Where to find health
When I ask for a specific person is health, I hear answers: health – when nowhere and nothing hurts when you feel well, or health is internal and external harmony.
As it turned out, for many, health is the absence of symptoms, and external-inner harmony – just a positive attitude.
The cause of all diseases – information. They do not arise in the physical body, they only displayed. Our fine structure is the soul communicates with us using the material object – body. It emotional turmoil cause malaise, discomfort in the material plane. So the first thing to treat is not the physical body, not matter is correct, and the soul. About comspecial for ILM Safronov.
Any disease is a consequence of experienced stress, which does not disappear, the brain and the body does not forget this. Only work with reason able to annihilate the investigation.
When a person is living a tense situation, is involved in it emotionally, it enhances the negative effects. There is an imbalance at a subtle level, on the physical plane there is definite symptoms that a person is voiced differently: "I feel bad...I don't have the energy...it hurts...". OTS only refer to specialists, nail diagnosis to get a dose of the chemical "miracle" and so until next time.
No need to search for a health from the doctors, they only eliminate investigation — symptoms of sickness, call an ambulance. About your health you have to care yourself and look for it in yourself, not shifting the responsibility on others.
Negative emotional reaction or destructive long-cherished state (resentment, sadness, anger, jealousy, revenge, fear) contributes to the outflow of energy, loss of natural resources.
Often such Energo-informational lesions may be inherited. People with his illness can pay for the misconduct of their parents, grandparents, other relatives and genetic ancestors. So there are genetic diseases.
For example, when problems arise with children, it is very important to mamabliss to work, do themselves, especially if the child is 6-7 years old, and if under 3 years, it is necessary.
When voznikonovenii problems in children, parents should pay attention to yourself, correct yourself. Children are our mirror. If you want something to see in your child, firstly this should not be in you.
During one consultation, the client, a young woman, as if accidentally says that she's very tired, her child is very restless, and now is sick, has a fever, and it may be necessary to postpone the consultation. I asked her to tell me what's going on at home, how she feels, what her condition is.
It turned out that the woman had long conflicts with her husband, the relationship is very tense, instead of mutual support and love in one another fly claims and accusations. With the birth of a child lack of sleep, and facilities has made the amendments. The negative atmosphere has affected the finances – decreased income, are in debt, causing tension grew even more.
After hearing the woman's story, I began to explain to her the causality of events which she lives, after he gave individual advice.
The next day after the consultation, the client happily reports that all "vanished", the temperature and other symptoms of the disease had disappeared, and surprised the doctor confirmed that the baby is healthy.
Everything is interconnected! And if for lack of knowledge, experience, people still can not see to fix this relationship, do not know how to work with it, it does not mean that it does not exist and it is not applicable.
It is useless to apply even the most effective harmonizing practices, most often energy, if the very cause of the ovary of the stress is not eliminated. Need to solve the problem at the level at which it originated, go to causes, analysis and awareness. And only after or along with this to use different restorative practices, the usual treatment.
Our body is a kind of mirror through which the brain shows what happens to us. The body communicates with us through the language of pain, of physical discomfort. If you do not work with information, with memory, decrypts the message body, but only eliminated unwanted consequences – the symptoms, the situation will always recur. This applies to any field of life, not just health.
Control over emotions, thoughts, will never help, if people do not understand their origin, causes. This is the same as to throw a brilliant phrase "all diseases of the nerves" or "all the thoughts and emotions influence our health".
Man is not a robot, he can't turn off their reactions, but may know itself, the causes of their problems and that really frees and blocks the outflow of vitality.
Weight – protection from distress
Your mistakes are your teachers!
The task of man is to be able to define and manage energy Informatsionnye flows, aware of himself as a receiver, catching and receiving signals from the outside, as well as a high and low frequency in the world.
Thus is formed the causal Swazi determining the feasibility of the overall plan, as well as the duration and quality of human life.
Medicine is powerless, if not to consider the person holistically, including the spiritual aspect.
