Since I returned home, the daughter-in-law has lost her conscience, she does not hesitate to say directly that she needs money.

Let's be honest: human values Everyone has their own. Yes, there is, let’s say, a model that is propagated to us since childhood: parents, homeland, family and so on. But in reality, man grows up and becomes what makes life out of him. Someone is really closest to just the above. Someone cannot imagine their life without popularity, friends or money. That's our nature.

However, it is worth noting that if a person puts his own ambition and profit above all else, he will not be considered the best role model among other people. For good or bad, the question is open and controversial. But that's how society works. The main thing in this case is to preserve conscience and not to cross the line of the law. There are no perfect people.

With my husband, I divorced at my own request. I hate womanizers. The saddest thing about this breed of men is that they never change. They will swear, cry, beg. But if the chance turns up, the first skirt will be in his arms without any hesitation or remorse. How do you live with that?

Peels You see what the problem is. If you have children with such a man, especially a son, the situation becomes even worse. It happened to me, so I know exactly what I'm talking about. Boys should live with their dads. Because this is education, and the formation of character, habits. This is how the right values of a person appear. When I was young, I didn't understand that. Right now, I'm sorry.

After the divorce, Pasha and I lived alone for several years. My salary was not enough, and the need for funds grew every day. I had to give the child to my grandmother, and go to another country, earn money there. My mother is a woman of character when it comes to me. But for her grandson, she did not regret anything, so he grew up as he is.

Paul got married early. I don't think it was him who decided when to propose, but his daughter-in-law. Natasha also grew up without a father. But in the case of girls, it's a completely different conversation. Mother did not give her time, so the girl grew up, as they say, with a “breakthrough” nature, unlike my son.

Peels, of course, I saved money while I was working. I sent a lot of my salary home. First your mother, so that she and her son need nothing. And then only to his son, so that his young family could quickly get back on their feet. They are young and need help. My mom's pension is pretty good, so I'll be fine.

I don't like sycophants and flatterers. And I immediately get sick of talking to people like that face to face. But when you communicate with them online, and even infrequently and for several minutes, they are not so easy to recognize. So I missed an important moment when I talked to my daughter-in-law. She always encouraged me and told my son not to argue with me. I thought it was a joke just to keep the conversation going. But then I started to suspect something.

When my grandson was born, there was no limit to my joy. I became a young grandmother, my son was at work, with his wife. What else would I want? And I had a gift for that. I saved a lot of money, so I had enough money to buy a small apartment in our city. What more does a family need than their own home?

Natasha seemed ready to kiss me right through the phone screen. My son was also very happy and grateful. I remember this day like yesterday. I have never felt so much joy and pride before. Let’s not forget that I didn’t work abroad, but I did. So morally it was even sweeter than the rest of the time.

I decided that the first year or two my grandson would be very small and defenseless. He will not need me during this period. Let her daughter-in-law handle it. But then I can sit with him myself, and for the young it will be a respite. So it's too early for me to go home. I'll make my own pension, and I'll send money to diapers at the same time. The child is not only a responsibility, but also a cost.

Peels Two years flew by quickly. I was pretty good at my job, but I was pulling home. It was time to see my grandson and daughter-in-law in person. So I said goodbye to my overseas friends and bosses, bought all sorts of souvenirs and flew home.

And at home, I was not waiting for the most pleasant discoveries. First, it turned out that the son, although he works, but the money from his salary is barely enough for some basic expenses. Family development is out of the question. He has no friends and is afraid of his boss. He just goes to work and comes home. He gives all the money to his wife and lies there watching TV. Every day.

Natasha, my daughter-in-law, is such a typical woman in curlers. She's on maternity leave, of course. Sitting with the baby, but I didn't notice her trying too hard. In their new apartment is already visible clutter, the kitchen is a mess, and she, although still young, almost does not care for herself. Why, if Pasha will not leave under any circumstances? This is obvious, especially since I never heard him disagree with her.

I was sad about all this. But it became even more sad after about a month of living at home. I was no longer making money, and logically my son's family was missing it. Began calls from the daughter-in-law with requests to sit with the child. Well, at the same time, "to grab, it's not difficult for you" diapers, food, toys and so on. It's not hard for me.

Here. It's my grandson's birthday in a month. I know this very well, so I called my son to ask if they were planning something for the day and what I would give them. Pasha, as always, began to wrinkle, moo, told me to call him later, and even better to dial a daughter-in-law. Well, as always, in general.

But Natasha immediately took the phone and asked, no, asked for money. Preferably in currency. Dollars 100-200, preferably euros. These are human values. I understand that money is always needed. But since my arrival, my daughter-in-law's tone has become more and more strict and even domineering. It's like she's talking to the servants. I'm not my son. I don't like that.

Don’t get me wrong, helping a young family is important. But not in that tone. Besides, it's a little kid's birthday. Tomorrow at my son's and then at my daughter-in-law's. I didn't bring millions. Do they think I'm going to provide them all the time? You get married, you live. But how to let them know once and for all, I don't know. Don't make a scandal at your grandson's party. It wouldn't be human.


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