The instructions of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, which are always relevant, I re-read before bedtime.
The faces of the saints on church icons watch the parishioners with their big eyes. They look at it with blessing and compassion, then with anger and reproach. It seems that these eyes can look into the soul of a person and whisper: “Repent!” Particular confusion and excitement comes when you bow before the image of the blind: involuntarily you want to lower your eyes. This is the icon of Matrona of Moscow.
Icon Matrona of Moscow to Matrona go to ask for healing from diseases and for help with infertility. The icon spiritually helps in the education of children and relieves from mental anguish. They ask Matrona of Moscow for companionship in search of a worthy spouse or wife. The saint prays for financial problems, and she helps to protect against the envy and intrigue of ill-wishers. Before the image bend to ask for family welfare and preservation of marriage.
The image of Matrona of Moscow is the only icon on which the saint is depicted with her eyes closed. She was blind from birth during her lifetime. But congenital blindness and health problems did not prevent Matrona from leading a righteous life. She even went on a pilgrimage, although she did not have the physical ability to move on her own.
Matrona showed the gift of healing, and the woman received up to 40 visitors a day. She was approached for healing both physically and spiritually. Go to the blind and seek wise advice.
Matrona of the Moscow Blind Matrona farewell is relevant at all times. She taught not to judge others, but to think more often about her sins, because it is for them that she will have to answer. The saint did not recommend seeking help from witch doctors or witch doctors and performing magical rituals. There is no return for the magician. She warned that this could harm her own soul.
The blind woman claimed that the best protection was the cross, holy water, prayer and holy fire. The woman punished not to lose faith in God and ask him for forgiveness of sins, because sinful people die and disappear without a trace.
She also advised to be condescending to the sick or weak-minded and not to be offended by their words and inadequate actions, because such people need to be helped and forgiven. The saint warned about dreams, because they can come from the unclean, to lead a person astray from the true path.
Matrona instructed to be faithful to God and not to change their decisions in the service of the Lord. The Blessed One taught to go for advice to priests or elders, and at this time herself to pray and ask God to direct their wise thoughts.
She warned that man in the world is surrounded by evil and seduction of souls. As the temptation will be strong, be careful and beware. The blind woman instructed her to go to the temple to pray humbly there, lowering her eyes, and to look only at the icons, and not to look at the parishioners.
Matrona recommended praying and being baptized more often, so that a person would not be overtaken by sudden death, because the life-giving cross is strongest. In addition, the saint warned that a person has an angel sitting on one shoulder and a tempter on the other. Each of them has their own book to record the sins and deeds of the righteous.
The woman said that God’s will and only God should be trusted and trusted. For the sake of salvation, the blessed advised to seek help from the Lord, because they will appear before him after his death.
The blind seer predicted that after her death, the place of eternal rest will be empty, but years will pass and it will be remembered. People will turn to her again for help and come to pray to the Lord.

Icon Matrona of Moscow to Matrona go to ask for healing from diseases and for help with infertility. The icon spiritually helps in the education of children and relieves from mental anguish. They ask Matrona of Moscow for companionship in search of a worthy spouse or wife. The saint prays for financial problems, and she helps to protect against the envy and intrigue of ill-wishers. Before the image bend to ask for family welfare and preservation of marriage.

The image of Matrona of Moscow is the only icon on which the saint is depicted with her eyes closed. She was blind from birth during her lifetime. But congenital blindness and health problems did not prevent Matrona from leading a righteous life. She even went on a pilgrimage, although she did not have the physical ability to move on her own.
Matrona showed the gift of healing, and the woman received up to 40 visitors a day. She was approached for healing both physically and spiritually. Go to the blind and seek wise advice.
Matrona of the Moscow Blind Matrona farewell is relevant at all times. She taught not to judge others, but to think more often about her sins, because it is for them that she will have to answer. The saint did not recommend seeking help from witch doctors or witch doctors and performing magical rituals. There is no return for the magician. She warned that this could harm her own soul.

The blind woman claimed that the best protection was the cross, holy water, prayer and holy fire. The woman punished not to lose faith in God and ask him for forgiveness of sins, because sinful people die and disappear without a trace.
She also advised to be condescending to the sick or weak-minded and not to be offended by their words and inadequate actions, because such people need to be helped and forgiven. The saint warned about dreams, because they can come from the unclean, to lead a person astray from the true path.
Matrona instructed to be faithful to God and not to change their decisions in the service of the Lord. The Blessed One taught to go for advice to priests or elders, and at this time herself to pray and ask God to direct their wise thoughts.
She warned that man in the world is surrounded by evil and seduction of souls. As the temptation will be strong, be careful and beware. The blind woman instructed her to go to the temple to pray humbly there, lowering her eyes, and to look only at the icons, and not to look at the parishioners.

Matrona recommended praying and being baptized more often, so that a person would not be overtaken by sudden death, because the life-giving cross is strongest. In addition, the saint warned that a person has an angel sitting on one shoulder and a tempter on the other. Each of them has their own book to record the sins and deeds of the righteous.
The woman said that God’s will and only God should be trusted and trusted. For the sake of salvation, the blessed advised to seek help from the Lord, because they will appear before him after his death.

The blind seer predicted that after her death, the place of eternal rest will be empty, but years will pass and it will be remembered. People will turn to her again for help and come to pray to the Lord.
The son brought the daughter-in-law to our house, and she immediately began to establish her own order, it was only the beginning.
Everyone for some reason believes that these things young mature ladies, but it is the opposite.