Old girls
How to pass the initiation and of the older girls become a Mature woman in the Prime of life.
1. Many women remain eternal girls and looking for a man who would become his mother. They wish he was brave, of course.
2. While a girl 20-30 years, it somehow can still impersonate the baby, but after 30 years of age inevitably starts to take its toll and every year it loses more and more stars out, giving way to the real girls and not tuned.
3. However, on tuning, which allows you to create the illusion of prolongation of youth, spent all the money and power of a woman, does all her energy. A woman often falls into a vicious circle, which spins like a squirrel in a cage she thinks she wants to look like a girl, to men of her financial support, but all support and moreover spent to look like a girl.
4. Torn in the pursuit of eternal youth, many women at some point, some sooner, some later, go the distance. Having descended from a distance, they generally lose interest in sexual matters: sex, romance, sometimes even marriage. It happens to them gradually or abruptly.
Eighty eight million one hundred forty four thousand four hundred seventy six
5. The stage of Mature womanhood above-mentioned women is completely missed, as if carved. It is not even submission, she — a blind spot. Girls first become old of girls, and then once in old women. And many believe that there is no intermediate stage, no.
6. Due to the fact that the beautiful stage of maturity is missed, the age 50+ and the further progress towards old age is accompanied by complete decomposition of the image. If a woman at this age has developed as a professional and, for example, as a mother, she may feel bad, however, even such a woman often notices that her image is in a state of complete collapse.
7. Whereas without crossing the stage of female maturity (we call it stage Diana) and next stage (stage of Hecate) can look completely different. No decomposition of the image (the external image) is not happening, it's changing, but retains its manpower, and sometimes even sexuality.
8. Pumped online the image does not decay to death. But for the pumping of this resource is necessary to develop it with age, rather than trying to stake out and freeze in my youth.
9. The disgust that many call "molodyaschihsya old woman" or erotic women of advanced age, due to the fact that their images played stubbornly youthful patterns, they want to be girls, and obviously look unnatural. They do go against nature, because it does not develop your image according to the growing up and trying to zakonservirovat.
10. From the conservation image of girls over the years makes women such sinister mummies. With their self-esteem, locus of control, will and spontaneity in the field of online image starting to happen, fantastic things, worthy of the image in the Thriller.
The Thriller is stop. And tell a little bit about ambulances that women who feel old girls (it happens some at 35 and some at 45), but not yet out of the race, that is, sex and love, they are still interesting.
Of course, I'm talking about settings ego will say otherwise, aid does not have.
1. Locus of control
It is clear that the old girls that there are women who really want to look much younger than your age, fight for podlucky to an external resource image. Their life has always been foreign and remains so, but with age, the access to it becomes worse and worse. Once admired just because they are young girls: they have smooth skin, slender body, firm Breasts, etc. you all know.
Young body — external resource it was given and then taken away, I used to be. And yea, this resource is sadistic way. The tail of the dog meeeeee chopped off, piece by piece. And sometimes even worse. Today the woman gets up and sees in the mirror a girl, tomorrow a woman, the next day again, almost a girl, depending on how much sleep, drinking so much that she dreamed of. Shimmering to distinguish reality from illusion is almost impossible, as if evil spirit hovers Wraith, and the mirror ripples and laughs like a Goblin in the swamp.
Grasp with both hands for the elusive external resource — it's like that run for gokcumen the demon. Entice and drown. Whenever you feel that you have something selected and you have this panic, we must understand that this addiction, and first aid in condition based on one — to adjust the locus. To shift the assemblage point inside yourself, to stop to focus on the external, elusive, what is manipulated from the outside, to try to draw on something within themselves, and if the bearing is very weak, to try to develop it.
But moving locus inside often causes frustration image. While the woman focused on its fleeing youth and tried to hold her back, she still had some connection to the online image, though weakening with each passing day. As soon as she decides not to catch up with the train and spit at him, and oops! she feels indifference to how she looks, and irritation at those who are forcing her to the importance of this.
In fact, ease frustration and does not allow many women to stop chasing youth. As soon as they stop in this pursuit, they feel that rapidly turn into broody. And broody to become do not want. Although those in broody has become, it often seems that it is good and finally they were freed from the yoke of lookism and ageism, and sexism too. But until it became scary. And rightly so.
