Where are the stretch marks? A cheap tool from the drugstore made skin divine!
The skin is the largest organ of the human body. Everything in our body is connected, and the condition of the skin depends on many factors, their numbers difficult to understand. Today, you will know what needs to be done to help the skin recover to completely get rid of stretch marks.
If someone says that this is impossible, mysteriously smile in reply. Only need to beat your laziness, and your skin will be transformed magically! No matter resulted in stretch marks. Even if they came after very rapid weight gain and look like deep furrows.
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How to remove rustichini one dermatologist will tell you how to remove stretch marks at home. It is a process that requires effort, though not too serious and time-consuming. It is much easier to offer the customer the stretch mark removal laser.
It is expensive and doesn't always work 100 %. A comprehensive approach to the regeneration of the skin with stretch marks is another matter.
For a start, mask, firming the skin.
Mask and aspirinipyridamole
This mask should be done regularly, preferably every other day. Trust me, a little perseverance, and a month later the skin will not learn!
I remember very clearly the moment when for the first time in my life I saw stretch marks. I was 12, my mother went on a pilgrimage through Russia, visiting the main shrines and bathing in the springs of ice cold water. With us on the bus was a very beautiful woman, blond, remember her young son's name was Seraphim.
She was tall, possessed of pleasant appearance. But when a young mother took off her clothes, to plunge into the very cold spring, I noticed a strange thing. Her flat belly and slim the sides were dotted with silvery lines, there were many, they form unusual patterns on the body... I've never seen before, I was surprised scared. After about 8 years I noticed the first stretch marks on your body.
So, sometimes, stretch marks can live even for the young and skinny bodies. If I knew this woman that with cheap and available funds from the pharmacy can be rid of the scourge! But then no one even heard of...
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For the best effect of the mask with aspirin and oil is also recommended to add 1 egg. At least 2 times a week make such an improved mask, and will be an incredible result.
It is very important, making the mask with aspirin, start to drink a course of vitamin E capsules and a course of vitamin C. These vitamins are the joy of our cheap, but the effect of their reception is very noticeable. The vitamins will feed the skin from within, helping her to recover from breaks.
I recommend to do physical exercise that improve blood circulation. Any load, make skin more young, supple, attractive: during training, secreted collagen, and because collagen fiber is so important to refresh and tighten the skin. It can be swimming, dancing, running, anything.
Stretch marks on the skin do not like the Solarium and tan. These treatments dry up the skin and make stretch marks even more noticeable, remember this! If you are in the sun, remember to slather the skin with nourishing coconut oil, or really greasy protective cream.
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If you thought our article useful, share it with friends! The problem of stretch marks is of concern to many women, and they are often ashamed of it. And no need to be shy, just a little bit to try to become more confident and forget about any complexes. Because very soon the summer season!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author
Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
If someone says that this is impossible, mysteriously smile in reply. Only need to beat your laziness, and your skin will be transformed magically! No matter resulted in stretch marks. Even if they came after very rapid weight gain and look like deep furrows.

© DepositPhotos
How to remove rustichini one dermatologist will tell you how to remove stretch marks at home. It is a process that requires effort, though not too serious and time-consuming. It is much easier to offer the customer the stretch mark removal laser.
It is expensive and doesn't always work 100 %. A comprehensive approach to the regeneration of the skin with stretch marks is another matter.
For a start, mask, firming the skin.
Mask and aspirinipyridamole
- a few tablets of aspirin
- 2 tbsp warm olive oil
- Dissolve the aspirin in a little water. Stir the paste with warm oil.
- Apply a warm mask on the skin with stretch marks, hold 20 minutes. Wash away with warm water.
This mask should be done regularly, preferably every other day. Trust me, a little perseverance, and a month later the skin will not learn!

I remember very clearly the moment when for the first time in my life I saw stretch marks. I was 12, my mother went on a pilgrimage through Russia, visiting the main shrines and bathing in the springs of ice cold water. With us on the bus was a very beautiful woman, blond, remember her young son's name was Seraphim.
She was tall, possessed of pleasant appearance. But when a young mother took off her clothes, to plunge into the very cold spring, I noticed a strange thing. Her flat belly and slim the sides were dotted with silvery lines, there were many, they form unusual patterns on the body... I've never seen before, I was surprised scared. After about 8 years I noticed the first stretch marks on your body.
So, sometimes, stretch marks can live even for the young and skinny bodies. If I knew this woman that with cheap and available funds from the pharmacy can be rid of the scourge! But then no one even heard of...

© DepositPhotos
For the best effect of the mask with aspirin and oil is also recommended to add 1 egg. At least 2 times a week make such an improved mask, and will be an incredible result.
It is very important, making the mask with aspirin, start to drink a course of vitamin E capsules and a course of vitamin C. These vitamins are the joy of our cheap, but the effect of their reception is very noticeable. The vitamins will feed the skin from within, helping her to recover from breaks.

I recommend to do physical exercise that improve blood circulation. Any load, make skin more young, supple, attractive: during training, secreted collagen, and because collagen fiber is so important to refresh and tighten the skin. It can be swimming, dancing, running, anything.
Stretch marks on the skin do not like the Solarium and tan. These treatments dry up the skin and make stretch marks even more noticeable, remember this! If you are in the sun, remember to slather the skin with nourishing coconut oil, or really greasy protective cream.

© DepositPhotos
If you thought our article useful, share it with friends! The problem of stretch marks is of concern to many women, and they are often ashamed of it. And no need to be shy, just a little bit to try to become more confident and forget about any complexes. Because very soon the summer season!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Alexander Klimchuk Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
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