FROM RESENTMENT to enjoyment of life: 5 steps
"He (she) doesn't surprise me with surprises, gifts, no values... all others are there, they do nothing for me ... it's never home ... we don't go nowhere, not razvlechsya, in our life there is nothing interesting ... I'm with an open mind, and I now how to thank ...I tried so hard and no results...now, if I had other parents...". Specifically for ILM Safronov.
After 10 years of active consulting practice, I concluded that one of the most common hindrances on the path to happiness is hurt.
Try to remember how much time you dedicate to be offended, to claim, to be angry, how long was carrying it in. Remember how many times the offense has ruined your plans. Remember, what you resent the most.
The grievances there are two main reasons. First, it occurs when their own fantasies, ideals do not match reality, when what man dreams, what hopes are not materializing.
Second, everyone feels unique, and deserve the very best, your personal talents, efforts, actions he always estimates high. If he does not receive recognition, appreciation from the environment, feels an acute sense of injustice towards themselves.
When internal expectations are not the same with the external manifestations born of resentment.
Resentment can provoke self-blame, soul-searching or endless finger-pointing, self-pity. In both cases, the person is immersed in the role of a "victim".
For example, someone only wants to receive and preferably all at once, but to give in return – no, though trying hard to convince others and himself that he really gives much deserved like no other. Then quickly diagnoses the shortcomings of others. This is the position of a child who believes that everything must take care of, constantly to meet his needs just because he is, simply for the fact that it exists, and if not to achieve his goal, uses offense as a way to emotional and psychological blackmail.
Another common, but opposite with the type of "victim" when a person puts himself in an underestimation of their plans, needs pushing to the side. Often, in addition to the resentment he feels a sense of guilt, conscious or unconscious, turns his suffering into a cult, then looking for sympathy, understanding and hopes for applause for his "feat".
If someone does not have enough love, care, attention that was supposed to in my family, parents and relatives, starts to look for it in communication with other people. Wanting to be happy, he is looking for the easiest and fastest way is to compensate for their lack of through another person. And often facing an even bigger problem, as the other can stay and feel the same.
How many disappointments, claims, conflict only occurs because people do not understand – no one owes nothing and is not obligated't have no one to blame. Everyone is responsible for his own life, no need to wait for something, to ask, to demand from others.
You need to be able to feel joy, to enjoy life on their own, but not at the expense of another person. This is the main criterion self-sufficient person and full of life.
Resentment is an emotional reaction, it is the energy manifestation. The energy needed for good health, love and financial prosperity, it is a very important and valuable resource.
When a person offended for a long time carrying a grudge, lives with her, he loses his energy, stamina. So be offended not profitable and very bad for your health, no matter who you are offended who is right and who is wrong.
Think about it, if you believe you have acted dishonestly, hurt your feelings, ignored your soul, used you, Yes, and in General, life didn't upset you, whether in pursuit of the offender to send an additional bonus in the form of your valuable energy that spills out of you in his address at the time of stay of resentment. It is at hand, why do you ask? What good is the benefit?
Usually, the person who is offended, is keenly aware of the energy loss, but does not understand what was happening to him, so try as quickly as possible to compensate for the damage instinctively - using others, blaming himself someone angry out on someone. But this method is inefficient, besides unethical towards others.
Can handle the offense once and for all impossible. Because it is a reflection of the subconscious. But not so sad, exit, of course.
First you need to know and understand the nature of resentment as it arises, what happens when a person is offended, what internal and external symptoms. This will help to record your reactions, to know their "hooks" to which it is possible to catch, what to catch. It is very important not only to apply different techniques, but also to change the perception of the world, in an accessible format, step by step to learn the structure of the person, the world at large.
Remember, any work on yourself, especially analysis begin only when you are calm, in a good mood, when you have no one and nothing distracts.
1. Never figured out the relationship at the peak of emotional tension, thus you will only aggravate the situation. Analysis, communication is a completely different category, opposite emotions, feelings.
2. If the situation applies to your loved one, instead of saying that emotional outbursts are unnecessary, better embrace it, communicate through touch.
3. Resentment is a manifestation of destructive emotions. In order to calm yourself, to achieve inner peace, sing, or dance, or both together. I recommend to use a wave-like movement, free dance, movement in the flow of that energy does not stagnate, is not turned into energy the clot.
4. When you restore energy very helping nature. If you have accumulated hurt, anger, resentment, give a holler somewhere in nature – in the woods near a river or the sea. If there is no opportunity to go out into nature, open the faucet in the bathroom and there scream, cry until you feel relief. Most importantly, do not store up resentment in yourself and not throw it at another person, let out on something natural.
5. Offended person becomes a kind of closed structure, so it is important to be able to open up, to break the cycle of resentment. Offer practice that will help you to harmonize your energy, emotional background. Can record it on phone and listen it will be easier.
Imagine yourself in a favorite place where you were happy, feel all the smells, colors, sounds, taste. Feel as you descend the rays of the sun, with every breath, they come into you, deeper and deeper into your body, from head to toe. Don't rush, savor.
In you penetrating light dissolves all inner darkness, cold, dirt, sticky mucus in your body, illuminates the most distant and the most hard to reach corners, cleans, bathes you with warmth, tenderness, serenity, refreshes, invigorates. And here you have yourself become a sun, from which emanate rays in all directions, you opened, and all unnecessary slides away, dissolves in the sun, outward.
Equilibrium of forces: If you something really scared you and get
Finding support inside. Focusing on the sensations — effective method of dealing with feelings
Clean, beautiful interior space complete with their victories, joyful events, pleasant memories, reinforce their feelings using favorite smell, color, taste, sound, touch.