Will win this fight with the demon laughing woman and the demon to escape is not, but in search of flowers of fern will not be disappointed. Must be fully aware that to be attractive and even in adulthood (even in old age, and even 40+ even more so), but not at the expense of runaway youth, and due to quite other things.
That is to stop running for the demon, but not to settle in a swamp, and decide to look in itself the potential for change and development of their image — this will work on the locus.
**Let's see what the ego settings are different from work resources. To work with the resources only in the outside world, performing some action, doing something, changing something out of my head (since the body is already external), speculative resources it is impossible to work. But setting ego is working inside the head, is to work with performances and installations. Of course, without resources to work with the settings of the ego is useless, especially not move or budge, and they back out. But still it makes sense to move and maintain settings in order to work effectively with resources and in General to see how to work and why. Therefore, "to decide to search in herself the potential for change and development of their image" is the adjustment of the ego, in particular — setting locus of control. But to search for reserves and to implement it is already working with the resource.
2. Self-rating
Self-esteem in girls is very bad, it is probably understandable.
A good self-image is stable and independent, that is, you love yourself no matter what, but that does not prevent you to constantly evolve. It's like a good mother who loves her child any, even the mentally retarded, he or gram it at least roads (and even more because of the attention to him more), but she does everything to help him to develop all that can develop. A good self-image is the inner loving mother + loving father, in one person, in your own. A loving father and mother do not care what people say about the child, they focus on it and try to adapt it to society as best they can, helping to find the perfect balance between individual freedom and social compromise. But love the attitude of the people not affected, well, this area is inaccessible to alien influence. Even if he was an outcast, they love him no less. It's okay? And good self esteem.
Why such troubles with self-esteem in girls? Because they can not love your age, hate it, hide, camouflage. Age is not a disadvantage, it accompanies the development of the person and the internal parent old girl thinks otherwise and hates age, hides it and pounding a girl in the head, berating her for what she looks like a girl only in twilight and under the light anymore. Either pities her, tears filled her to be like that, unhappy, her entire 48 years, and sometimes and 28 already this nonsense starts.
That is, the old girls do not love yourself. They accept their nature with love (love does not stop to improve, and it helps if it's true love), they have in mind a kind of Ego ideal, and this ideal age is always 25, well OK, 35, but no more. Everything else is ugly in their presentation. That is, self-esteem old girls obsessed with a certain ideal, but she is absolutely dependent on people's opinions.
Old girl constantly wants to appear. When she seems someone beautiful, she triumphs, when she seems ugly, is she sad or angry. It is very important, as it is perceived, how you see it. She can say her own opinion, but that's not true. She sees herself in the morning without makeup and knows what it is. Why sagamonova and hiding everything that terrifies her, she becomes happy? Because she looks at herself through the eyes of others and sees their approval. Reality hidden under the makeup and corset, her already do not care, it is easy to accept the image that was, and sees himself as such, sees itself as such. In the morning she might even be stress, but she knows that now magically transformed and all will be well again. In General, your own opinion does not matter to the old girl of no importance, only the eyes of others. To be honest, it has no view of yourself.
But the eye of others on the old girl is not good. He was much more friendly. Now, she often hear all sorts of rubbish in his address. And the more she wants attention, the brighter look, the more she hears stuff. But if she avoids attention, dress modestly and neprimetny, she feels she turns into a grey shadow, and no approval, too, failed. So the old girl the choice is this: either look potametea and brighter, get a percentage of compliments and a lot of things wrong in the address, or look modestly and don't get nothing. But nothing very quickly leads to frustration of this resource, and if in addition to resources, there is no or little, such an outcome old girl is very scary.
And then I again want to clarify this. You do not need to endorse those who frustrare resource image. Of course, any man has that right. Couldn't pump, external resource lost (old), hrenak, and blocked in General, refused. There is no resource — no problem (although that's not entirely true, the problem starts gradually with other resources, especially with the opposite). But to endorse this absolutely nothing. To approve only the pumping of the resource, not its frustration.
