Top 6 ways to get rid of stretch marks!
Oil for getting rid of stretch marks
The most a good way to get rid of stretch marks is massaging the skin oils. It is also used in ancient times. So, take 100 ml of jojoba oil, it add 10 drops of orange oil, lavender, jasmine, rosemary and lemon juice. Mix all ingredients in a bowl of dark glass and put in a dark place for one day. Use this oil for rubbing into the skin with stretch marks every day.
Cream to get rid of stretch marks with mummy
Take 1 g of the mummy, and dissolve it in a tablespoon of boiled water. In 80 g of baby cream, add diluted mummy. The resulting cream to rub stretch at night.
Scrub to get rid of stretch marks
Well helps fight stretch marks scrub made from such products, one cup of sugar, a cup of salt and half cup of vegetable or olive oil. The mixture should be stirred. Use a scrub in the shower, then put on a body cream or lotion.
Scrub to get rid of stretch marks
Take insoluble coffee and fill it with boiling water, let it brew, turned to mush. At this meal, add a few drops of olive oil, flaxseed, rosemary, orange or coconut oil. Use a scrub in the shower.
Wheat germ oil for getting rid of stretch marks
Wheat germ oil is very rich in vitamin E, rub into the skin every day.
Massage for getting rid of stretch marks
Make regular massage of problem areas using orange oil, wheat germ oil, hazelnut, rosemary. Massage done carefully, without stretching the skin. It is best to use special brushes to remove stretch marks.