Diary of a girl a boy + + Canadian immigrants. Sent dRon
Diary of a girl + diary of a boy + diary Kandaskogo immigrants. Sent dRon Diary of a girl
December 1.
The whole day was about nothing. Not once did not really hang out.
December 3.
I went to the rink, broken ski. The boys, fools pushed.
December 6.
I met on the street "Na-Well". Did not even look at her, though, of course, I screamed. I imagine, as "Na-Na" surprised.
December 8th.
In the morning I felt sick at the thought of school. Maybe I'm pregnant ?! This week Kolka looked at me like that!
December 11.
The boys from the parallel stood under a ladder, look up. I thought I was on my feet as much as his mouth opened. To rise above, and there is someone poured a jar of wine, it flows between the stairs and drips. That drunkard!
December 13.
Estimate, dear diary! Today I hid under the couch, and he passed and did not notice. I spent all night in the dust under the bed crying. Hurry climax!
December 17.
Yesterday wanted to scratch his leg and torn tights. What happens? .. I cried for two o'clock.
December 20.
Rzhachny told anecdote about how Chapaev drowned. Whinnying three hours. Later still I cried.
December 23.
Today, the entire lesson staring out the window and heard I was summoned to the board and made the top five.
December 26.
The headmistress said that expel me from school, and I said that I will not drive. We argued and ran. She chased me for about two hours, but did not vygnala.28 December.
Yesterday, the father was summoned to the school, but I bought him a bubble, and he did not go.
December 31.
Happy New Year to you, diary! Let this year, you'll be all right!
January 12.
On phys-ru all told to come to the same shorts and Anzhelka-fool came across. Here Otpad! (Or whatever they say now we, the young, ukatayka, whether that? ..)
January 16.
Yesterday, one boy pushed us in the locker room, he's funny and such - fell and broke his nose!
January 20.
In Ninki on "Ethics and Psychology" is always only five. Of course! Her mother "Bagira" works ...
February 1.
Mom's Guest - Thank uncle - is still sitting in the closet, and she told him there is food. And I still do not know what to ask my mother for his silence. I'll ask Svetka. Or better dad.
February 6th.
Petka ballpoint pen ischerkal my face. Petenka Darling, if you love me - just say so! .. Tomorrow, give him a wet ball.
February 10.
Istorichka caused his father to school.
February 11.
My father came home drunk and covered in lipstick, shouted at his mother, that serfdom was abolished in 1861.
February 23.
Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Dad's smoking pipe. Good he snuff.
March 8.
That childhood ended today in anatomy textbook I saw him ...
Diary of a boy
November 10.
Today, the nurse sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. Bought at all the money, "Coca-Cola", because it is much tastier and healthier bread and eggs together. I got a belt. Belt tasteless, though helpful.
December 9th.
They jump from a guy with a garage. The third approach Rusty jumped and broke his leg, then jumped me and broke his arm. I do not know how he is tomorrow in the cast will jump.
December 12.
Matematichka turns brown by leaps. Today said that I do not know mathematics, and put me in the diary some figure.
December 17.
He played on his father's computer in DOOM. Then a little more played in the "Info-Accountant" is fun too, she reached the third level. On taxes zakolbasilo me.
December 22.
Today was to be the test city for singing. There were seven calls that the school was mined. Five, I know, but who are still single?
January 14.
Today, the work learned to make cigarettes.
January 15.
Smoking in the toilet. I'm not used to cough and missed the lesson of literature and botany.
January 20.
We went to fight in a parallel class. We made them! They beat us.
January 21.
Today, the director called for yesterday. I do not have time to remove the rollers. Director I just rolled around the room by the hair.
January 25.
Mother helps me to engage in chemistry, and his father - on behavior.
February 5.
Teachers went on strike! We have the whole class wrote a letter to the government, you first need to pay with miners and pensioners.
February 15.
Yesterday finally got five on physics. After the lesson, sat carefully considered average rating - is still a quarter of turns 1, 88. We must do something. Arguments like "Physicist freak" father is no longer convincing.
February 20.