So when aunt screaming and hooting to chase old girls, ridiculing their very desire to remain beautiful, attractive, sexy, calling them "old Sheng", this is about as disgusting as when the young girl with pity or contempt to say about looks in a woman, not realizing that they really don't care about appearances, they are interested in more. Aunts I conditionally call those women whose image and sex frustrated, although, in fact, the word "aunt" is nothing there, just a word for not very young woman or even a relative.
Usually aunt accuse old girls is that they are extremely dependent and want to cling to the man. Actually, this is not always the case. The resource image and sex need not only to "cling to the man". Men usually don't want to cling to man, but to be attractive and to have sex also want. As long as the same did not frustrirovannosti. Therefore, the desire to be attractive and sexy — that's right. Another issue is that the old girls know only one attraction — the beauty of the gentle nymphs, and only one sexuality — sexuality is a naive little girl, and all the other options they have a blind spot. Well, frustrerande aunts and all these fields are disabled or almost disabled. They would be all on this subject would be more silent, since these sectors do not interest them. If people were silent about what they seriously are passionate about, what they are competent, everything would have been much easier.
In General, the settings self-evaluation for working on the image in adulthood, it is important to expose to the gaze of others should have no effect on health. The opinions of others is important because a person lives in society, and gets energy from it. But the opinions of others must pass the filters of the analysis, it should not directly affect the self esteem: raise it, lower it, as if the skull is open and anyone can come and spit in the center of his personality, changing its feel. This is not the case! The skull should be closed, the levers of control your condition is in your hands, at the very least — in the hands of loved ones, but certainly not in the hands of passers-by.
And here attention! The most important thing to understand about self esteem. This is useless without the word "work" in the application to resources. Self-esteem remains a dependent until the person has a childish habit to feed approval (!!). This here is the idea of "a person necessarily need stroking!"— can become malignant, if you turn it in principle. With the abandonment of excess simple sugars starts proper nutrition self-assessment. If you are happy when you praise and adoration become euphoric, if you wait for approval, if you frequently hang your pictures, with a sinking waiting for likes, if you're sad, when you have not praised your self-esteem it eats only sweet soda. Your ego is getting fat, is weakening, you can't work on yourself. You addict, and your life consists of short UPS and long downs. You Bouncing around on their feet you can't stand up.
If all of the above you do sometimes, but don't sit on this tightly may sugar in your ego-diet, not so much. But watch out for that. A little sugar won't hurt, of course. But all the time just suck it up and suck through a straw sweet shakes, not eating normally, it means to ruin yourself. Soon likes will be less, the more ridicule, but you so important note that you will be ready and ridicule, would not only silence. The silence will be terrible for you, like a love addict any intimacy with the beloved, even with violence, with insults, with problems, much more pleasant than its absence.
As soon as you cease to touch your approval, you cease to touch and blasphemy.
And vice versa. To not be bothered by the blasphemy, stop needing approval. This is one channel to feed one, have to feed others also.
In General, it is too late, get down with needle approval. But not frusterate life, otherwise the good of this dismount is not enough. No, the frustration one is better than the strongest addiction, as there are other resources, you can deal with them. But still, it's not what you need. Especially to get off the needle of approval by frustration — this does not improve self-esteem. It's just "you are evil, I'll leave you" and go into other areas and there just to beg and wait for approval. No. You need to do with your self-esteem is quite another.
Stop being a beggar, which is glad to any attention, especially positive, and start first, to love myself unconditionally, no matter whose opinion, and secondly, to begin to measure your social value no compliments of others and their real abilities. Yes, at first without sugar sad, especially addicton, but it gradually gets rid of UPS and downs, self-esteem becomes stable and more independent.
In the area of the image you need to learn how to be attractive(NYM). You need to learn communication, you need to learn charisma, you need to learn empathy, we must learn to evoke sympathy (and experience too). About this work in detail I will tell.
In the realm of sexuality also need to learn to stop being just meat. You cannot afford to be meat, if you are a person. In any sphere of life cannot remain at the level of the meat. In early adolescence, it still continues, then no.
