How to use Shilajit against stretch marks
What is Shilajit and how to use Shilajit against stretch marks? To begin with, what is Shilajit?
Initially, in its natural form, Shilajit is a fairly elastic substance homogeneous mass has a dark color.
Shilajit includes many useful components: iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, organic acids, etc.
Shilajit of stretch marks is widely used in cosmetics. It is also easy to apply at home. It is well suited for any skin type. Among the benefits of Shilajit include: actively regenerates cells, makes fat metabolism, promotes healing of the skin. In applying the drug increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Currently a lot of lotions and gels made with the addition of Shilajit. This is the most simple tool to help you get rid of stretch marks.
Shilajit helps to get rid of white stretch marks on the body, helps to reduce their depth, size, supplies the skin with necessary vitamins and minerals.
For the preparation of cream for stretch marks with the use of Shilajit need to initially:
— Buy at the pharmacy Shilajit in the form of tablets.
— Buy cream, preferably baby. If you want to remove weight, you can use anti-cellulite cream.
2 tablets mummy dissolved in a teaspoon of water. Then take a deep Cup and pour it Shilajit is dissolved in water, squeezing an entire tube of baby cream and stir thoroughly. This texture set for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Should be in use, store the mixture in a cool place.
Prepared cream should be used every day. Apply it on the damaged skin should be a thin layer with the help of massage movements. This procedure will help to remove excess fat from the stomach, making it flat.
You can mix Shilajit not only with essential oils and creams, but also with the body lotion. You can prepare Shilajit of stretch marks according to the following recipe: you Need to take Shilajit is a 1.4 ounce, body lotion 50 ml Milk and mummy mix until smooth. Apply the mixture in circular motions on affected areas of the skin.
Another use of Shilajit is a massage with oils. For this you need to take 2-3 tablets and grind them into powder. Then mix them with olive or any other oil. This mixture should be applied to affected areas before bedtime.
Not worth to waste time with the problem of stretch marks to get rid of them immediately. A good result can be obtained much sooner if you start to use Shilajit.
Source: globalscience.ru