The most popular shrines in Russia
January 7, about 14 thousand believers lined up at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow to venerate the ark with the Gifts of the Magi. It is them, according to legend, held in the hands of Jesus Christ and the virgin Mary. Relic first left the Greek land, where they are stored from the XV century in the Athonite monastery of St. Paul. In the ark – three gold plates with a thin filigree ornament, to which the silver thread attached beads from a mixture of frankincense and myrrh. We have made a selection of five Orthodox shrines, which it is possible to worship in Russia. The relics of St. Matrona of Moscow She worked wonders during his lifetime and continues to make them after his death – to the relics of Matrona in the Pokrovsky monastery every day, a queue a hundred meters long. "Speak to me like a living, bequeathed the Matrona. – Everyone will help, everyone will hear." The people who come to it, ask for happiness in family, good health and good luck in business. Matrona predicted the revolution, the Second world war and the collapse of the Soviet Union. There is a legend about the meeting between Stalin and Matrona. Allegedly, in 1941, when the Germans were at a hook, and in Moscow, there was panic, Stalin came to the matron, and she was advised not to leave the capital, and three times to go around Moscow with the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God. Like Stalin ordered the procession to his personal pilot to the commander of an aviation division long-range Alexander Golovanov. Church legend does not refute, but not confirmed. Matrona Nikonova, the future Saint, was born in 1885 in village Sebino of the Tula province. God gave her a vision. Saying that, seeing newborn daughter, the mother wanted to give her to a shelter, but she was a prophetic dream, and she left the girl – the fourth child in the family. Seven years family noticed that a blind sees that then comes true. Soon to home Nikonovich reached the crowd of people. Matron never refused to help, said whether healthy children, how to avoid diseases that will be tomorrow or in a year. But the main gift of the Matron was the ability to healing – saying she'd help even the hopeless patients. Matrona Nikonova lived near us recently, she died in 1952. After 40 years, her tomb on the Danilovsky cemetery began a pilgrimage. The burial place of almost no land left, people would take it by the handful, because they believed that earth from the tomb has miraculous powers. Then came the official acts of the canonization of a Saint. In 1998, the relics of Matrona of Moscow moved to the Pokrovsky monastery. "The inexhaustible chalice" from Serpukhov icon of the Theotokos "the inexhaustible Cup", revered by the people as miraculous, until 1919 was in the will Vladychna a convent in the town of Serpukhov. The story of her phenomena is that. In 1878, the peasant of Tula province Efremovskogo County, retired soldiers, drank all the pensions, all the things in the house and came to a miserable state. On top of bestenliste his paralyzed legs, but he never stopped drinking. One day he saw in a dream an old man who said, "Go in Serpukhov, in Vladychny monastery there in the St. George temple is the icon of God's Mother "inexhaustible Chalice", having served it before the prayer, and you will be healthy and body and soul". After a dream that was repeated several times, the farmer went. He moved on all fours and didn't have any money. Despite all the difficulties, in the way the patient became better. When the former drunk got to Vladychnogo monastery of nuns was very surprised by his request to serve a moleben before the icon "the inexhaustible Cup": an icon, no one knew. Having searched the entire monastery, the sisters remembered the icon that hung in the aisle of St. George's Church bell tower – it was a picture of the bowl. To their surprise, on the reverse side of the icon really was the inscription: "the inexhaustible Chalice". In 1919, after the devastation of the monastery by the Bolsheviks, the icon "the inexhaustible Chalice" was completely lost. Currently in Serpukhov there are two honor list of icons – one in the female will Vladychna and the other men in the Vysotsky monastery. They are both written in the 1990-ies. Since the same time in Serpukhov resumed the flow of pilgrims. Most of the icon are the loved ones of alcoholics and drug addicts, at least – yourself "disease of alcoholism afflicted" pray to the virgin for healing and miraculously get what they ask for. Groove Seraphim of Sarov Holy virgin Groove has a special place among the relics of the St. Seraphim-Diveyevo convent. November 25, 1825 the mother of God appeared to St. Seraphim and ordered the founding of the mills community, putting the Holy how to enclose the place with a ditch and rampart. The monk said that the Queen of Heaven itself his belt to measure the Groove three feet depth and three feet width, and avoided his inheritance, blessing all. In 1903, on a three-day celebration in honor of the canonization of St. Seraphim in Diveyevo arrived the Imperial family – Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna to pray for the gift of his son. Service was for five hours, and the Empress, whose feet hurt, survived it to the end. A year after visiting Diveevo Russian Emperor had a son, Tsarevich Alexei. Today in Diveevo going to get a blessing for the bearing of children, to pray to St. Seraphim and venerate his relics in the hope of getting pregnant. Peter and Fevronia About the lives of saints Peter and Fevronia reliably we know very little. It is known that she lived this and Fevronia Murom in the XIII century, they had three children, dead spouses in a single day, taking on the decline of his life a monk. As one of a kind exception, buried the Prince and Princess in one coffin. Probably, these circumstances was the fact that the saints Peter and Fevronia, the glorification of which took place in 1547, became the patrons of family and marriage. Their power is stored in the Trinity convent in Murom. As a rule, on the intercession of the saints asking those who want to find love, to marry or to marry. They help those who already have a family, but for some reason you have problems, misunderstanding, jealousy, discord in the relationship or absence of children. Come to the relics, and people who have difficulty in communicating with their children. Holy spring St. Sergius of Radonezh Source "gremyachiy" is 14 km from Sergiev Posad, near the village Wzglednie, on the left Bank of the river Wandiga. As they say, this source is one of the most miraculous. He appeared about 600 years ago on the hill where St. Sergius of Radonezh was praying earnestly about the unification of the Russian people for liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Purest key scored straight from the mountains. The water is similar in composition to the Kislovodsk Narzan and drink it necessary as a medical. The key three streams, and each attribute their healing properties: right – "from the heart", the average head – " left "from a female disease." Year-round water source exactly 4 degrees.
Source: ecowars.tv/