That is when the old girls jump over the stage of initiation and become old women, they completely miss the stage of learning. And they pass this stage, because I believe that learning image and sexuality is impossible, they can only passively own. But it's not. Any internal resources associated with training, skills development, with the formation in the brain, new neural circuits. About it further. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/179094.html
1. Many women remain eternal girls and looking for a man who would become his mother. They wish he was brave, of course.
2. While a girl 20-30 years, it somehow can still impersonate the baby, but after 30 years of age inevitably starts to take its toll and every year it loses more and more stars out, giving way to the real girls and not tuned.
3. However, on tuning, which allows you to create the illusion of prolongation of youth, spent all the money and power of a woman, does all her energy. A woman often falls into a vicious circle, which spins like a squirrel in a cage she thinks she wants to look like a girl, to men of her financial support, but all support and moreover spent to look like a girl.
4. Torn in the pursuit of eternal youth, many women at some point, some sooner, some later, go the distance. Having descended from a distance, they generally lose interest in sexual matters: sex, romance, sometimes even marriage. It happens to them gradually or abruptly.
Eighty eight million one hundred forty four thousand four hundred seventy six
5. The stage of Mature womanhood above-mentioned women is completely missed, as if carved. It is not even submission, she — a blind spot. Girls first become old of girls, and then once in old women. And many believe that there is no intermediate stage, no.
6. Due to the fact that the beautiful stage of maturity is missed, the age 50+ and the further progress towards old age is accompanied by complete decomposition of the image. If a woman at this age has developed as a professional and, for example, as a mother, she may feel bad, however, even such a woman often notices that her image is in a state of complete collapse.
7. Whereas without crossing the stage of female maturity (we call it stage Diana) and next stage (stage of Hecate) can look completely different. No decomposition of the image (the external image) is not happening, it's changing, but retains its manpower, and sometimes even sexuality.
8. Pumped online the image does not decay to death. But for the pumping of this resource is necessary to develop it with age, rather than trying to stake out and freeze in my youth.
9. The disgust that many call "molodyaschihsya old woman" or erotic women of advanced age, due to the fact that their images played stubbornly youthful patterns, they want to be girls, and obviously look unnatural. They do go against nature, because it does not develop your image according to the growing up and trying to zakonservirovat.
10. From the conservation image of girls over the years makes women such sinister mummies. With their self-esteem, locus of control, will and spontaneity in the field of online image starting to happen, fantastic things, worthy of the image in the Thriller.
The Thriller is stop. And tell a little bit about ambulances that women who feel old girls (it happens some at 35 and some at 45), but not yet out of the race, that is, sex and love, they are still interesting.
Of course, I'm talking about settings ego will say otherwise, aid does not have.
1. Locus of control
It is clear that the old girls that there are women who really want to look much younger than your age, fight for podlucky to an external resource image. Their life has always been foreign and remains so, but with age, the access to it becomes worse and worse. Once admired just because they are young girls: they have smooth skin, slender body, firm Breasts, etc. you all know.
Young body — external resource it was given and then taken away, I used to be. And yea, this resource is sadistic way. The tail of the dog meeeeee chopped off, piece by piece. And sometimes even worse. Today the woman gets up and sees in the mirror a girl, tomorrow a woman, the next day again, almost a girl, depending on how much sleep, drinking so much that she dreamed of. Shimmering to distinguish reality from illusion is almost impossible, as if evil spirit hovers Wraith, and the mirror ripples and laughs like a Goblin in the swamp.
Grasp with both hands for the elusive external resource — it's like that run for gokcumen the demon. Entice and drown. Whenever you feel that you have something selected and you have this panic, we must understand that this addiction, and first aid in condition based on one — to adjust the locus. To shift the assemblage point inside yourself, to stop to focus on the external, elusive, what is manipulated from the outside, to try to draw on something within themselves, and if the bearing is very weak, to try to develop it.
But moving locus inside often causes frustration image. While the woman focused on its fleeing youth and tried to hold her back, she still had some connection to the online image, though weakening with each passing day. As soon as she decides not to catch up with the train and spit at him, and oops! she feels indifference to how she looks, and irritation at those who are forcing her to the importance of this.
In fact, ease frustration and does not allow many women to stop chasing youth. As soon as they stop in this pursuit, they feel that rapidly turn into broody. And broody to become do not want. Although those in broody has become, it often seems that it is good and finally they were freed from the yoke of lookism and ageism, and sexism too. But until it became scary. And rightly so.
