What miracles to expect on the Day of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg and why it is important to hold it in kindness

February 6 is a special day for Orthodox believers. After all, this is the day of Xenia of St. Petersburg – a saint who deserved the love and veneration of believers during her lifetime. In the people she is affectionately called Xenyushka Blessed. People always turn to her for help, put icons with her at home and constantly offer prayers.

Today's edition. "Site" He will tell you who the saint was and how to spend the day of her memory.

Every Orthodox believer knows Saint Xenia. She voluntarily renounced in the name of worldly goods and a comfortable life after the grief she had known. Saint Xenia was born between 1719 and 1730. Upon reaching adulthood, she married the court singer Colonel Andrei Petrov. However, their happiness was short-lived, Xenia’s husband died when she was only 26 years old. Sudden grief struck Xenia so much that she decided to abandon all joys and worldly pleasures.

She put on her husband’s robes and began to assure everyone that her husband was alive, and she went to God herself. Over time, the woman stopped responding to her name. But she always answered when she was called Andrei Fedorovich. The woman undertook a heavy feat of folly. She seemed crazy to everyone, but she tried to pray for her sins. Xenia devoted herself entirely to the spiritual world. After distributing everything she and her husband had gained, she went on a wandering trip.

So she became homeless. Ksenia wandered the streets all day long. At first, people mocked her, but soon got used to it. The good people of the city began to bring her things and food, but she never took anything. Over time, people learned that Xenia every night, despite the weather, went to the field and kneeled in prayer until the morning.

The gift of Saint Xenia God did not remain indifferent to her prayers. He gave Xenia a special gift. People began to notice that after she came to the house, there will be a happy event. If she bought something in the store, then soon the income there began to grow. God also gave her the gift of seeing the future. One day she went to her friend Paraskeva, who was barren, and told her to go to the cemetery, saying that the Lord sends her a son. Paraskeva was surprised, but listened and went to the specified place. Right before her eyes, a young pregnant woman was hit by a cab driver’s horse and, having given birth to a child, died. After that, Paraskeva took the boy to her upbringing.

Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg died at the 71st year of life. She was buried in the Smolensk cemetery, where she helped build a church during her lifetime. After her death, people began to come to her grave. They continue to ask for help and grace. She hears everyone and helps everyone.

In 1988, Blessed Xenia was canonized, declaring her a saint. We now celebrate her Remembrance Day on February 6. Every year, believers flock to the place of her burial to ask for help.

People usually ask for healing, family happiness, and protection. Saint Xenia is an example of the greatest love, because she is often asked for family happiness. Women pray for their children. Ksenia also helps all women who want to get pregnant.

There are no special traditions on this day. It is important to turn to the saint with prayer. Thank her for all the blessings and ask for what you need. The saint will hear and fulfill the request. You can also go to the temple and put a candle. The saint during her life helped everyone she could, and after her death she will not refuse help. It is important to turn to her with bright thoughts and ask for what you really want. The saint will hear your prayer.

Prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg “O Holy Blessed Mother Xenia!” Under the protection of the Most High, who lived, led and strengthened by the Mother of God, hunger and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, the gift of vision and wonderworking from God you received and under the shadow of the Almighty you rest. Now the Holy Church, like a fragrant color, glorifies you. Standing at the place of your burial, before the image of your saints, as if you were living with us, we pray to you: Accept our petitions and bring them to the throne of the merciful Father in heaven, as one who has boldness before Him; ask those who come to you for eternal salvation, for good deeds and undertakings, our generous blessing, from all troubles and sorrows, deliverance. Come with your holy prayers before our All-Merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinful. Amen.

St. Xenia the Blessed went through a difficult journey full of trials, but in the end she was rewarded for her feat. Throughout her life, she was able to fulfill her duty and help many people, healing them and helping them in their affairs. Let us remember her and honor her memory!


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