Himichka thinks HSH - is hydrogen sulfide. Scream!
February 23.
I thought about the army. Go reluctance. Another killed. Maybe start with two children? No, parents killed. And who came up with this army? Would kill!
March 4.
Hooray! I have pimples! You can be smeared "Klerasilom" together with the men in the class!
March 7th.
Ksenya looked under her skirt, which she's a fool!
March 15.
Mother screamed at his father that he was running for the women. Yeah ... That's grown folder, and I did not notice ...
March 20.
I wonder who are the Jews and why they do not like my father? We must ask Ilyukha Shekelmana. His father, interestingly, does not like?
March 24.
It is necessary to grow spiritually, to read more. I read bedtime father's pager. A lot of thought ...
April 1st.
The mother said that if I do poorly in school, I do not take to the vendors. And I do not want to go to the vendors, I'll controller ...
Diary of Canadian immigrants
August 15.
Here we are in Canada !!! I am fascinated by this country! It is delightful! The mountains are so beautiful. We look forward to seeing them covered with snow.
October 14.
CANADA! This is the most wonderful place on earth! The leaves on the trees turned yellow and got all the shades of the spectrum, from red to orange. Yesterday made a fascinating tour of the city, in the countryside. You will not believe! I saw wild deer! In the wild, they are so beautiful and graceful. Truly this is the most fascinating animals on the planet. Well, just a cutie! No, this is really a paradise!
November 11.
Soon open hunting season for deer. It's horrible! I can not imagine that someone can rise hand on this sweet, harmless creature. From day to day, we look forward to the snow. I like it here!
December 2.
At last! That night the snow fell. HOORAY!!! Waking up in the morning, we found a charming picture of the window. Everything is covered with white, fluffy blanket. Kind of like on an amazing Christmas card! I am impressed! My wife and I happily ran out of the house, and quickly clearing the porch and parking in front of the house, we began to laugh throwing snowballs. (I won). Suddenly snowplow drove by us, filled up the entire parking lot with snow. But it does not upset us, and I quickly otkidal snow back. As well here! I love Canada!
December 12.
That night it snowed again. Snowplow repeated his trick and blocked the parking lot.
December 19.
Again, it was snowing that night. I was not able to clear the parking lot and go to work. There certainly great, but I was exhausted, constantly clearing the snow from the parking lot. Stupid snowplow!
December 22.
Once night fell, this white abomination! I earned a bloody blisters on the hands and the constant pain, the endless cleaning snow. It seems that the woodpecker in the snowplow hides around the corner and just waiting for when I otkidayu snow from the parking lot. ASS !!!
December 25.
Merriam FAKEN Krismas! Again this fucking snow !!! Just to get to the throat of the son of a bitch, which is snowplow. I swear I would have strangled freak !!! And then, why the city services do not scatter salt on icy roads? Yesterday came and almost killed himself.
December 27.
At night fell again this white shit !!! The third day of sitting at home, except for cleaning the parking attacks after the snow thrower. I can not get anywhere. The car disappeared under a mountain of this white stuff! And how brutally cold! A guy from the bureau forecast on TV promises another 20 centimeters of white shit last night. GOAT!!! Do you know how many shovels of snow make these 20 cm ???
December 28.
This condom from the bureau forecasts a mistake! Dropped 50 centimeters. It seems that this b ... cue the snow melts until the summer. Snowplow stuck near our house, and this asshole driver ran up to us with a request to borrow a shovel. I told him that I had broken six shovels, tossing the white crap, which he filled up our parking lot, and now on his seventh break a lamb pate.
January 4.
Today, finally I got out of the house !!! I went to the store to buy grubs. And on the way back to the road takes off this beast - and deer hooves lay himself the whole front of the car. Damage to three thousand dollars !!! Why not assholes hunters killed these Paskuda in November? These beasts (deer) everywhere. What would break them bastards!
May 3.
I took the car to the shop. You will not believe, but the pelvis had time to rust at all, from the salt, which is the box of city services fell on the road.
May 10.
