Prophecies of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, which make you look into your soul and think about life
Ksenia St. Petersburg’s prayer for help helped me many times. Saint Xenia of Petersburg is one of the most famous and revered Russian saints. To Blessed Xenia petition about finding family life, good health and well-being.
The saint had the gift of foresight. She literally saw through people, and, of course, she predicted future events that soon became reality.
Today's edition. "Site" share prophecy St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, who make you look into your soul and think about life. Don't forget!
The prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg for the help of the Secret Circle is the moment of birth and departure to the world of another Xenia. This saint seemed to be a mad beggar, wandering around imperial Petersburg in ragged garments and responding only to the name of her late husband, Andrei Fedorovich.
Righteous Xenia took on the feat of folly - one of the most difficult - in the name of love for her husband, love, which was strongest. The Lord gave her not only spiritual purity, but also the gift of foresight. But even the yurodic prophecies at first seemed insane until their true essence was revealed.
Ksenia predicted poverty for millionaires, and for the poor - quick happiness and wealth. So one large merchant told how Xenia once gave his grandfather a horse (as the coin was called then) and said: “Here, hold the horse, you will ride far on it!” And my grandfather soon became rich.
She predicted the departure to another world, extinguished fires with prayer, healed people. Soon she began to see everything as in the palm of her hand. One day on Christmas Eve she ran around St. Petersburg all day and shouted: “Everyone who can – bake pancakes.” Soon all of Russia will bake pancakes!
People realized that something bad was going to happen. And the next day, on the very feast of Christmas, December 25, the terrible news spread throughout St. Petersburg: Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, beloved by all people, died unexpectedly. All of Russia commemorated Mother Queen and baked memorial pancakes for 40 days.
Ksenia often warned people about hard times. And her prophecies always came true. Of our time, she also said it would be a test for humanity. Only love and faith in God will help people pass this exam.
Important prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg And here charityIt helps to cope with difficulties even in the period when it swings that hands drop and there is no strength.
O holy saint of God, blessed Xenia! Be merciful with your eyes on us, servant of God (names), your honorable icon praying graciously and asking for your help and intercession. Pray to the Lord our God for your prayers and ask our souls to forgive sins.
We pray for the Lord’s mercy, and for the Lord’s mercy, and for your sins, for you have received the grace to pray for us.
We ask you, do not despise us unworthy, who pray to you and ask for your help, and proceed to all useful things for salvation, because by your prayers to the Lord God we have received grace and mercy we will glorify all the good ones and the Gift-giver and the Edinago God, in the Trinity of Holy Slavomago. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever.
After the departure of Xenia of St. Petersburg to the other world, the saint appeared to people in visions in reality. She warned of dangers and gave advice on how to proceed.
Xenia often appeared to people in the window of the chapel with the Gospel in her hands. To this day, people of different faiths and estates see it. They say that when you stand at a crossroads and do not know how to proceed next in a particular situation, then you need to pray and ask her to help find a way out. She will see and help, but only with a pure and sincere soul.
I also propose to find out when we celebrate the day of Ksenia St. Petersburg and how to properly spend the holiday. The wisdom of this saint was boundless.
Prayer of Xenia St. Petersburg for help helping many. The main thing is to say the prayer sincerely and from the heart. And now in prayer and I say: St. Xenia of Petersburg, pray that God will give us strength to survive this time! I believe and hope that the saint will hear these prayers.
The saint had the gift of foresight. She literally saw through people, and, of course, she predicted future events that soon became reality.
Today's edition. "Site" share prophecy St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, who make you look into your soul and think about life. Don't forget!

The prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg for the help of the Secret Circle is the moment of birth and departure to the world of another Xenia. This saint seemed to be a mad beggar, wandering around imperial Petersburg in ragged garments and responding only to the name of her late husband, Andrei Fedorovich.
Righteous Xenia took on the feat of folly - one of the most difficult - in the name of love for her husband, love, which was strongest. The Lord gave her not only spiritual purity, but also the gift of foresight. But even the yurodic prophecies at first seemed insane until their true essence was revealed.

Ksenia predicted poverty for millionaires, and for the poor - quick happiness and wealth. So one large merchant told how Xenia once gave his grandfather a horse (as the coin was called then) and said: “Here, hold the horse, you will ride far on it!” And my grandfather soon became rich.
She predicted the departure to another world, extinguished fires with prayer, healed people. Soon she began to see everything as in the palm of her hand. One day on Christmas Eve she ran around St. Petersburg all day and shouted: “Everyone who can – bake pancakes.” Soon all of Russia will bake pancakes!

People realized that something bad was going to happen. And the next day, on the very feast of Christmas, December 25, the terrible news spread throughout St. Petersburg: Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, beloved by all people, died unexpectedly. All of Russia commemorated Mother Queen and baked memorial pancakes for 40 days.
Ksenia often warned people about hard times. And her prophecies always came true. Of our time, she also said it would be a test for humanity. Only love and faith in God will help people pass this exam.

Important prayer of Xenia of St. Petersburg And here charityIt helps to cope with difficulties even in the period when it swings that hands drop and there is no strength.
O holy saint of God, blessed Xenia! Be merciful with your eyes on us, servant of God (names), your honorable icon praying graciously and asking for your help and intercession. Pray to the Lord our God for your prayers and ask our souls to forgive sins.

We pray for the Lord’s mercy, and for the Lord’s mercy, and for your sins, for you have received the grace to pray for us.
We ask you, do not despise us unworthy, who pray to you and ask for your help, and proceed to all useful things for salvation, because by your prayers to the Lord God we have received grace and mercy we will glorify all the good ones and the Gift-giver and the Edinago God, in the Trinity of Holy Slavomago. Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever.

After the departure of Xenia of St. Petersburg to the other world, the saint appeared to people in visions in reality. She warned of dangers and gave advice on how to proceed.
Xenia often appeared to people in the window of the chapel with the Gospel in her hands. To this day, people of different faiths and estates see it. They say that when you stand at a crossroads and do not know how to proceed next in a particular situation, then you need to pray and ask her to help find a way out. She will see and help, but only with a pure and sincere soul.

I also propose to find out when we celebrate the day of Ksenia St. Petersburg and how to properly spend the holiday. The wisdom of this saint was boundless.
Prayer of Xenia St. Petersburg for help helping many. The main thing is to say the prayer sincerely and from the heart. And now in prayer and I say: St. Xenia of Petersburg, pray that God will give us strength to survive this time! I believe and hope that the saint will hear these prayers.
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