6 natural remedies that can help make stretch marks unnoticeable
Stretch marks - are small scars that appear on the skin when it becomes less elastic. Stretch marks, or so-called stretch marks are not dangerous to health, but they look ugly, so many people try to get rid of stretch marks or at least reduce them visually, buying expensive cosmetics.
Stretch marks are formed in the middle layer of the skin, so they are so difficult to remove.
People with stretch marks may be noted at the little line of pink or purple hue in different parts of the body. Gradually, they merge with the main tone of the skin and pale, but still quite noticeable.
Stretch marks are often formed in places of accumulation of subcutaneous fat, for example, on the buttocks, abdomen, arms, legs and chest. Stretch marks may consist of a plurality of narrow or more larger bands.
Although now in stores selling a variety of different means against stretch marks, it is better to use cheaper natural methods. There are various formulas and ingredients that are very beneficial for our skin and with regular use doing stretching almost imperceptible.
In this article, we will tell you about 6 different means against stretch marks.
raw potato juice
The potato has many useful properties that help to restore skin cells and stimulate its renewal.
What you should do?
Choose a large potato, peel it and grate.
Squeeze the juice of raw potato and apply it to problem areas twice a day, morning and evening. Let the juice soak into the skin and then rinse it with cold water.
Egg white
Egg white contains amino acids and proteins, which help significantly reduce stretching. With regular use, this means the effect is noticeable after a few weeks.
What should I do?
Vzbey egg white into a stable rigid foam brush for makeup, apply it to problem areas and let dry.
Rinse skin with warm water and apply to it a little olive oil to moisten it.
Cocoa Butter
Cocoa butter - this is a very economical and effective means against stretch marks. It contains useful for our skin the vitamins and minerals that deeply moisturize it and promote its recovery.
What should I do?
Buy more of cocoa butter and apply it to problem areas twice a day (morning and evening). Massaging until the vehicle has been absorbed into the skin.
Almond butter, sugar and lemon
This tool moisturizes, tones and regenerates the skin, making the stretch marks less noticeable. The active ingredients penetrate the skin quickly and allow you to quickly improve its appearance.
What should I do?
Mix tablespoon of sugar (15 grams), a half teaspoon of almond oil (4 mL) and half a tea spoon of lemon (4 mL) in a bowl, apply the scrub on the problem areas and gentle movements massage for 10 minutes. Wash skin thoroughly. Use it means two or three times a week.
Homemade cream for stretch marks
To preserve the elasticity of skin and avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is very important to moisturize it regularly and in time to make up for the lack of nutrients that the skin loses, stretching and hurting. Homemade cream for stretch marks nourishes the skin and helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks during and after pregnancy and sudden weight loss or weight gain.
What should I do?
Unite olive oil, wheat germ and aloe vera in a large container in equal proportions. If you have oily skin, add a little cream to the clay. Thoroughly mix all ingredients until smooth and applied to the finished cream on problem areas three times a week.
Almond and coconut oil
These two oils are very useful for food and deep skin hydration. They contain vitamin E and other beneficial substances to the skin, which perfectly restore it and help get rid of stretch marks.
What should I do?
Mix almond and coconut oil in equal proportions and apply the mixture on the problem areas. Repeat this procedure every day, morning and evening.

Stretch marks are formed in the middle layer of the skin, so they are so difficult to remove.
People with stretch marks may be noted at the little line of pink or purple hue in different parts of the body. Gradually, they merge with the main tone of the skin and pale, but still quite noticeable.
Stretch marks are often formed in places of accumulation of subcutaneous fat, for example, on the buttocks, abdomen, arms, legs and chest. Stretch marks may consist of a plurality of narrow or more larger bands.
Although now in stores selling a variety of different means against stretch marks, it is better to use cheaper natural methods. There are various formulas and ingredients that are very beneficial for our skin and with regular use doing stretching almost imperceptible.
In this article, we will tell you about 6 different means against stretch marks.
raw potato juice
The potato has many useful properties that help to restore skin cells and stimulate its renewal.
What you should do?
Choose a large potato, peel it and grate.
Squeeze the juice of raw potato and apply it to problem areas twice a day, morning and evening. Let the juice soak into the skin and then rinse it with cold water.
Egg white
Egg white contains amino acids and proteins, which help significantly reduce stretching. With regular use, this means the effect is noticeable after a few weeks.
What should I do?
Vzbey egg white into a stable rigid foam brush for makeup, apply it to problem areas and let dry.
Rinse skin with warm water and apply to it a little olive oil to moisten it.
Cocoa Butter
Cocoa butter - this is a very economical and effective means against stretch marks. It contains useful for our skin the vitamins and minerals that deeply moisturize it and promote its recovery.
What should I do?
Buy more of cocoa butter and apply it to problem areas twice a day (morning and evening). Massaging until the vehicle has been absorbed into the skin.
Almond butter, sugar and lemon
This tool moisturizes, tones and regenerates the skin, making the stretch marks less noticeable. The active ingredients penetrate the skin quickly and allow you to quickly improve its appearance.
What should I do?
Mix tablespoon of sugar (15 grams), a half teaspoon of almond oil (4 mL) and half a tea spoon of lemon (4 mL) in a bowl, apply the scrub on the problem areas and gentle movements massage for 10 minutes. Wash skin thoroughly. Use it means two or three times a week.
Homemade cream for stretch marks
To preserve the elasticity of skin and avoid the appearance of stretch marks, it is very important to moisturize it regularly and in time to make up for the lack of nutrients that the skin loses, stretching and hurting. Homemade cream for stretch marks nourishes the skin and helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks during and after pregnancy and sudden weight loss or weight gain.
What should I do?
Unite olive oil, wheat germ and aloe vera in a large container in equal proportions. If you have oily skin, add a little cream to the clay. Thoroughly mix all ingredients until smooth and applied to the finished cream on problem areas three times a week.
Almond and coconut oil
These two oils are very useful for food and deep skin hydration. They contain vitamin E and other beneficial substances to the skin, which perfectly restore it and help get rid of stretch marks.
What should I do?
Mix almond and coconut oil in equal proportions and apply the mixture on the problem areas. Repeat this procedure every day, morning and evening.