All! Leaving Florida. I can not imagine anyone being in his right mind, wish to live in this fucking Canada!
December 1.
The whole day was about nothing. Not once did not really hang out.
December 3.
I went to the rink, broken ski. The boys, fools pushed.
December 6.
I met on the street "Na-Well". Did not even look at her, though, of course, I screamed. I imagine, as "Na-Na" surprised.
December 8th.
In the morning I felt sick at the thought of school. Maybe I'm pregnant ?! This week Kolka looked at me like that!
December 11.
The boys from the parallel stood under a ladder, look up. I thought I was on my feet as much as his mouth opened. To rise above, and there is someone poured a jar of wine, it flows between the stairs and drips. That drunkard!
December 13.
Estimate, dear diary! Today I hid under the couch, and he passed and did not notice. I spent all night in the dust under the bed crying. Hurry climax!
December 17.
Yesterday wanted to scratch his leg and torn tights. What happens? .. I cried for two o'clock.
December 20.
Rzhachny told anecdote about how Chapaev drowned. Whinnying three hours. Later still I cried.
December 23.
Today, the entire lesson staring out the window and heard I was summoned to the board and made the top five.
December 26.
The headmistress said that expel me from school, and I said that I will not drive. We argued and ran. She chased me for about two hours, but did not vygnala.28 December.
Yesterday, the father was summoned to the school, but I bought him a bubble, and he did not go.
December 31.
Happy New Year to you, diary! Let this year, you'll be all right!
January 12.
On phys-ru all told to come to the same shorts and Anzhelka-fool came across. Here Otpad! (Or whatever they say now we, the young, ukatayka, whether that? ..)
January 16.
Yesterday, one boy pushed us in the locker room, he's funny and such - fell and broke his nose!
January 20.
In Ninki on "Ethics and Psychology" is always only five. Of course! Her mother "Bagira" works ...
February 1.
Mom's Guest - Thank uncle - is still sitting in the closet, and she told him there is food. And I still do not know what to ask my mother for his silence. I'll ask Svetka. Or better dad.
February 6th.
Petka ballpoint pen ischerkal my face. Petenka Darling, if you love me - just say so! .. Tomorrow, give him a wet ball.
February 10.
Istorichka caused his father to school.
February 11.
My father came home drunk and covered in lipstick, shouted at his mother, that serfdom was abolished in 1861.
February 23.
Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Dad's smoking pipe. Good he snuff.
March 8.
That childhood ended today in anatomy textbook I saw him ...
Diary of a boy
November 10.
Today, the nurse sent me to the store to buy bread and eggs. Bought at all the money, "Coca-Cola", because it is much tastier and healthier bread and eggs together. I got a belt. Belt tasteless, though helpful.
December 9th.
They jump from a guy with a garage. The third approach Rusty jumped and broke his leg, then jumped me and broke his arm. I do not know how he is tomorrow in the cast will jump.
December 12.
Matematichka turns brown by leaps. Today said that I do not know mathematics, and put me in the diary some figure.
December 17.
He played on his father's computer in DOOM. Then a little more played in the "Info-Accountant" is fun too, she reached the third level. On taxes zakolbasilo me.
December 22.
Today was to be the test city for singing. There were seven calls that the school was mined. Five, I know, but who are still single?
January 14.
Today, the work learned to make cigarettes.
January 15.
Smoking in the toilet. I'm not used to cough and missed the lesson of literature and botany.
January 20.
We went to fight in a parallel class. We made them! They beat us.
January 21.
Today, the director called for yesterday. I do not have time to remove the rollers. Director I just rolled around the room by the hair.
January 25.
Mother helps me to engage in chemistry, and his father - on behavior.
February 5.
Teachers went on strike! We have the whole class wrote a letter to the government, you first need to pay with miners and pensioners.
February 15.
Yesterday finally got five on physics. After the lesson, sat carefully considered average rating - is still a quarter of turns 1, 88. We must do something. Arguments like "Physicist freak" father is no longer convincing.
February 20.
Himichka thinks HSH - is hydrogen sulfide. Scream!
