. The finished dish can be smeared with the remains of ghee oil with garlic and several twigs of dill, for freshness. The oil will quickly absorb, and you will get a beautiful color scheme on an appetizing bread crust.
If you want to make the taste and texture of bread even richer, sprinkle its surface with roasted sesame seeds. As we said above, bread goes well with the first courses, but no one prevents you from eating it for breakfast together with, say, morning glaze and a glass of fresh juice.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=noEiD7rvECI
As always, we have a video recipe for you. Good luck!
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