“Bride of Christ” St. Catherine will help every woman on December 7, here’s how to ask her for intercession
Saint Catherine of Alexandria Great Martyr, whose day of remembrance Orthodox people celebrate on December 7. This bright day is of great importance for the Christian religion. Because it is associated with many interesting traditions, signs and prohibitions. How to spend this holiday correctly, we tell further in the article.
Saint Catherine the Great Martyr Catherine lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Maximinus. She received an excellent education and was passionate about studying the works of writers, philosophers and doctors. She also knew many languages and dialects. Her oratory and dialectical art could only be envied.
But Catherine’s life changed a lot when a Syrian monk converted her to Christianity. According to legend, when the girl was baptized, Jesus Christ appeared to her in a dream. He gave her a ring and called her his bride. You can read more about the mystical betrothal of St. Catherine at the link.
One day Catherine came to the temple of Maximin for the ceremony of sacrifice. She wanted the emperor together with the people to renounce paganism and accept Christianity. The beauty of the girl struck the ruler, and he invited her to his house. Maximin tried to convince Catherine that she was wrong. But she refused, for which she paid with her life.
She refused to worship the pagan gods, and Maximin gave the order to torture the girl. At the tip of the imperial nobleman Khursaden, a terrible instrument for torture was made: “Order to arrange four wooden wheels on one axis, and on them different iron points should be pierced around: two wheels should turn to the right, and two to the left; in the middle of them a maiden should be tied, and the rotating wheels will crush her body.”
The angel who came down from heaven did not let evil happen. He freed an innocent girl from suffering. Then the emperor invited Catherine to become his wife. The main condition was the renunciation of the Christian faith. But she refused. Maximin ordered her head cut off. According to legend, at that moment milk flowed from her neck.
Traditions associated with the day of memory of St. Catherine Catherine until the last minute of her life was faithful to her faith and her fiancé Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the Christian tradition, the saint is considered the patroness of a happy marriage. On December 7, unmarried girls pray at the icon of Catherine and ask her for a good husband and female happiness. And women who already have a spouse want to strengthen their marriage and solve all family problems.
Also earlier, young girls guessed on Catherine’s day to find out what kind of betrothed-cute fate prepared for them. If you are in search of true love, in the early morning of December 7, be sure to go to the church and pray before the icon of St. Catherine. Many continue the tradition of divination to this day. But you should know that the Church does not encourage this.
Since St. Catherine’s Remembrance Day falls on Christmas fasting, there are several prohibitions associated with this holiday. First, you can not arrange lush festivities and noisy feasts. Secondly, it is forbidden to drink hot drinks. If you want to arrange a family evening, only lean dishes should be on the table.
Beautiful girls on this day better forget about any hard work. Even needlework is not worth doing. All this may make childbirth more difficult in the future. And according to another sign, on December 7 it is forbidden to make fires and burn stoves.
If you are used to following all traditions, then light at the icon of St. Catherine as many as 3 candles before prayer. Previously, people believed that if you do not do this, the female lineage can be interrupted. We advise less superstitious girls to go to church and pray to Catherine for their well-being.
According to popular belief, if December 7 the weather is good and clear, this means that the winter will be very frosty. If on the day of St. Catherine’s memory it is very warm, then the frosts will come later, namely after the Barbarian Day (December 17).
If Ekaterininin’s day is foggy, wait for frosts in 10 days. Bad luck is associated with snow. If snow falls on the ground on this day, the next year will be poor harvest. But we shouldn’t be afraid of that, because weather superstitions are more a part of the cultural code than true information.
One way or another, spend December 7 in a circle of close people and pray at the icon of St. Catherine. And don’t forget to congratulate all your friends on their holiday!

Saint Catherine the Great Martyr Catherine lived during the reign of the Roman Emperor Maximinus. She received an excellent education and was passionate about studying the works of writers, philosophers and doctors. She also knew many languages and dialects. Her oratory and dialectical art could only be envied.
But Catherine’s life changed a lot when a Syrian monk converted her to Christianity. According to legend, when the girl was baptized, Jesus Christ appeared to her in a dream. He gave her a ring and called her his bride. You can read more about the mystical betrothal of St. Catherine at the link.

One day Catherine came to the temple of Maximin for the ceremony of sacrifice. She wanted the emperor together with the people to renounce paganism and accept Christianity. The beauty of the girl struck the ruler, and he invited her to his house. Maximin tried to convince Catherine that she was wrong. But she refused, for which she paid with her life.
She refused to worship the pagan gods, and Maximin gave the order to torture the girl. At the tip of the imperial nobleman Khursaden, a terrible instrument for torture was made: “Order to arrange four wooden wheels on one axis, and on them different iron points should be pierced around: two wheels should turn to the right, and two to the left; in the middle of them a maiden should be tied, and the rotating wheels will crush her body.”

The angel who came down from heaven did not let evil happen. He freed an innocent girl from suffering. Then the emperor invited Catherine to become his wife. The main condition was the renunciation of the Christian faith. But she refused. Maximin ordered her head cut off. According to legend, at that moment milk flowed from her neck.
Traditions associated with the day of memory of St. Catherine Catherine until the last minute of her life was faithful to her faith and her fiancé Jesus Christ. Therefore, in the Christian tradition, the saint is considered the patroness of a happy marriage. On December 7, unmarried girls pray at the icon of Catherine and ask her for a good husband and female happiness. And women who already have a spouse want to strengthen their marriage and solve all family problems.
Also earlier, young girls guessed on Catherine’s day to find out what kind of betrothed-cute fate prepared for them. If you are in search of true love, in the early morning of December 7, be sure to go to the church and pray before the icon of St. Catherine. Many continue the tradition of divination to this day. But you should know that the Church does not encourage this.

Since St. Catherine’s Remembrance Day falls on Christmas fasting, there are several prohibitions associated with this holiday. First, you can not arrange lush festivities and noisy feasts. Secondly, it is forbidden to drink hot drinks. If you want to arrange a family evening, only lean dishes should be on the table.
Beautiful girls on this day better forget about any hard work. Even needlework is not worth doing. All this may make childbirth more difficult in the future. And according to another sign, on December 7 it is forbidden to make fires and burn stoves.

If you are used to following all traditions, then light at the icon of St. Catherine as many as 3 candles before prayer. Previously, people believed that if you do not do this, the female lineage can be interrupted. We advise less superstitious girls to go to church and pray to Catherine for their well-being.
According to popular belief, if December 7 the weather is good and clear, this means that the winter will be very frosty. If on the day of St. Catherine’s memory it is very warm, then the frosts will come later, namely after the Barbarian Day (December 17).

If Ekaterininin’s day is foggy, wait for frosts in 10 days. Bad luck is associated with snow. If snow falls on the ground on this day, the next year will be poor harvest. But we shouldn’t be afraid of that, because weather superstitions are more a part of the cultural code than true information.
One way or another, spend December 7 in a circle of close people and pray at the icon of St. Catherine. And don’t forget to congratulate all your friends on their holiday!
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