We came to congratulate the daughter-in-law on her birthday, and she did not even let us on the threshold

It is difficult for different people to meet characters. Especially if they come from different generations. This is what happened to the heroes of our history and their daughter-in-law. They wanted to congratulate their daughter-in-law on her birthday, but they didn’t get the reaction they expected. And that's why they were so upset.

Editorial "Site" He tells you this story and asks you to judge who is right about it.

My daughter-in-law has a very difficult character. It may be a way to start my story, but that’s his point. But everything is in order. Our son has always been kind and kind. We put all our soul and all our possibilities into it. We gave him everything we could. And everything was fine. Until his precious wife showed up.

I didn't like Lena right away. She comes from a rather poor family, and our Vitalik earns a lot. By the age of 30, he was already a manager. So I'm pretty sure Lena's only with him for the money. But he didn't listen to me. I said I only loved her. What I had to say was to hope I was wrong.

However, the daughter-in-law immediately began to show her character. She started turning her son against us. At first, he began to come to us less and call us less often. And when they had a child, we closed the doors to their house. You could only come if you called in advance and arranged a meeting.

So we see the grandson at most every two weeks and then for half an hour. Is that normal? But okay, and that's what we put up with. But last week, her behavior just went overboard.

The daughter-in-law had a birthday on Saturday. We decided to congratulate her. But, knowing her unbearable character, decided to call in advance. We said when we'd come. They even brought the cake. We arrived at the scheduled time. Lena opened the door with her face as if we had come to ask her for money. We congratulated her, but she didn't even invite us into the house. My son didn't even say a word. They closed the door in front of us, that's all.

I wanted to cry. Okay, daughter-in-law, but the son could say something, invite him into the house. Very hurtful. What should I do to influence the situation?

We know only one side of this story, so it is difficult to judge. It is clear that the daughter-in-law clearly defends her personal boundaries and does not want others to interfere in her life. In fact, this is a healthy and modern approach. It is often difficult for the older generation to understand and accept this. We think mother-in-law still need to come to terms with this arrangement of things. What do you think of that?


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