The son brought the daughter-in-law to our house, and she immediately began to establish her own order, it was only the beginning.

In most cases, people form couples and marry for the same reasons: to start a family, to become stronger morally and financially, to have children. Historically, these are the main marriage. Constant development, mutual understanding, even communication – this is what makes our life easier, more meaningful and makes us move forward.

However, there are times when a husband or wife is too dependent on their other half. This brings some difficulties to normal family life. There is a misunderstanding, fatigue from the partner. In this regard, begin unnecessary grievances, quarrels and, as a result, divorce. And all because before the wedding, the exact boundaries and desires of the partners were simply not established.

Do you know how hard it is to watch your own son in his incomplete 30 years turns himself into a real recluse? He ceases to care for himself, grumbles and does not come into contact not only with his parents, but even with his peers. For my father and I, this is a real problem that we spent a lot of time solving.

Andrew grew up in normal conditions. We gave him everything he needed: care, home, education. Never gave rise to quarrels or conflicts. Perhaps even a little spoiled: the only child after all.

They chose a normal school, so I didn’t hear that Andrew was involved in any children’s fights, and even he was never taken to the headmaster. An ordinary guy, studied for “fours” with “fives”, nothing special. He had a couple of friends, but after school, as is often the case, everyone ran to their own corners.

During his student years, Andrew tried to concentrate on his studies. He always wanted to get rich quickly and not deny himself anything. Well, if that motivated him, I didn't mind. By the way, he had friends. But, like, nothing serious. We often saw him lock himself in a room to talk on the phone, but for his age it was more than normal.

My son's wife, and then he met Nastya. That's where it all started. He immediately brought her into the house to meet her. The girl is very pretty, not take away. But she was one of those who knew her worth. I think he overestimates himself, if you know what I mean. Come on, it's young.

Since we have a private two-storey house, the son was in no hurry to leave his native nest. We were completely satisfied, because we, in fact, did not interfere in his private life, and he knew it perfectly well. Moreover, most of the free time Andrei spent at his beloved Nastya. He could have gone missing for a few days and then come back as if nothing had happened.

Four or five months later, the son announced he was getting married. This decision was made with the utmost responsibility and nothing was required of us, the parents. He just notified me and my dad, so to speak. That's the news.

The young did not make a pompous wedding, just signed and celebrated in a close circle. The only thing: at first they asked to live with us. Until there's a better way. We did not resist and were even glad. Let them carry out the main functions of marriage. I wanted to get to know my daughter-in-law and find out more about her past. In general, to build normal, everyday relationships.

But it wasn't. A week later, Nastya ordered that it would be nice to carry out at least cosmetic repairs in their part of the house. And most importantly, make another exit on the first floor. To separate ourselves from our wing. Deep down, I understood her. But I was not satisfied with the fact of such impudence, especially since they were married for a week.

After consulting, my father and I refused. They complained that sooner or later they will move to another place, and we will not need extra passage. It became a big problem. The daughter-in-law stopped talking to us and increasingly began to voice her complaints to her husband.

Then began new resentment and irritation, which even Andrew brought to white heat. As a result, they filed for divorce. He knew something was wrong, but he was in love. After Nastya left, he began to behave aloof. He only spoke to us if we asked him to. He stopped being interested in ordinary life. I just went to work and sat in my room. Sometimes he even came to the shop.

Can you imagine a whole 2 years of life in this mode? He was not interested in anything - friends, hobbies, girls - everything fell by the wayside. He began to lose weight and launched himself. We couldn’t really influence a grown man. He went to work and helped us if we asked. But... How can you look at your son when he has changed so much?

Marriage functions now for the news. A couple of days ago, Nastya again loomed on the horizon. I found out by accident: I heard my son talking on the phone. He smiled for the first time and had a love of life in his voice. That's good. But I know women like her. Do you think something has changed in her character? Can't wait!

On the one hand, if Andrey regains his spirit, for us, parents, it will be a real holiday. But we will not tolerate his ex at home. So, if they are reunited, we will dictate the terms. Let them live in a rented apartment. If they match the characters, great. We'd be delighted.

But if everything goes wrong again, I'm afraid to think about what will happen to Andrew. Because I believe that Nastya simply did not find anyone better, so she did not draw any conclusions for herself. On the other hand, the son is already an adult and there is no one else to help him in this situation. So now my father and I are sitting on needles, not knowing how this will end. We hope, as always, for the best.


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