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10 Incredible story of the most famous conjoined twins

In ancient times it was believed that the birth of Siamese twins heralds the end of the world. Therefore them tried to get rid of as soon as possible, or to sacrifice to the gods. Later, enterprising people started earning money on them. They were taken by accident and fairs organized show freaks. In this collection we have gathered the most famous and unusual in the history of Siamese twins.

1. Chang and Eng. B>

The twins Chang and Eng were born in 1811 in Siam (now Thailand). Since then, people fused in the womb and became known as "Siamese". When the King of Siam reported as unusual birth of twins joined together at chest level strips of cloth, he ordered the killing of a "spawn of the devil," as considered it their "harbingers of misfortune." But the mother did not give sons to death. She rubbed their skin special creams to give the elasticity of the tissues connecting the twins. It has ensured that Eng and Chang were able not only to stand face to face, but also to change its position more or less freely. Later, the king changed his mind and allowed the Scottish merchant to take them to North America.

http://ax-d.pixfuture.net/w/1.0/afr?auid=538125168&cb=INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE video> Where they later began to work in the circus. People are happy to pay for it, to contemplate the extraordinary brothers. In 1829, Chang and Eng decided to leave public life, took the American name Bunker, bought a farm in North Carolina and engaged in agriculture. Being 44 years old litharge, they married sisters Englishwoman - Sarah Ann and Adelaide Yates. The brothers bought two houses and stayed with his sister every week by living it at one, then another. At Chang was born ten children, Ang - nine. All the children were normal. Brothers died at the age of 63 years.

2. Zita and Gita Rezahanovy. B>

The sisters Zita and Gita Rezahanovy born October 19, 1991 in Kyrgyzstan in the village of West. Their story became widely known in a number of Russian media after the 2003 Moscow Central Children's Clinical Hospital named after Filatov made a successful operation to separate the sisters. Its peculiarity was that Rezahanovy - ischiopagus, as well as Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapova. It's quite a rare species of Siamese twins - about 6% of the total. They had three legs for two and the overall basin, which had to be divided. The missing leg replaced with a prosthesis. Girls held in Moscow for 3 years. Currently Zita experiencing serious health problems. Since 2012 she is in the hospital under constant supervision of doctors. Thirteen months she lay in different clinics of Moscow, and is now back home and in the hospital in Bishkek. Zita is completely blind in one eye, the second eye sees very bad, while Gita health condition is stable.

3. Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapovy. B>

They were born January 4, 1950 in Moscow. When the sisters were born, a nurse midwifery team fainted. The girls had two heads, one body three feet inside, they had 2 heart and lung three. Their mother reported that her children were born dead. But the compassionate nurse has decided to restore justice and the woman showed her children. The mother clouded his mind, she was placed in a psychiatric hospital. The next time the sisters saw her when he was 35 years old. Father Michael Krivoshlyapov that at the time of birth of her daughter was the personal driver of Beria, under pressure from the medical leadership signed the death certificate and for all the daughters disappeared from their lives. Even girls have given someone else's first name - Ivanovna. In addition to each other sisters there was none.

During the 7 years of the Institute of Pediatrics Medical Sciences of the USSR, they studied physiologist Peter Anokhin. They are then placed in the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. There girls have learned to walk with crutches and made primary education. For 20 years, the sisters have been "guinea pigs" for researchers. They wear them only for newspaper photographs. Total in Soviet institutions for disabled twins lived about 40 years, but in 1989 he moved to his own house in Moscow. Toward the end of their way of life still strong start to affect the health of the disease of alcoholism. So, Mary and Daria were suffering from cirrhosis of the liver and pulmonary edema. After many years of struggle against alcohol dependence Mary cardiac arrest, around midnight April 13, 2003. In the morning, due to complaints of living sister's well-being, "sleeping" Mary and Daria was hospitalized, then was revealed the cause of death of Mary - "acute heart attack." But Darya she remained fast asleep. Since Masha and Dasha Krivoshlyapova had a common circulatory system, 17 hours later, after the death of Mary, due to intoxication, death occurred and Daria.

