How to ask Princess Olga for protection and assistance

Sincere. prayer It will help to establish peace on Ukrainian soil. Who else to turn to, if not to the Grand Duchess of Kievan Rus? For her great contribution to the spread of Christianity on their lands and wise rule, Princess Olga was canonized. Let us recall the ancient history of Ukraine and refresh our memories of the important historical aspects of Olga’s rule.

Saint Olga lived about 67 years and became the first woman ruler of Kievan Rus. In fact, Olga was regent – she ruled the state on behalf of her young son Svyatoslav from 944 to 964. As many people know, Olga was led to the throne by the tragic and sudden death of her husband, Prince Igor.

The settlement of Drevlians dealt with Igor. They did not want to put up with an excessive amount of tribute and destroyed the prince. Olga will later avenge her husband. Legend has it that the princess ordered the Drevlyan settlement to bring one sparrow and a pigeon from each house. Then the birds were tied to the burning straw and sent to their native places. So the center of the Drevlyan settlement, the city of Iskorosten, was burned.

It is believed that it was the harsh reprisals against those who took the life of their beloved husband that tilted the army and the whole people to Olga’s side. By the way, my people St. Olga. loved and respected. It helped the poor a lot, established clear tax rules, established trade and economic good-neighborliness with Byzantium. The princess tried to bring Christianity to the pagan lands of young Kievan Rus. For this reason, she decided to be baptized.

Olga went to Constantinople, where she spent about six months waiting for an audience with the Byzantine emperor. Those were the rules back then. But according to legend, the emperor noticed a beautiful girl and wanted to marry her. Olga first wanted to accept the new faith, but the godfather was to become the Emperor Constantine.

After the baptism, the emperor again talked about the wedding, but the princess refusedSince Constantine became her godfather. According to this story, the ruler of Byzantium was struck by the wisdom and cunning of Olga. He generously gifted the girl and let her go home. Whether this is true or not, historians have not found a unanimous answer. But it sounds beautiful.

In modern realities, St. Olga became for Ukrainian women symbolismFortitude, courage, wisdom and respect. The princess was not only a loving wife and a good mother, but also a serious stateswoman. It was not broken by the most cruel trials of fate. Isn’t that what many Ukrainian women are experiencing?

They are the wives of heroes who fought bravely for their land. They are the Ukrainian military, who, along with men, hold the sky firmly on their shoulders. Princess Olga has become mother of great UkrainiansThey will never give up an inch of their home country. Each of us can consider ourselves a descendant of Olga. A brave, intelligent, fearless maid.

Prayer to Olga – Grand Duchess of Kiev St. Olga Day in the Orthodox calendar is celebrated on July 24. But you can not wait, and turn to the wisest virgin on May 29. On the last Sunday of May, Kyiv Day is celebrated. A beautiful city, the brave capital of Ukraine. By the way, today is exactly 90 days since Russia launched a full-scale military aggression against Ukraine. It is an absolutely stupid, cruel and useless conflict aimed at the complete destruction of everything Ukrainian.

But the Russian occupiers will not be able to do this. The Ukrainian people are united as never before. As one modern song says, “From west to east we stand together as a wall.” We, the Ukrainian people, are the heirs of a great history. And no matter how they try to rewrite it, the evil side will not succeed.

Those who wish to appeal to Olga can turn to Saint Olga in prayer. Ask her for patience, strength, wisdom and, of course, victory for her native Ukraine. “O great God-pleaser, God-chosen and God-glorified, Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga!” You have rejected wickedness and pagan wickedness, you have believed in the One True God, and you have received holy baptism. He began to enlighten the earth with the light of faith and piety. You are our spiritual ancestor, you are in Christ our Savior, the first culprit of enlightenment and salvation of our race. We humbly implore you to look at our infirmities and pray to the merciful King of Heaven, that he may not be angry, for we sin all the days because of our weakness.

Let him not destroy us with our iniquities, but let him have mercy and save us according to his mercy. May our mind be enlightened by His grace, and leave behind the paths of wickedness and error. Pray, blessed Olga, the lover of humanity of God, may He add His great mercy to us. Let him deliver us from foreign invasions, from internal disturbances, rebellions and strife, from glaciers, terrible diseases and all evil. He will give us the goodness of the air and the fruit of the earth. The unbelievers will turn to the faith, and all heresies and schisms will be abolished. So let us live in peace on earth, be worthy with you of eternal bliss in heaven, praising and exalting God for ever and ever. Amen.


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