Enjoy these moments, feel the freedom, grace, with every fiber of body and soul. So you will attract into your life what you really need and is useful, that will bring you true joy.published
Author: Ilma Safronova
Source: isafronova.com/

After 10 years of active consulting practice, I concluded that one of the most common hindrances on the path to happiness is hurt.
Try to remember how much time you dedicate to be offended, to claim, to be angry, how long was carrying it in. Remember how many times the offense has ruined your plans. Remember, what you resent the most.
The grievances there are two main reasons. First, it occurs when their own fantasies, ideals do not match reality, when what man dreams, what hopes are not materializing.
Second, everyone feels unique, and deserve the very best, your personal talents, efforts, actions he always estimates high. If he does not receive recognition, appreciation from the environment, feels an acute sense of injustice towards themselves.
When internal expectations are not the same with the external manifestations born of resentment.
Resentment can provoke self-blame, soul-searching or endless finger-pointing, self-pity. In both cases, the person is immersed in the role of a "victim".
For example, someone only wants to receive and preferably all at once, but to give in return – no, though trying hard to convince others and himself that he really gives much deserved like no other. Then quickly diagnoses the shortcomings of others. This is the position of a child who believes that everything must take care of, constantly to meet his needs just because he is, simply for the fact that it exists, and if not to achieve his goal, uses offense as a way to emotional and psychological blackmail.
Another common, but opposite with the type of "victim" when a person puts himself in an underestimation of their plans, needs pushing to the side. Often, in addition to the resentment he feels a sense of guilt, conscious or unconscious, turns his suffering into a cult, then looking for sympathy, understanding and hopes for applause for his "feat".
If someone does not have enough love, care, attention that was supposed to in my family, parents and relatives, starts to look for it in communication with other people. Wanting to be happy, he is looking for the easiest and fastest way is to compensate for their lack of through another person. And often facing an even bigger problem, as the other can stay and feel the same.
How many disappointments, claims, conflict only occurs because people do not understand – no one owes nothing and is not obligated't have no one to blame. Everyone is responsible for his own life, no need to wait for something, to ask, to demand from others.
You need to be able to feel joy, to enjoy life on their own, but not at the expense of another person. This is the main criterion self-sufficient person and full of life.

Resentment is an emotional reaction, it is the energy manifestation. The energy needed for good health, love and financial prosperity, it is a very important and valuable resource.
When a person offended for a long time carrying a grudge, lives with her, he loses his energy, stamina. So be offended not profitable and very bad for your health, no matter who you are offended who is right and who is wrong.
Think about it, if you believe you have acted dishonestly, hurt your feelings, ignored your soul, used you, Yes, and in General, life didn't upset you, whether in pursuit of the offender to send an additional bonus in the form of your valuable energy that spills out of you in his address at the time of stay of resentment. It is at hand, why do you ask? What good is the benefit?
Usually, the person who is offended, is keenly aware of the energy loss, but does not understand what was happening to him, so try as quickly as possible to compensate for the damage instinctively - using others, blaming himself someone angry out on someone. But this method is inefficient, besides unethical towards others.
Can handle the offense once and for all impossible. Because it is a reflection of the subconscious. But not so sad, exit, of course.
First you need to know and understand the nature of resentment as it arises, what happens when a person is offended, what internal and external symptoms. This will help to record your reactions, to know their "hooks" to which it is possible to catch, what to catch. It is very important not only to apply different techniques, but also to change the perception of the world, in an accessible format, step by step to learn the structure of the person, the world at large.
Remember, any work on yourself, especially analysis begin only when you are calm, in a good mood, when you have no one and nothing distracts.
1. Never figured out the relationship at the peak of emotional tension, thus you will only aggravate the situation. Analysis, communication is a completely different category, opposite emotions, feelings.
2. If the situation applies to your loved one, instead of saying that emotional outbursts are unnecessary, better embrace it, communicate through touch.
3. Resentment is a manifestation of destructive emotions. In order to calm yourself, to achieve inner peace, sing, or dance, or both together. I recommend to use a wave-like movement, free dance, movement in the flow of that energy does not stagnate, is not turned into energy the clot.
4. When you restore energy very helping nature. If you have accumulated hurt, anger, resentment, give a holler somewhere in nature – in the woods near a river or the sea. If there is no opportunity to go out into nature, open the faucet in the bathroom and there scream, cry until you feel relief. Most importantly, do not store up resentment in yourself and not throw it at another person, let out on something natural.
5. Offended person becomes a kind of closed structure, so it is important to be able to open up, to break the cycle of resentment. Offer practice that will help you to harmonize your energy, emotional background. Can record it on phone and listen it will be easier.
Imagine yourself in a favorite place where you were happy, feel all the smells, colors, sounds, taste. Feel as you descend the rays of the sun, with every breath, they come into you, deeper and deeper into your body, from head to toe. Don't rush, savor.
In you penetrating light dissolves all inner darkness, cold, dirt, sticky mucus in your body, illuminates the most distant and the most hard to reach corners, cleans, bathes you with warmth, tenderness, serenity, refreshes, invigorates. And here you have yourself become a sun, from which emanate rays in all directions, you opened, and all unnecessary slides away, dissolves in the sun, outward.
Equilibrium of forces: If you something really scared you and get
Finding support inside. Focusing on the sensations — effective method of dealing with feelings
Clean, beautiful interior space complete with their victories, joyful events, pleasant memories, reinforce their feelings using favorite smell, color, taste, sound, touch.
Enjoy these moments, feel the freedom, grace, with every fiber of body and soul. So you will attract into your life what you really need and is useful, that will bring you true joy.published
Author: Ilma Safronova
Source: isafronova.com/
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