4. Sisters Bidzhani. B>

Ladan and Laleh Bidzhani born January 17, 1974 in Iran. In this pair of Siamese twins were conjoined heads. The sisters are constantly arguing. For example, a career - Ladan wanted to be a lawyer and Laleh - journalist. But, anyway, we had to seek compromises. They studied law at Tehran University and became a lawyer. And more than anything, they want to separate. And in November 2002, after a meeting with Singapore neurosurgeon Dr. Keith Gohom which successfully split sisters conjoined heads the Yamuna and Ganga Shrestha from Nepal, sisters Bidzhani come to Singapore. Although doctors warned them that the operation will be associated with a high risk, they still decided to operate. Their decision led to discussion in the world press.

After seven months of extensive psychiatric examination they - July 6, 2003 - were operated in Raffles Hospital a large international team of experts, consisting of 28 surgeons and more than one hundred support staff. They all worked in shifts. It was constructed a special chair, as the sisters were supposed to be in a sitting position. The risk was great, as their brains were not only the general vein, but also fused together. The operation ended on July 8, 2003. It was announced that the sisters are in critical condition, both have lost a large amount of blood because of the complications that have arisen in the course of the operation. Ladan died at 14.30 on the operating table, her sister Laleh died at 16.00.

5. Hensel sisters. B>

Abigail and Brittany Hensel were born 7 March 1990 in New Germani, Minnesota, USA. Hensel sisters - Siamese twins, who remain physically in one piece, it is normal live a full life. These twin ditsefaly having a torso, two arms, two legs and three lungs. The heart and stomach each their own, but the blood supply between the total. Two spinal cord ends in a basin, and all organs below the waist are common. These twins are very rare. The scientific archives recorded only four pairs of surviving twins ditsefalov. Each sister controls the arm and leg on its side, and each feels the touch of only half his body. But they are so well coordinated their movements that they do walk, run, ride a bike, drive a car and swim. They learned to sing and play the piano, and Abby is played the right hand, and her sister - left.

6. Hilton Sisters. B>

Daisy and Violet were born February 5, 1908 in the English city of Brighton. Their mother, Kate Skinner, was unwed barmaid. The sisters have grown together in the thighs and buttocks, and had a total circulation of blood and fused pelvis. However, each working his vital organs. Mary Hilton - the boss of their mother, who helped in childbirth apparently saw in girls-term commercial gain. And so actually I bought their mother and took under his wing. Since the age of three sisters Hilton toured throughout Europe and later in America. Their guardians took away all the money that the sisters were earning. First it was Mary Hilton, and after her death, her daughter continued the case of Edith and her husband, Meyer Meyers. Only in 1931, their lawyer J. Martin. Arnold helped sisters free from the power of Meyers: In January 1931, they finally gained their freedom, and $ 100,000 in compensation.

After that, the sisters left the street shows and became involved in vaudeville, entitled «The Hilton Sisters' Revue». And to distinguish them from each other, Daisy dyed their hair in bright color. Besides, both began to dress differently. Both had numerous novels, but they all ended up very short marriage. In 1932, the screens out the film "Freaks" in which twins play themselves. And in 1951, they starred in «Chained for Life» - their own biopic. January 4, 1969, after they had not come to work and did not answer the phone, they called the chief of police. The twins were found dead in their home, victims of the Hong Kong flu. According to the forensic examination, Daisy died first, Violet died in two or four days.

7. Blazek sisters. B>

Rosa and Josefa Blazek were born in 1878 in Bohemia. Girls have grown together in the pelvis, each were the lungs and heart, but only one common stomach. When they were born, the parents appealed to a local sorceress, so it gave them advice on what to do with such an unusual child. The wise woman advised to leave them without food or drink for 8 days, which was done by parents. However, the forced starvation of girls killed, and they strangely survived. Then the wise woman said the baby came into the world to fulfill a mission. Namely: to provide his family with money. At the age of 1 year, they were shown at local fairs. The sisters took from life everything that we could. Girls became famous virtuoso on the violin and harp, and the ability to dance - each with their partner.