February 23.
I thought about the army. Go reluctance. Another killed. Maybe start with two children? No, parents killed. And who came up with this army? Would kill!
March 4.
Hooray! I have pimples! You can be smeared "Klerasilom" together with the men in the class!
March 7th.
Ksenya looked under her skirt, which she's a fool!
March 15.
Mother screamed at his father that he was running for the women. Yeah ... That's grown folder, and I did not notice ...
March 20.
I wonder who are the Jews and why they do not like my father? We must ask Ilyukha Shekelmana. His father, interestingly, does not like?
March 24.
It is necessary to grow spiritually, to read more. I read bedtime father's pager. A lot of thought ...
April 1st.
The mother said that if I do poorly in school, I do not take to the vendors. And I do not want to go to the vendors, I'll controller ...
Diary of Canadian immigrants
August 15.
Here we are in Canada !!! I am fascinated by this country! It is delightful! The mountains are so beautiful. We look forward to seeing them covered with snow.
October 14.
CANADA! This is the most wonderful place on earth! The leaves on the trees turned yellow and got all the shades of the spectrum, from red to orange. Yesterday made a fascinating tour of the city, in the countryside. You will not believe! I saw wild deer! In the wild, they are so beautiful and graceful. Truly this is the most fascinating animals on the planet. Well, just a cutie! No, this is really a paradise!
November 11.
Soon open hunting season for deer. It's horrible! I can not imagine that someone can rise hand on this sweet, harmless creature. From day to day, we look forward to the snow. I like it here!
December 2.
At last! That night the snow fell. HOORAY!!! Waking up in the morning, we found a charming picture of the window. Everything is covered with white, fluffy blanket. Kind of like on an amazing Christmas card! I am impressed! My wife and I happily ran out of the house, and quickly clearing the porch and parking in front of the house, we began to laugh throwing snowballs. (I won). Suddenly snowplow drove by us, filled up the entire parking lot with snow. But it does not upset us, and I quickly otkidal snow back. As well here! I love Canada!
December 12.
That night it snowed again. Snowplow repeated his trick and blocked the parking lot.
December 19.
Again, it was snowing that night. I was not able to clear the parking lot and go to work. There certainly great, but I was exhausted, constantly clearing the snow from the parking lot. Stupid snowplow!
December 22.
Once night fell, this white abomination! I earned a bloody blisters on the hands and the constant pain, the endless cleaning snow. It seems that the woodpecker in the snowplow hides around the corner and just waiting for when I otkidayu snow from the parking lot. ASS !!!
December 25.
Merriam FAKEN Krismas! Again this fucking snow !!! Just to get to the throat of the son of a bitch, which is snowplow. I swear I would have strangled freak !!! And then, why the city services do not scatter salt on icy roads? Yesterday came and almost killed himself.
December 27.
At night fell again this white shit !!! The third day of sitting at home, except for cleaning the parking attacks after the snow thrower. I can not get anywhere. The car disappeared under a mountain of this white stuff! And how brutally cold! A guy from the bureau forecast on TV promises another 20 centimeters of white shit last night. GOAT!!! Do you know how many shovels of snow make these 20 cm ???
December 28.
This condom from the bureau forecasts a mistake! Dropped 50 centimeters. It seems that this b ... cue the snow melts until the summer. Snowplow stuck near our house, and this asshole driver ran up to us with a request to borrow a shovel. I told him that I had broken six shovels, tossing the white crap, which he filled up our parking lot, and now on his seventh break a lamb pate.
January 4.
Today, finally I got out of the house !!! I went to the store to buy grubs. And on the way back to the road takes off this beast - and deer hooves lay himself the whole front of the car. Damage to three thousand dollars !!! Why not assholes hunters killed these Paskuda in November? These beasts (deer) everywhere. What would break them bastards!
May 3.
I took the car to the shop. You will not believe, but the pelvis had time to rust at all, from the salt, which is the box of city services fell on the road.
May 10.
All! Leaving Florida. I can not imagine anyone being in his right mind, wish to live in this fucking Canada!