My mother-in-law didn’t like me at first sight, she was always yelling at me, but suddenly everything changed.
Mother-in-law vs. daughter-in-law is a typical life story. Somehow it happened that women find it difficult to reconcile and let go of their beloved son. But the ending of these stories is different. The heroine of our history thought that she would live her whole life without talking to her mother-in-law. But it wasn't.
Today's edition. "Site" I'll share this story with you. Make your own conclusions.
When Igor and I decided to get married, my parents hesitated a little and persuaded me to graduate first, and then think about marriage. I told them I was pregnant and they agreed. One thing was sad: the future mother-in-law was against our marriage.
I don't remember who said that single mothers of their sons are very jealous, but apparently it's true. Because my mother-in-law disliked me from the very beginning and tried to prove that I had a baby on the side, and turned her son's head to get married. Although the pregnancy between Igor and I was deliberately planned, and we voluntarily married.
An unpleasant incident happened at the wedding. We have a tradition, according to which the groom jokingly should wash the feet of the mother-in-law, and then put her in new boots or kaloshi, the main thing is that it was fun and funny - a walk after all. That evening, Lidia Ivanovna said: “My son will not wash his feet!” And Tamada couldn't convince her. Since then, a black cat has run between matchmakers.
Six months later, I gave the world my daughter Dashenka. For a long time, my mother-in-law did not want to recognize me or my granddaughter. My husband and I had to rent, even though his mother had a vacant apartment. We even agreed to pay her for accommodation, only my mother-in-law was against and categorically refused us: she did not want to see me and my daughter in her house.
We did not have a quiet life: Igor and I constantly quarreled, clarified relations and then converged, then ran away. For this reason, I occasionally lived with my parents while there were disagreements with my husband. When the truce came, we looked for separate housing. But wherever we lived, I felt the unseen presence of my mother-in-law: because of any remarks about his mother, Igor began to insult me. There was a time when he was talking about divorce. Then I told him to roll on all four sides, and I will raise my daughter on my own. We were not divorced, but we lived apart for two years.
My father decided to help me and bought a small house for me and my daughter so that we could get our own house. At the time, my husband and I were living separately, but sometimes we met to "talk." Soon I started repairing the house, and Igor volunteered to help me. We ended up living together again.
Unexpectedly, the mother-in-law became seriously ill. No one gave me details, but I knew her condition was critical. Igor had to pay more attention to his mother, and I did not mind. Suddenly, the husband asked us all to visit the patient, because she really wants to see our daughter.
I wanted to remind him that before my mother-in-law did not want to see me or my granddaughter and did not let her into the house, but now I suddenly remembered our existence when I realized that life was too fleeting. But I came to my senses in time and promised my husband that tomorrow we would visit my grandmother with my daughter.
Lydia Ivanovna was really happy to hug her granddaughter, although her love showed up quite late. She talked to me kindly, but restrained. Honestly, I also felt a certain tension, but tried not to show off. With each visit, I noticed to myself that my mother-in-law looked a little better.
A few months later, Igor reported that his mother was in remission and asked if I would mind my grandmother visiting her granddaughter. Out of respect for his mother, I agreed, and my mother-in-law began to visit us on holidays and invite us to her. And I did not turn my daughter against her mother-in-law, although I doubt she deserves love and respect. Isn't it?

Today's edition. "Site" I'll share this story with you. Make your own conclusions.
When Igor and I decided to get married, my parents hesitated a little and persuaded me to graduate first, and then think about marriage. I told them I was pregnant and they agreed. One thing was sad: the future mother-in-law was against our marriage.

I don't remember who said that single mothers of their sons are very jealous, but apparently it's true. Because my mother-in-law disliked me from the very beginning and tried to prove that I had a baby on the side, and turned her son's head to get married. Although the pregnancy between Igor and I was deliberately planned, and we voluntarily married.
An unpleasant incident happened at the wedding. We have a tradition, according to which the groom jokingly should wash the feet of the mother-in-law, and then put her in new boots or kaloshi, the main thing is that it was fun and funny - a walk after all. That evening, Lidia Ivanovna said: “My son will not wash his feet!” And Tamada couldn't convince her. Since then, a black cat has run between matchmakers.

Six months later, I gave the world my daughter Dashenka. For a long time, my mother-in-law did not want to recognize me or my granddaughter. My husband and I had to rent, even though his mother had a vacant apartment. We even agreed to pay her for accommodation, only my mother-in-law was against and categorically refused us: she did not want to see me and my daughter in her house.

We did not have a quiet life: Igor and I constantly quarreled, clarified relations and then converged, then ran away. For this reason, I occasionally lived with my parents while there were disagreements with my husband. When the truce came, we looked for separate housing. But wherever we lived, I felt the unseen presence of my mother-in-law: because of any remarks about his mother, Igor began to insult me. There was a time when he was talking about divorce. Then I told him to roll on all four sides, and I will raise my daughter on my own. We were not divorced, but we lived apart for two years.
My father decided to help me and bought a small house for me and my daughter so that we could get our own house. At the time, my husband and I were living separately, but sometimes we met to "talk." Soon I started repairing the house, and Igor volunteered to help me. We ended up living together again.

Unexpectedly, the mother-in-law became seriously ill. No one gave me details, but I knew her condition was critical. Igor had to pay more attention to his mother, and I did not mind. Suddenly, the husband asked us all to visit the patient, because she really wants to see our daughter.
I wanted to remind him that before my mother-in-law did not want to see me or my granddaughter and did not let her into the house, but now I suddenly remembered our existence when I realized that life was too fleeting. But I came to my senses in time and promised my husband that tomorrow we would visit my grandmother with my daughter.

Lydia Ivanovna was really happy to hug her granddaughter, although her love showed up quite late. She talked to me kindly, but restrained. Honestly, I also felt a certain tension, but tried not to show off. With each visit, I noticed to myself that my mother-in-law looked a little better.
A few months later, Igor reported that his mother was in remission and asked if I would mind my grandmother visiting her granddaughter. Out of respect for his mother, I agreed, and my mother-in-law began to visit us on holidays and invite us to her. And I did not turn my daughter against her mother-in-law, although I doubt she deserves love and respect. Isn't it?
An experienced gardener told how to use salt to achieve an enviable harvest of beets
When I moved to the city, I called a village friend with me, I wanted to help, but it was very interesting.