Their life together was marred only once. The charges stemmed from a romantic relationship 28-year-old Rosa with a German officer named Franz Dvorak. However, Rosa, like most women chose to temporarily sacrifice friendship for the beloved - after the genitals have c sister were common - and gave birth to a perfectly healthy son Franz. Rose wanted to marry her lover, but she did it only after a long trial, but even after that until the end of his life her husband was accused of bigamy. He died in 1917 at the front, serving in the Austrian army. Josephine, too, was engaged to a young man, but her choice shortly before the wedding died of appendicitis. In 1922, while touring in Chicago, Joseph became ill with jaundice. Doctors have proposed operation to separate the sisters to save the life of even the Rose. But she refused and said, "If Joseph die, I want to die." Instead, Rose was eating for two, to support the forces of the sisters, and saw that Joseph was doomed, wished to die with her. And so it happened: Rose survived her by only 15 minutes.

8. Brothers Gelion. B>

Ronnie and Donnie Gelion - by far the oldest of all the living conjoined twins - born in 1951 in Dayton, Ohio. And remained in the hospital for another two years, as doctors tried to find a way to separate them. But the safest way was never found and the parents decide to leave everything as it is. From the age of four twins began to bring the family the money they received for their performances in the circus. When children try to go to school, the teacher kicked them because their views are too distracted by other students. And the twins went to Central and South America, where they are shown in circuses and magic tricks to entertain people.

In the 39 years they have completed their careers in the arena and came back to the United States closer to his younger brother Jim. In 2010, due to a viral infection postponed their health deteriorated. In light formed clots and Jim suggested that they move to live with him. That's just his house is not suitable for disabled persons. But help neighbors who have home equipped with everything necessary for comfortable living twins. This would greatly facilitate the life of Ronnie and Donnie, so much so that their health has improved. In addition, Jim and his wife very much like to be with his brothers. Together they go fishing, go to the fair and to the restaurants. Of course, many people pay attention to them and laugh at them, but there are those who pay their restaurant bills and said to them kind words.

9. Hogan sisters. B>

Krista and Tatiana Hogan, born in 2006 in Vancouver, Canada. They were healthy, had normal weight and the only thing that distinguishes them from other sets of twins - conjoined heads. In numerous surveys, it was found out that the girls mixed the nervous system and, in spite of the different pair of eyes, a common vision. So, one of the sisters perceive information that is not able to see, "taking advantage" in this time through the eyes of another. This indicated that the brain and sisters Hogan also interconnected.

The family signed a contract with the company «National Geographic» and the channel «Discovery» on shooting a documentary. My mother and grandmother have seen some scenes from the film and were pleasantly surprised "valid, scientific approach", which elected a director. That is why the family refused to take part in the popular reality show. They do not want the glory, and a documentary about their lives can help other Siamese twins.

10. Brothers Sahu. B>

Conjoined twins Shivanath Shivram Sahu and caused quite a stir in India. Some residents of the village, which is located near the city of Raipur, even began to worship them, taking the incarnation of Buddha. When the doctors reported that 12-year-old brothers, who were born joined at the waist, can be separated, the family refused, saying he wanted to leave everything as it is. The brothers are two legs and four arms. They are free to wash, dress and eat. The twins one stomach for two, but they have independent lungs and heart.

Through training, Shivanath and Shivram learned to spend on all the main daily routines - a shower, a meal, a toilet - a minimum of effort. They are able to go down the stairs of his house, and even playing with the neighborhood children. They are especially fond of cricket. They also learn well and to the pride of their caring father Raj Kumar are among the best students in her school. He's very protective of his sons, and says he does not allow them to leave their village. By the way, the brothers have another five sisters.

: Fishki.net