Will win this fight with the demon laughing woman and the demon to escape is not, but in search of flowers of fern will not be disappointed. Must be fully aware that to be attractive and even in adulthood (even in old age, and even 40+ even more so), but not at the expense of runaway youth, and due to quite other things.
That is to stop running for the demon, but not to settle in a swamp, and decide to look in itself the potential for change and development of their image — this will work on the locus.
**Let's see what the ego settings are different from work resources. To work with the resources only in the outside world, performing some action, doing something, changing something out of my head (since the body is already external), speculative resources it is impossible to work. But setting ego is working inside the head, is to work with performances and installations. Of course, without resources to work with the settings of the ego is useless, especially not move or budge, and they back out. But still it makes sense to move and maintain settings in order to work effectively with resources and in General to see how to work and why. Therefore, "to decide to search in herself the potential for change and development of their image" is the adjustment of the ego, in particular — setting locus of control. But to search for reserves and to implement it is already working with the resource.
2. Self-rating
Self-esteem in girls is very bad, it is probably understandable.
A good self-image is stable and independent, that is, you love yourself no matter what, but that does not prevent you to constantly evolve. It's like a good mother who loves her child any, even the mentally retarded, he or gram it at least roads (and even more because of the attention to him more), but she does everything to help him to develop all that can develop. A good self-image is the inner loving mother + loving father, in one person, in your own. A loving father and mother do not care what people say about the child, they focus on it and try to adapt it to society as best they can, helping to find the perfect balance between individual freedom and social compromise. But love the attitude of the people not affected, well, this area is inaccessible to alien influence. Even if he was an outcast, they love him no less. It's okay? And good self esteem.
Why such troubles with self-esteem in girls? Because they can not love your age, hate it, hide, camouflage. Age is not a disadvantage, it accompanies the development of the person and the internal parent old girl thinks otherwise and hates age, hides it and pounding a girl in the head, berating her for what she looks like a girl only in twilight and under the light anymore. Either pities her, tears filled her to be like that, unhappy, her entire 48 years, and sometimes and 28 already this nonsense starts.
That is, the old girls do not love yourself. They accept their nature with love (love does not stop to improve, and it helps if it's true love), they have in mind a kind of Ego ideal, and this ideal age is always 25, well OK, 35, but no more. Everything else is ugly in their presentation. That is, self-esteem old girls obsessed with a certain ideal, but she is absolutely dependent on people's opinions.
Old girl constantly wants to appear. When she seems someone beautiful, she triumphs, when she seems ugly, is she sad or angry. It is very important, as it is perceived, how you see it. She can say her own opinion, but that's not true. She sees herself in the morning without makeup and knows what it is. Why sagamonova and hiding everything that terrifies her, she becomes happy? Because she looks at herself through the eyes of others and sees their approval. Reality hidden under the makeup and corset, her already do not care, it is easy to accept the image that was, and sees himself as such, sees itself as such. In the morning she might even be stress, but she knows that now magically transformed and all will be well again. In General, your own opinion does not matter to the old girl of no importance, only the eyes of others. To be honest, it has no view of yourself.
But the eye of others on the old girl is not good. He was much more friendly. Now, she often hear all sorts of rubbish in his address. And the more she wants attention, the brighter look, the more she hears stuff. But if she avoids attention, dress modestly and neprimetny, she feels she turns into a grey shadow, and no approval, too, failed. So the old girl the choice is this: either look potametea and brighter, get a percentage of compliments and a lot of things wrong in the address, or look modestly and don't get nothing. But nothing very quickly leads to frustration of this resource, and if in addition to resources, there is no or little, such an outcome old girl is very scary.
And then I again want to clarify this. You do not need to endorse those who frustrare resource image. Of course, any man has that right. Couldn't pump, external resource lost (old), hrenak, and blocked in General, refused. There is no resource — no problem (although that's not entirely true, the problem starts gradually with other resources, especially with the opposite). But to endorse this absolutely nothing. To approve only the pumping of the resource, not its frustration.
So when aunt screaming and hooting to chase old girls, ridiculing their very desire to remain beautiful, attractive, sexy, calling them "old Sheng", this is about as disgusting as when the young girl with pity or contempt to say about looks in a woman, not realizing that they really don't care about appearances, they are interested in more. Aunts I conditionally call those women whose image and sex frustrated, although, in fact, the word "aunt" is nothing there, just a word for not very young woman or even a relative.
