She put her sister and children out the door and did not let her back in, her sister’s hysteria did not cause sympathy.

Personal boundaries are good. But it is even better when moderation is observed. After all, not in all situations the firmness of principles plays into the hands of the participants in history. Ksenia was one of those people who like everything to go according to their conditions. Including assistance in living with his sister and her children. And it ended with a deep resentment and a baby crying.

Sister Xenia, Alena, called in early October with a request to shelter her with two children in her apartment for an extended time. One of the nephews is required to conduct an examination, which is available only in the metropolitan clinics. It is not known how many days it will take, and the woman from the province did not have extra money for daily rent. So she turned to Xenia, her older sister, who had already landed in the capital and had room for a couple of guests.

Peels Xenia didn't mind. Having agreed with Alena the date of arrival, she removed all fragile and important items in advance in hard-to-reach places or in her room. When the doorbell rang, Ksenia was unpleasantly surprised. After all, Alena came not with one child, but with two, about which the sisters for some reason did not agree (since it was obvious to Xenia that they would bring only the child for whom the trip was started).

But I had to let you in. The children were still young and Ksenia was seriously worried about the condition of her apartment while she was at work. Therefore, she strictly prohibited Alena and the children from entering her room. After all, in addition to personal belongings, there were her crafts and dioramas, over which she worked for more than one hour.

Peels The first days of visiting the Good the first few days went smoothly. Alena went out with the children while Ksenia prepared food for the guests after the store. And then came weekdays and it turned out that Alena does not have money for groceries. Ksenia did not intend to feed the family during their stay in her apartment. Assistance in living in her understanding was limited only to providing a roof over his head. Therefore, she was again unpleasantly surprised by the fact that Alena did not warn Xenia about the inconvenience.

Then Ksenia decided to make a deal with her sister. She will continue to provide food to Alain and her nephews, and in return she will clean the house every 4 days and prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner. Ksenia decided that it would be fair. Alena agreed.

The picture that Xenia found at home after 4 days just drove a woman mad. Not only was the apartment completely untidy, but the children were left completely unattended. Alena wasn't in the apartment. But her children were actively entertained in the living room with the crafts of Xenia. The diorama with the lake was smeared with mustard, and the toys were bent and torn.

Ksenia didn't break down on the kids. She called Alena and, barely containing her anger, demanded that she return home. Half an hour later, Alena came. And the first thing she saw was her handbags in the hallway and the children dressed in the road.

Xenia went out to see her sister. She didn't want to hear anything. No excuses or other arguments Alena could change her decisions. The sister did not comply with Xenia’s conditions, so she will have to leave the apartment as soon as possible. And what happened to her and her children, Xenia did not care. You should have thought before.

Peels Consequences Xenia put the family out the door. For another half an hour, Alena knocked on the door and shouted to be allowed in. The children were frightened by their mother’s cry and began to cry. One of the neighbors in the stairwell looked out of the apartment and loudly demanded that Alena shut up her children. But it didn't help. Alena seems to have lost control. She began to cry frankly, and then get angry and, not stopping to beat the door, showered Xenia with curses. She understands why her older sister is always lonely. Because no one needs a man without a heart. And it would be fair if Ksenia remained alone in her apartment.

Peels At this time, Xenia tried to fix their crafts. She took a cloth of mustard from the smooth surface of the lake and tried to restore the shape of the toys. Some have been irretrievably lost, but a couple can still be saved. It was the first thing that made Xenia smile all day. The knock on the door stopped and no crying was heard. Ksenia's parents are likely to call soon. But she doesn't care.

Residence assistance – Is it possible to understand this behavior of Xenia? Did Alena deserve this attitude and was she to blame? How will this affect family relationships in the future?


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