Author: ilma Safronova, especially for
Source: Elm Safronova
When I ask for a specific person is health, I hear answers: health – when nowhere and nothing hurts when you feel well, or health is internal and external harmony.
As it turned out, for many, health is the absence of symptoms, and external-inner harmony – just a positive attitude.

The cause of all diseases – information. They do not arise in the physical body, they only displayed. Our fine structure is the soul communicates with us using the material object – body. It emotional turmoil cause malaise, discomfort in the material plane. So the first thing to treat is not the physical body, not matter is correct, and the soul. About comspecial for ILM Safronov.
Any disease is a consequence of experienced stress, which does not disappear, the brain and the body does not forget this. Only work with reason able to annihilate the investigation.
When a person is living a tense situation, is involved in it emotionally, it enhances the negative effects. There is an imbalance at a subtle level, on the physical plane there is definite symptoms that a person is voiced differently: "I feel bad...I don't have the energy...it hurts...". OTS only refer to specialists, nail diagnosis to get a dose of the chemical "miracle" and so until next time.
No need to search for a health from the doctors, they only eliminate investigation — symptoms of sickness, call an ambulance. About your health you have to care yourself and look for it in yourself, not shifting the responsibility on others.
Negative emotional reaction or destructive long-cherished state (resentment, sadness, anger, jealousy, revenge, fear) contributes to the outflow of energy, loss of natural resources.
Often such Energo-informational lesions may be inherited. People with his illness can pay for the misconduct of their parents, grandparents, other relatives and genetic ancestors. So there are genetic diseases.
For example, when problems arise with children, it is very important to mamabliss to work, do themselves, especially if the child is 6-7 years old, and if under 3 years, it is necessary.
When voznikonovenii problems in children, parents should pay attention to yourself, correct yourself. Children are our mirror. If you want something to see in your child, firstly this should not be in you.
During one consultation, the client, a young woman, as if accidentally says that she's very tired, her child is very restless, and now is sick, has a fever, and it may be necessary to postpone the consultation. I asked her to tell me what's going on at home, how she feels, what her condition is.
It turned out that the woman had long conflicts with her husband, the relationship is very tense, instead of mutual support and love in one another fly claims and accusations. With the birth of a child lack of sleep, and facilities has made the amendments. The negative atmosphere has affected the finances – decreased income, are in debt, causing tension grew even more.
After hearing the woman's story, I began to explain to her the causality of events which she lives, after he gave individual advice.
The next day after the consultation, the client happily reports that all "vanished", the temperature and other symptoms of the disease had disappeared, and surprised the doctor confirmed that the baby is healthy.
Everything is interconnected! And if for lack of knowledge, experience, people still can not see to fix this relationship, do not know how to work with it, it does not mean that it does not exist and it is not applicable.

It is useless to apply even the most effective harmonizing practices, most often energy, if the very cause of the ovary of the stress is not eliminated. Need to solve the problem at the level at which it originated, go to causes, analysis and awareness. And only after or along with this to use different restorative practices, the usual treatment.
Our body is a kind of mirror through which the brain shows what happens to us. The body communicates with us through the language of pain, of physical discomfort. If you do not work with information, with memory, decrypts the message body, but only eliminated unwanted consequences – the symptoms, the situation will always recur. This applies to any field of life, not just health.
Control over emotions, thoughts, will never help, if people do not understand their origin, causes. This is the same as to throw a brilliant phrase "all diseases of the nerves" or "all the thoughts and emotions influence our health".
Man is not a robot, he can't turn off their reactions, but may know itself, the causes of their problems and that really frees and blocks the outflow of vitality.
Weight – protection from distress
Your mistakes are your teachers!
The task of man is to be able to define and manage energy Informatsionnye flows, aware of himself as a receiver, catching and receiving signals from the outside, as well as a high and low frequency in the world.
Thus is formed the causal Swazi determining the feasibility of the overall plan, as well as the duration and quality of human life.
Medicine is powerless, if not to consider the person holistically, including the spiritual aspect.
Author: ilma Safronova, especially for
Source: Elm Safronova