Usually aunt accuse old girls is that they are extremely dependent and want to cling to the man. Actually, this is not always the case. The resource image and sex need not only to "cling to the man". Men usually don't want to cling to man, but to be attractive and to have sex also want. As long as the same did not frustrirovannosti. Therefore, the desire to be attractive and sexy — that's right. Another issue is that the old girls know only one attraction — the beauty of the gentle nymphs, and only one sexuality — sexuality is a naive little girl, and all the other options they have a blind spot. Well, frustrerande aunts and all these fields are disabled or almost disabled. They would be all on this subject would be more silent, since these sectors do not interest them. If people were silent about what they seriously are passionate about, what they are competent, everything would have been much easier.
In General, the settings self-evaluation for working on the image in adulthood, it is important to expose to the gaze of others should have no effect on health. The opinions of others is important because a person lives in society, and gets energy from it. But the opinions of others must pass the filters of the analysis, it should not directly affect the self esteem: raise it, lower it, as if the skull is open and anyone can come and spit in the center of his personality, changing its feel. This is not the case! The skull should be closed, the levers of control your condition is in your hands, at the very least — in the hands of loved ones, but certainly not in the hands of passers-by.
And here attention! The most important thing to understand about self esteem. This is useless without the word "work" in the application to resources. Self-esteem remains a dependent until the person has a childish habit to feed approval (!!). This here is the idea of "a person necessarily need stroking!"— can become malignant, if you turn it in principle. With the abandonment of excess simple sugars starts proper nutrition self-assessment. If you are happy when you praise and adoration become euphoric, if you wait for approval, if you frequently hang your pictures, with a sinking waiting for likes, if you're sad, when you have not praised your self-esteem it eats only sweet soda. Your ego is getting fat, is weakening, you can't work on yourself. You addict, and your life consists of short UPS and long downs. You Bouncing around on their feet you can't stand up.
If all of the above you do sometimes, but don't sit on this tightly may sugar in your ego-diet, not so much. But watch out for that. A little sugar won't hurt, of course. But all the time just suck it up and suck through a straw sweet shakes, not eating normally, it means to ruin yourself. Soon likes will be less, the more ridicule, but you so important note that you will be ready and ridicule, would not only silence. The silence will be terrible for you, like a love addict any intimacy with the beloved, even with violence, with insults, with problems, much more pleasant than its absence.
As soon as you cease to touch your approval, you cease to touch and blasphemy.
And vice versa. To not be bothered by the blasphemy, stop needing approval. This is one channel to feed one, have to feed others also.
In General, it is too late, get down with needle approval. But not frusterate life, otherwise the good of this dismount is not enough. No, the frustration one is better than the strongest addiction, as there are other resources, you can deal with them. But still, it's not what you need. Especially to get off the needle of approval by frustration — this does not improve self-esteem. It's just "you are evil, I'll leave you" and go into other areas and there just to beg and wait for approval. No. You need to do with your self-esteem is quite another.
Stop being a beggar, which is glad to any attention, especially positive, and start first, to love myself unconditionally, no matter whose opinion, and secondly, to begin to measure your social value no compliments of others and their real abilities. Yes, at first without sugar sad, especially addicton, but it gradually gets rid of UPS and downs, self-esteem becomes stable and more independent.
In the area of the image you need to learn how to be attractive(NYM). You need to learn communication, you need to learn charisma, you need to learn empathy, we must learn to evoke sympathy (and experience too). About this work in detail I will tell.
In the realm of sexuality also need to learn to stop being just meat. You cannot afford to be meat, if you are a person. In any sphere of life cannot remain at the level of the meat. In early adolescence, it still continues, then no.
That is when the old girls jump over the stage of initiation and become old women, they completely miss the stage of learning. And they pass this stage, because I believe that learning image and sexuality is impossible, they can only passively own. But it's not. Any internal resources associated with training, skills development, with the formation in the brain, new neural circuits. About it further. published
Author: Marina Komissarova
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: evo-lutio.livejournal.com/179094.html
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