Cosmetic property, Shilajit is a method of application
Thirty two million five hundred three thousand eight hundred forty six
Shilajit and cooked it on the basis of cosmetic products perfectly suited to care for the troubled, aging, Mature and sensitive skin.
Shilajit helps to ensure that it improves the tone and color of the skin, nourishes it with all necessary minerals and vitamins to be healthy, prevents its premature aging, the appearance of age age spots and wrinkles, stimulates the regeneration of epidermis, become better and barrier function. Cleansing of necrotic and dead cells is due to the carotenoids. Bleaching and exfoliating effect on the skin is produced in the mummy of an organic acid. Shilajit stimulates the natural collagen production (this is a fibrillar protein), which, as many know, is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Antioxidant components prevent premature aging of the skin is selenium, silicon, manganese, magnesium, zinc, chromium, copper, vitamins E and C, organic acids, carotenoids, tannins.Since Shilajit is rich in substances which, as already mentioned, stimulate the production of collagen, it has long been already used in cosmetics to combat stretch marks on the skin. Shilajit activates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous fat, for this reason it is often used in cellulite treatment. Due to the fungicidal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects and high content of zinc (which have sebaceous glands of the skin and normalizes the secretion), Shilajit is used in homemade cosmetics as an auxiliary and a natural remedy for a comprehensive acne treatment and seborrhea. Adding Shilajit in hair masks and homemade shampoos, it promotes hair growth and strengthening.
Method of application amanada medicine recommends a dose of Shilajit 1-2 times a day. And the duration of internal use it is recommended 25-28 days, if necessary, the rate of Shilajit can be repeated after 10 days. The optimal daily dose use of mountain balm is determined by the weight of the human body. The optimal dose of Shilajit with a weight of 70 kg is 0.2 g, weighing 70 to 80 kg — 0.25 g, from 80 to 90 — 0.3 g, with a weight over 90 kg is 0.5 g. in the manufacture of therapeutic agents based on mummies, it should not be heated above 40 degrees.
Before use, the mummy inside it should be dissolved in water, milk, fruit or vegetable juice. Alcohol consumption during the course of the use of Shilajit is contraindicated.
If Shilajit is used in cosmetic purposes, it is advisable to do not only externally (masks, homemade shampoos, creams, etc.) but regularly eat with food (twice a day with food), drinking mummy milk, water or juice. The recommended duration for internal use Shilajit to skin care or hair also is 25 days.
For external application of mumie in therapeutic-preventive or cosmetic purposes, need to be dissolved in a liquid medium elastic mass of the mountain balm. There are also capsules that contain the dry extract of Shilajit.
Before rubbing ointment made on the basis of Shilajit, it is recommended to grease your hands with vegetable oil.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
Shilajit and cooked it on the basis of cosmetic products perfectly suited to care for the troubled, aging, Mature and sensitive skin.
Shilajit helps to ensure that it improves the tone and color of the skin, nourishes it with all necessary minerals and vitamins to be healthy, prevents its premature aging, the appearance of age age spots and wrinkles, stimulates the regeneration of epidermis, become better and barrier function. Cleansing of necrotic and dead cells is due to the carotenoids. Bleaching and exfoliating effect on the skin is produced in the mummy of an organic acid. Shilajit stimulates the natural collagen production (this is a fibrillar protein), which, as many know, is responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. Antioxidant components prevent premature aging of the skin is selenium, silicon, manganese, magnesium, zinc, chromium, copper, vitamins E and C, organic acids, carotenoids, tannins.Since Shilajit is rich in substances which, as already mentioned, stimulate the production of collagen, it has long been already used in cosmetics to combat stretch marks on the skin. Shilajit activates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage in the subcutaneous fat, for this reason it is often used in cellulite treatment. Due to the fungicidal, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects and high content of zinc (which have sebaceous glands of the skin and normalizes the secretion), Shilajit is used in homemade cosmetics as an auxiliary and a natural remedy for a comprehensive acne treatment and seborrhea. Adding Shilajit in hair masks and homemade shampoos, it promotes hair growth and strengthening.
Method of application amanada medicine recommends a dose of Shilajit 1-2 times a day. And the duration of internal use it is recommended 25-28 days, if necessary, the rate of Shilajit can be repeated after 10 days. The optimal daily dose use of mountain balm is determined by the weight of the human body. The optimal dose of Shilajit with a weight of 70 kg is 0.2 g, weighing 70 to 80 kg — 0.25 g, from 80 to 90 — 0.3 g, with a weight over 90 kg is 0.5 g. in the manufacture of therapeutic agents based on mummies, it should not be heated above 40 degrees.
Before use, the mummy inside it should be dissolved in water, milk, fruit or vegetable juice. Alcohol consumption during the course of the use of Shilajit is contraindicated.
If Shilajit is used in cosmetic purposes, it is advisable to do not only externally (masks, homemade shampoos, creams, etc.) but regularly eat with food (twice a day with food), drinking mummy milk, water or juice. The recommended duration for internal use Shilajit to skin care or hair also is 25 days.
For external application of mumie in therapeutic-preventive or cosmetic purposes, need to be dissolved in a liquid medium elastic mass of the mountain balm. There are also capsules that contain the dry extract of Shilajit.
Before rubbing ointment made on the basis of Shilajit, it is recommended to grease your hands with vegetable oil.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/